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Everything posted by BadAtGender

  1. That probably came out harsher than I meant. (Fun day at a water park with my family and probably a bit too much alcohol over dinner...) It's more that the Marvel vs. DC discussions often get to the point where it's an examination of the (many) things Marvel is doing right and then the implied criticism that DC isn't doing those things. This happens every time a Marvel movie comes out (so twice a year), and it's somewhat annoying to read, because DC can't magically make their next film show up right now. So comparative discussions between the two are mostly worthless because there is very little to compare on the DC side. Mostly you can say that Marvel got started sooner, and is doing a pretty good job, so DC has a lot to measure up to as they gear up their slate. We'll see how that goes.
  2. Oh, that's why this thread exploded. More Marvel vs. DC action. Useless discussion, people. Stop doing it.
  3. Dang, people. 87 pages. Did y'all derail? IAC, good for Guardians. While I didn't love it, I did enjoy the film so I hope it does well, even if it ruins me in the BSG somewhat.
  4. 5/5 - Any film that gets this rating is one that gets me in some core, emotional way. Thor 4/5 - I like these films a lot. They may have flaws, but the enjoyment I have overcomes that. Specific Order may change, depending on how I'm feeling at the time, so just assume these are all around the same level. It's pretty impressive that the majority of Marvel's films can get to this level. They do make things fun. IM1 IM3 Thor 2 GotG CA 3/5 - These are fine films to watch, but there's little about them that really screams memorable. I may rewatch them, but I won't go out of my way. This order is pretty static, though. Granted, it's been ages since I saw Hulk or IM2. The Avengers CA2 Incredible Hulk IM2 And that's it. Marvel has yet to drop a 2/5.
  5. My opinions about the MCU run pretty far against the grain. I didn't find The Avengers to be terribly compelling or well done, for instance. It's a bit better than CA2, and a lot better than IM2, but worse than any of their other films. Even so, for any of these films, the number of people who see it is going to be at least 15m or so, DOM. It's pretty likely that at least a few of those people feel roughly similar to me about them.
  6. Thor 2 wasn't perfect, but it got several things about the characters right.
  7. Same with mine. The Marvel mention was almost blink and you'll miss it, though.
  8. CA2 had elements that I liked, but the quality of the direction and script was pretty lackluster. It's perfectly fine as a film to watch, but doesn't sit as anything I'm going to love. Marvel does pretty enjoyable films well. They make sure their films don't suck. But they rarely cross over into great, IMO. Besides that, I can only rate films based on my personal emotional investment in them. My tastes probably won't align with other people most of the time. If you like the films differently than me, that's cool.
  9. Hrm... This is difficult to grade. There are a ton of things I really love about the film. It is funny, perhaps moreso than any previous Marvel film. Quill, Rocket, and Groot are all fantastic, and Drax is quite a surprise for a character who I expected to be the muscle (and anger). I liked him a lot too. Gamora didn't feel quite right, even though Zoe Saldana is excellent, as always, and she's still a fun character. I didn't quite feel the depth of her character history, here, but that could be the result of how much I'm a fan of the Abnett and Lanning series. I felt the worldbuilding was handled in a pretty lackluster way. The movie didn't give any real depth to the alien civilizations, and didn't have me caring too much about either side in the conflict. Ronana, in particular, comes off pretty poorly here. There wasn't any nuance to him. Hell, there wasn't really any reason for his actions. He was a bad guy for the express reason that there should be a bad guy. Compared to his comics version (where he's typically antagonistic, but there is reason to his actions), it felt like a let down. Mostly, it seemed like the film was trying to do too much. In addition to introducing a team of heroes and having them on an adventure, there were several moments of cramming in a lot about multiple space-faring civilizations and fantastic locations, and on and on where few of these things were given the time and care to really get the audience invested. Still, that's a tricky balance to get right, and when the film gets things right, it really works well. As far as the ugly, the trend of action scenes in Marvel films being pretty forgettable continues. Some of the effects-heavy bits were fine, but others were a confusing jumble, with poorly thought out color variations. Musically, the film is an odd duck. Much of it hinges on the use of classic rock tunes that Quill plays on his walkman. All of that is great. However, there's also a score, and, again, continuing the Marvel trend, it's serviceable, but pretty forgettable. As for rating. The issues I have probably say I should rate it a 3, but given how much fun I had and how much I really do like the characters and the comic, I'm going to go with a 4. (In comparison to other Phase 2 films: better than CA2, worse than Thor 2, about on par with IM3.)
  10. 1. Big Hero 62. Mad Max: Fury Road3. Song of the Sea4. Inside Out5. The Boxtrolls6. Book of Life7. Tomorrowland 8. Inherent Vice 9. Cinderella10. Into the Woods
  11. 1) Will GOTG make more than 75 mill? NO 2) Will GOTG make more than 80 mill? NO 3) Will GOTG make more than 175 mill WW? NO 4) Will GOTG make more than 5 mill for Thurs previews? YES 5) Will Get on Up make more than 7.5 mill OD? NO 6) Will Get on Up make more than 20 mill OW? NO 8) Will Lucy fall less than 58%? NO 9) Will Hercules fall more than 58%? YES 10) Will any film fall more than 20% on Thurs? YES 11) Will any film fall less 1% on Thurs? NO 12) Will any film increase more than 75% on Friday? NO 13) Will Purge make more than Planes? YES 14) Will Transformers increase more than 53% on Saturday? NO 12/14 4000 13/14 6000 15/15 10,000 What finishes in spots 9 And So It Goes 11 Transformers: Age of Extinction 12 A Most Wanted Man 13 Tammy Bonus 1: What will GOTG gross on Friday? 4000 28.7 Bonus 2: What will Sex Tape gross on Friday? 4000 1.2 Bonus 3: What will the gross be for the films that finish in spots 6-10 5000 21.9
  12. Pretty much. It will also probably take a bit of a change in the animation industry to lighten the number of releases. Plus there needs to be something about the film that says to audiences that everyone needs to see it. Since Shrek 2, has only Avatar matched it in admissions? It's entirely possible that we don't see another movie reach that admission level again, animation or no.
  13. Because this is EXACTLY like the Renaissance, and each film that is released now needs to be connected to one of them. Any deviation from that isn't acceptable.
  14. So far. May fill in more tomorrow. 1) Which film will gross more between Monday July 28th and LD Monday? Lucy 2) Will Transformers make more than 1.05 billion by the end of the game? 3) Will Expendables 3 open to more than 25 million? YES 4) Will Expendables 3 make more than 250 mill by the end of the game (WW) YES 6) Will GOTG open to more than 60 million? YES 7) Will Tammy reach 90 million by the end of the game? NO 8) Will Godzilla make it to 200 mill? YES 9) Which film will gross more between Monday July 28th and LD Monday? 22JS or HTTYD2 10) Will The Purge make more than 62 mill by end of the game? YES
  15. Arguably WDAS is just as hot as Marvel at the moment. I don't think they really need to play up that connection.
  16. Steven T. Seagle and Duncan Rouleau would be the original creators. I doubt they'd get paid any royalties unless their original contracts at the time (1999) stipulated as such.
  17. Those are the old standings. Baumer hasn't updated it with all the scores yet.
  18. I haven't seen The Godfather, so I don't think I can make a fair judgment. (I'm pretty sure I abstained for any matchup it had.)
  19. All open to two people apiece: 100 points GotG OW under $80m. 50 points GotG OW under $75m. 25 points GotG OW under $70m.
  20. 1. Big Hero 62. Mad Max: Fury Road3. Song of the Sea4. Inside Out5. The Boxtrolls6. Book of Life7. Tomorrowland 8. Inherent Vice 9. Cinderella10. Guardians of the Galaxy
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