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Everything posted by BadAtGender

  1. Huh. For some reason I thought Thelma and Louise came out in 1989. I'm still a bit iffy on the 00s, though.
  2. Wasn't there something about how they were worried they wouldn't be able to render the racing sequences in Cars because the hardware couldn't handle it? (Iffy movie, Cars was, but, yeah, those visuals were nice.)
  3. That's not altogether surprising, given technical advances available. Moore's Law and all.
  4. Yeah. I'm acrophobic, too. When I saw Ghost Protocol on IMAX, I was pressing myself back into the chair during the Dubai sequence. It was awesome.
  5. As a piece of art, that ad is brilliant. As a method to sell the movie... considerably less so.
  6. They're similar, in a way. The backlash comes from them being popular with the masses, so it's not as cool to love them anymore. The difference is that JW was going to be a big film regardless, perhaps not necessarily as big as it was, while Gravity seemed considerably more modest. Still, the degree which they beat expectations is probably roughly similar. Of course, unlike Gravity, JW is pretty much crap, so the backlash against it is justified.
  7. Inarritu seems really big on authentic suffering. I'm not saying his next film is actually going to be a snuff film, but I wouldn't be surprised if he's considered trying to make one.
  8. $50m may be optimistic. It kinda depends on how much of the $13m this weekend came from IMAX. Next weekend's drop could be very dire.
  9. With the recent shakeup, they could ignore that if they want. I half expect everything TV to be declared non-canon in a couple years. It already doesn't matters for the movies.
  10. I enjoyed it perfectly well when I watched my copy. I believe there are drunk posts on the forum to prove it.
  11. Knocking a film for not being the same experience at home as it is in the theater seems inane. It's designed to take full effect of the format it was presented in. Many films don't do that, but nothing is going to be the same when you're seeing it on your TV or tablet or phone.
  12. Yeah. I've been spending every waking moment for the past three months convincing people that Jurassic World is the worst thing ever.
  13. He directed the Los Bandoleros short film, which can be seen on the FF4 DVD. It could be close to the tone they want, if they desire scaling things back a bit.
  14. The property wasn't nurtured as other 80s toy properties (GI Joe, Transformers, TMNT) were. Despite that, it was popular in the 80s, and has done fairly well on reruns since then. Still, between May of 1988 and March of this year, there was literally nothing officially new added to the franchise, as far as I know. That left a fanbase that is dedicated, but not especially wide. It seems that this film is almost a fishing attempt to see if there's possible future profit there. If they can get a new slate of fans interested, it could do quite well. The downside, though, is that the existing fanbase could be alienated and won't turn up. We'll have to see which way it goes.
  15. I... probably am more excited for this. Justin Lin >> JJ Abrams. (Also Trek > Wars, but whatevs. They're both fun.)
  16. But, Tele, if they don't have a huge franchise then they're a failure of a studio and are going to go under. ANY FILM could put them so far in the red that they can't ever claw back. IT IS THE END!
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