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Everything posted by BadAtGender

  1. The Sunday projections for a lot of films are super harsh 50% drop for F7 and over 60% for Cinderella. Are they guessing that there's going to be a resurgence in AoU interest today? Although that should affect Cindy less, right? 1 1 Avengers: Age of Ultron BV $45,976,000 -20% - 4,276 $10,752 $187,656,000 3 2 4 The Age of Adaline LGF $1,590,000 -35% -44% 2,991 $532 $23,424,000 10 3 2 Furious 7 Uni. $1,300,000 -50% -71% 3,305 $393 $330,539,000 31 4 3 Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 Sony $1,295,000 -48% -65% 3,548 $365 $51,186,000 17 5 5 Home (2015) Fox $850,000 -46% -61% 2,852 $298 $158,132,000 38 6 7 Ex Machina A24 $661,000 -22% -53% 1,279 $517 $10,868,000 24 7 10 Woman in Gold Wein. $495,000 -30% -43% 1,126 $440 $24,588,000 33 8 8 Unfriended Uni. $401,000 -51% -70% 2,221 $181 $28,531,000 17 9 6 Cinderella (2015) BV $401,000 -65% -46% 1,411 $284 $193,651,000 52 10 11 Monkey Kingdom BV $382,000 -9% -57% 1,732 $221 $12,482,000 17 11 9 The Longest Ride Fox $376,000 -47% -60% 2,115 $178 $33,240,000 24
  2. It's pretty clear that we're trending to presales taking up more and more of the total business. People are just deciding to buy ahead of time. I'm sure that the growth of reserved seating is a big part of this. (Wasn't it that AoU had bigger presales than all previous MCU films combined?)
  3. A couple months ago I started looking at screen counts and weekend showings and started to think that it might end up down below 190m for the weekend, but then I thought, "nah, that can't happen." Had I continued on that logic, though, I'd have figured on a sub 500m final. But I never saw it losing more than 20% of the business. You guys are looking pretty great.
  4. This isn't about how much the films gross, but rather whether the summer will be seen as disappointing.
  5. Heh. Yeah. disappointment's a relative thing. I mean, I'm not even that big a fan of either Avengers film and I feel kinda bad about these numbers.
  6. So are there basically two groups of people here? Those who were totally betting on AoU making bank from the getgo and those of us who let Tele convince us it wasn't going to disappoint so bad? And that's it, right? We're all screwed together. (I hope.)
  7. I can see that. We've gotten used to the summer season having the big openings and splashing stuffs, but it's clear with things like CA2 and AS and Hunger Games and F7 that summer openings can happen anywhere. Well, not in September. But anywhere else. This early May date might be a relic of the past. It's often generated huge openings and big films, but that could far more be because of the films than the date. It might behoove studios to really look at calendar configuration to plan on the best dates for these films to capitalize. That is, of course, if they're really interested in the huge, splashy numbers.
  8. Yes, it has the CA:TWS slot of the year. The Frozen + Ride Along slot.
  9. Oh, man. What if... what if EVERYTHING this summer disappoints? Would it be like last year all over again? Will we be looking at Fantastic Four as the breakout August story?
  10. True, and if it manages a similar 22% drop that will probably indicate that there is a Fight Effect. If we see a larger drop, though, it probably indicates something else. Wasn't a lot of it filmed in studios in England? So we'll get to see the public records in a few years? I wonder how much higher. PotC4 came in above 400m, right? I wouldn't be surprised if this is in the same range.
  11. Huh. high 50s means it's barely up from the True Friday. Which probably means it needs a sub-20% drop on Sunday in order to hit 190. I kinda doubt that's happening. OTOH, it would need to be hammered tomorrow in order to not hit 180. So it should be fairly comfortably ahead of IM3.
  12. Holy shit! I think you're right. Curse you, Tele! Jesus! Well, I can say that about 50 people were at the Frozen Singalong. That was pretty exciting. But it was also at noon. And not AoU. Or even at a theater playing AoU.
  13. Damn. I really should have stuck with my sub-200 OW prediction for the BSG. Why did I let you people convince me otherwise?
  14. It probably could have been used as an indicator that F7 had the potential to blow up like it did, though.
  15. I like the score Beck composed a lot, but a lot of the cues are taken from the songs. This is the issue with a lot of Disney musicals. BatB is one of the few where you can find the score cues that are separate from the song cues. Besides that WDAS, especially in the modern era, isn't that great in the score department. They're solid, but rarely standout. Unlike, say, what Dreamworks tends to get from Zimmer and Powell. Ironically, I feel that as much as Henry Jackman is mostly a journeyman composer, his best work is for WDAS. (I've heard that Zootopia is going to get John Powell to do his first WDAS score since Bolt. I'm really looking forward to that, if so.)
  16. Well, that's a hell of an interesting number to wake up to. Probably thinking the opening will be in the mid 190s, now. Jesus, everyone got me expecting it was going to be closer to 100. WTF happened, people?
  17. Man, it's not even the best superhero film released in the past six months.
  18. Official budget is 250m. Actual budget may be considerably higher.
  19. That range right between 200 and the record is funny. I wonder what Disney will estimate if it looks like it's going to come in around 205m or so. Do they announce that it's at 208 or something so they can claim new record? But then if the actuals come in lower, it looks bad, right? So do they actually go ahead and fudge it to get the record? (I'm not aware of Disney doing any fudging in the past, but who knows.) Similarly, if it seems to be coming in at the high 190s do they announce a 200m estimate? Do they fudge it to get up there?
  20. Good think it looks like the number is in the 80s. I dunno how people would have reacted had the true Friday number come in below F7.
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