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Everything posted by BadAtGender

  1. If you think that there wasn't a lot of impassioned detraction of the criticism Whedon received within feminist circles, you're delusional. Because many of them are abundantly aware of how such things look and that the blowback will be a hundred times worse. Whedon got some harsh criticism for some for one thing he's done. It'll dry up and mostly be forgotten in a short while. Women and people of color will get harsh criticism constantly just for who they are. The bullying they receive is liable to be considerably worse than what Whedon received and for much longer. Bullying sucks in all forms, but not all bullying is created equal. Joss Whedon is a straight, white, American man who has considerable wealth and influence. Attacks against him cannot be equated to those against other people. But even so, yes, the attacks were criticized. Just because you didn't see it doesn't mean it didn't happen. It just meant you weren't part of the conversation.
  2. Oof. There's a lot of misconception about what feminism is. And what radical feminism is. By and large, it wasn't the actions of feminists that made feminism a bad word. It was the culture wars, especially the rise of right-wing media, that did that. Similarly, see how many people consider "liberal" to be an insult. It's been happening since at least the 80s. Aziz Ansari has a good take on it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sz7ZzQbSiGA Radical feminism was largely developed by identifying that many of the underlying problems that women face are due to the concept of the patriarchy, and decided that the best course of action was to take actions that actively undermined that power base. A lot of that, yes, relied on actions that are directly confrontational, but it's not like said actions are women being angry for no reason. (Somewhat interestingly, the simple act of a woman being visibly angry and confrontational is a political act, because many ideals about traditional gender roles has woman being in a more subjective place.) Now, there is a lot of disagreement within feminist circles about what tactics are the best to take. Many feel that RadFems aren't taking the best course of action, particularly because many are pretty explicitly non-intersectional, such as the TERFs: Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists, those who believe that trans women are not woman. Bringing it back round to diversity in film, though: A lot of the defense of Joss Whedon after the latest blowup seems to amount to "but he's a feminist and he's done all these great things" as if that now excludes him of any further critique, especially if he's giving off some iffy messages. Thing is, a lot of Whedon's feminism seems very tied to the 90s. Buffy's a great show, but it's not the be and end all, and he hasn't really developed since then. It's a bit white-girl feminism, which excludes a lot of the issues surrounding women of color and trans women. Additionally, he's got a bit of history about racial exclusion: the treatment of Kendra in Buffy compared to later Slayers, the complete lack of any visible Chinese people in Firefly, and most recently the erasure of the Roma heritage of Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch. (He did great with the characters, but it's still bothersome.) Mostly, there really isn't anyone who's in a position of being above criticism, no matter what their past actions. I think Jay Smooth said something like being good isn't something that you are, it's something you have to constantly work on. So regardless of what you've done in the past, people can and should call you on your slip-ups.
  3. Daily tracking compared to the drops of IM3, TA1, and SM3. Each of them reflect the percentage drops based off of AoU's Sunday. IM3 Avengers SM3 Average Actual Sunday $50,319,942.00 $50,319,942.00 $50,319,942.00 Monday $13,183,824.80 $16,655,900.80 $12,982,545.04 $14,274,090.21 $13,228,555.00 Tuesday $13,210,192.45 $15,573,267.25 $10,152,350.22 $12,978,603.31 $13,132,812.00 Wednesday $9,498,128.37 $11,991,415.78 $8,477,212.43 $9,988,918.86 Thursday $8,909,244.41 $10,912,188.36 $7,459,946.94 $9,093,793.24 Friday $23,083,852.28 $25,730,940.16 $21,671,145.86 $23,495,312.77 Saturday $37,534,343.81 $37,773,020.15 $31,791,570.98 $35,699,644.98 Sunday $24,322,254.79 $27,234,347.53 $19,996,898.15 $23,851,166.82 Week $129,741,840.92 $145,871,080.03 $112,531,669.61 $129,381,530.19 Ten-Day $321,012,949.92 $337,142,189.03 $303,802,778.61 $320,652,639.19
  4. Reflected in the fact it held flat. The Monday gross was probably inflated somewhat because of bleed-off from the weekend. That can happen with a lot of big openers. Furious 7 dropped 5% from Monday to Tuesday. GotG only bumped up 1.6%. IM3 basically stayed exactly flat. It happens. It doesn't mean a whole lot in the long run.
  5. Seems so. IM3 Avengers SM3 Average Sunday $50,319,942.00 $50,319,942.00 $50,319,942.00 Monday $13,228,555.00 $13,228,555.00 $13,228,555.00 $13,228,555.00 Tuesday $13,255,012.11 $12,368,698.93 $10,344,730.01 $11,989,480.35 Wednesday $9,530,353.71 $9,523,898.17 $8,637,849.56 $9,230,700.48 Thursday $8,939,471.78 $8,666,747.34 $7,601,307.61 $8,402,508.91 Friday $23,162,171.37 $20,436,190.22 $22,081,798.61 $21,893,386.74 Saturday $37,661,690.66 $30,000,327.24 $32,393,998.56 $33,352,005.49 Sunday $24,404,775.54 $21,630,235.94 $20,375,825.10 $22,136,945.53 Week $130,182,030.17 $115,854,652.84 $114,664,064.45 $120,233,582.49 Ten-Day $321,453,139.17 $307,125,761.84 $305,935,173.45 $311,504,691.49 Since IM3 is the most recent of the three films, it probably bears the closest market similarity (discount Tuesdays and all.) It does mean we'll probably see a large-ish drop on Wednesday, though. Closer to 30% than 20%. It'll have to be seen whether AoU will get the same Friday boost, however.
  6. But what you're doing is an extremely common tactic to try to shut up women. "Why aren't you focusing on the REAL problems?" And you've set it up that only you can define what problems are real and what should be important for other people. It's a really shitty thing to do for a number of reasons. Firstly, it ignores the fact that many people can and do focus on said "real" problems while also being able to criticize things that are "unimportant". Secondly, it's pretty much saying that you feel you are a better judge of how a person uses their time and effort than they are. Moreover, it's implied that if they're going to criticize anything, they better ONLY be doing it for the biggest and worst problems at all times. Otherwise, what? They might as well not do anything? (Beyond that, I rarely see anyone who brings up such criticism also mentioning that they are spending 100% of their time working on the worst and vile problems of the world. It's hypocritical to expect anyone to do that.) Thirdly, and this is probably a big one, it's very often brought up that critiques of media representation aren't important compared to other things, but by all indications media is INCREDIBLY important. How things are presented in fiction affects how people think and how they act. We need outside stimuli to come to any basis of understanding, and the media we consume contributes to a huge part of that stimuli. So when people call out behavior from celebrities that is problematic, it's not a case of getting worked up over nothing. It comes from a point of understanding that there's a cascading nature to such behavior. When Jeremy Renner says Black Widow is a slut, regardless of whether it's a joke, it internalizes calling women sluts for others who see and understand that behavior as okay. HE might be talking about a fictional character, but it can have real-world implications.
  7. It's probably got about $50m left combined between DOM, China, and Japan. That leaves $40m that would need to be covered in all other territories. I don't know if that's possible. Still, that it's even in the same ballpark as Avengers 1 is astounding.
  8. That's weird. The more I think about the, the more I realize AoU is almost the same film as Avengers 1. A lot of the same visual tropes, as well. It doesn't go Matrix Revolutions and take those few really popular things and use them excessively, but there's a lot of the same meat.
  9. Look on the bright side. After only four days, it's already outgrossed TASM2.
  10. Oh, that's a good point. Here's my comparison table from a 47m Sunday: Sunday $47,000,000.00 $47,000,000.00 $47,000,000.00 Monday $12,314,000.00 $15,557,000.00 $12,126,000.00 $13,332,333.33 Tuesday $12,338,628.00 $14,545,795.00 $9,482,532.00 $12,122,318.33 Wednesday $8,871,473.53 $11,200,262.15 $7,917,914.22 $9,329,883.30 Thursday $8,321,442.17 $10,192,238.56 $6,967,764.51 $8,493,815.08 Friday $21,560,856.67 $24,033,298.52 $20,241,355.91 $21,945,170.37 Saturday $35,057,952.95 $35,280,882.22 $29,694,069.12 $33,344,301.43 Sunday $22,717,553.51 $25,437,516.08 $18,677,569.48 $22,277,546.36 Week $121,181,906.83 $136,246,992.53 $105,107,205.25 $120,845,368.20 Ten-Day $312,453,015.83 $327,518,101.53 $296,378,314.25 $312,116,477.20 And 45m: Sunday $45,000,000.00 $45,000,000.00 $45,000,000.00 Monday $11,790,000.00 $14,895,000.00 $11,610,000.00 $12,765,000.00 Tuesday $11,813,580.00 $13,926,825.00 $9,079,020.00 $11,606,475.00 Wednesday $8,493,964.02 $10,723,655.25 $7,580,981.70 $8,932,866.99 Thursday $7,967,338.25 $9,758,526.28 $6,671,263.90 $8,132,376.14 Friday $20,643,373.41 $23,010,604.96 $19,380,021.62 $21,011,333.33 Saturday $33,566,125.16 $33,779,568.08 $28,430,491.71 $31,925,394.99 Sunday $21,750,849.10 $24,355,068.59 $17,882,779.29 $21,329,565.66 Week $116,025,229.94 $130,449,248.16 $100,634,558.22 $115,703,012.11 Ten-Day $307,296,338.94 $321,720,357.16 $291,905,667.22 $306,974,121.11 Crud, first column is IM3, Second is TA1, third is SM3, fourth is the average.
  11. Oof. Bigger drop than SM3. Though I suppose it also could mean it'll actually experience a Tuesday boost.
  12. All questions worth 1000 points All questions pertain to top 12 Due Thursday at 11:59 pm forums time 1) Will Hot Pursuit open to more than 20 million? YES 2) Will D Train open to more than 2.5 million? NO 3) Will Hot Pursuit have an opening day of more than 7.5 million? YES 4) Will Avengers fall less than 58.5%? NO 5) Will Avengers have a Friday drop of more than 70% from last Friday? YES 6) Will Avengers increase more than 50% on Saturday? NO 7) Will Avengers drop more than 8% on Thursday? YES 8) Will F7 fall more than 40%? NO 9) Will Age of Adeline make more than F7? NO 10) Will Hot Pursuit and F7 make at least 25 million combined? YES 11) Will any film decrease more than 50% besides Avengers? YES 12) Will any film have a Saturday increase of more than 65%? YES 10/12 2000 11/12 3000 12/12 5000 What films finish in spots: 4 Age of Adelaine 7 Ex Machina 8 Unfriended 12 Woman in Gold 2000 each and a bonus of 3000 if all four spots correct. Bonus 1) What will Avengers gross for the weekend? 5000 $78,539,286 Bonus 2) What will Hot Pursuit gross for the weekend? 5000 $20,425,347 Bonus 3) What will the weekend cume be for Blart, F7 and Cinderella? $10,139,409
  13. It could do that. That's close to an Avengers-sized drop. I made a quick comparison sheet with TA1, IM3, and SM3. It gave a range of 12.9-16.6 IM3 Avengers SM3 Average Sunday $50,319,942.00 $50,319,942.00 $50,319,942.00 Monday $13,183,824.80 $16,655,900.80 $12,982,545.04 $14,274,090.21 Tuesday $13,210,192.45 $15,573,267.25 $10,152,350.22 $12,978,603.31 Wednesday $9,498,128.37 $11,991,415.78 $8,477,212.43 $9,988,918.86 Thursday $8,909,244.41 $10,912,188.36 $7,459,946.94 $9,093,793.24 Friday $23,083,852.28 $25,730,940.16 $21,671,145.86 $23,495,312.77 Saturday $37,534,343.81 $37,773,020.15 $31,791,570.98 $35,699,644.98 Sunday $24,322,254.79 $27,234,347.53 $19,996,898.15 $23,851,166.82 Week $129,741,840.92 $145,871,080.03 $112,531,669.61 $129,381,530.19 Ten-Day $321,012,949.92 $337,142,189.03 $303,802,778.61 $320,652,639.19
  14. I live for the time a Washington theater shows up on the top theaters list again. The only time I can remember was for Grand Budapest Hotel. C'mon, Seattle. Represent!
  15. That too. And didn't the first Iron Man not even have a script when it shot? (Granted, neither did TF2, so there's a HUGE range in possible quality you can get there.) In any case, I think my point is that people here (who are generally in the know) tend to overreact to news about things relating to fanboy appealing films as if they're bigger and more important than news about other films and will thus impact the final box office more.
  16. Oh, that could definitely be the case, although such things abound in Hollywood history, without necessarily correlating to anything wrong with the final product. (I seem to remember hearing it happen with Fury Road, and you know how that turned out.) I meant that specifically Trank's firing isn't going to have any direct effect, even if it indicates there are other issues with the film. Then again, even if its crap it still might sell great. Who knows with audiences.
  17. I sincerely doubt Trank's removal from the Star Wars film will affect F4 directly. I bet most of the general audience didn't even know he was doing a Star Wars film in the first place.
  18. I think the Cindy thing might have been because of the nature of double features. People might have gone out for them on Friday and Saturday, but decided not to on Sunday, so it didn't get any boost from AoU there.
  19. The Lost World also dropped about 130m from Jurassic Park.
  20. Over Easter weekend? Probably not. And OW drop to the 120 range and a final DOM total in the high 200s is probably likely. It wouldn't be too surprising to see it remain close to F7's performance, though. If there's a Walker effect, we'll see for sure. The biggest weakness for F8 is probably calendar configuration. It'll only have three weekends before the summer opening rather than the four that F7 had.
  21. If you mean the difference between the weekend estimate and the weekend actual, nope. It was low by 7.1 million, but The Passion of the Christ was low by 7.6 million. Here are the underestimations I found while searching back when F7 opened (because it was marked low by 3.5m.) The Passion 7.6 Avengers 7.1 Avatar 4 Valentine’s Day 3.9 Shrek 2 3.7 PotC: DMC 3.6 Furious 7 3.5 Man of Steel 3.5 Fifty Shades of Gray 3.5 Spider-Man 3 3.1 The Dark Knight 3.1 I'm unsure if The Passion or Valentine's Day has the biggest percentage underestimation. That's about 600k more for F7, which should be enough to bump it up to #2 for the weekend.
  22. BvS could do it. The configuration of Easter weekend really leans toward a big Friday, so it could conceivably hit the mark and still not take the weekend record, especially if previews are big. It's unlikely, but it's probably the best case for anything prior to Episode 8.
  23. That's not likely. Even pessimistically, AoU is going to gross another 700-800m WW. Ant-Man should hit in the 500m range. Civil War is probably good to cross a billion. And Doctor Strange is probably going to do similar to Ant-Man. By the time Fantastic Beasts opens, the MCU will probably be aroun 10b.
  24. It's the same thing. BOM has two pieces of data: how much money the films take in at the time of their release and the average ticket price at that time. They use that to come up with an estimate number of tickets sold. Then, when the average ticket price changes, they use those estimated tickets to come up with an adjusted value. The average ticket price doesn't account for what sort of premium formats the film does or does not have. So here in the 3D era, films that are in 2D are likely under-reported on tickets sold and those in 3D are over-reported. (IMAX has an effect, too, but generally the specific IMAX hauls are noted somewhere, so we can take those out of the equation more easily.)
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