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Eric the Clown

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Everything posted by Eric the Clown

  1. Star Trek's first trailer sucked, and it wasn't until a couple months ago when we actually got decently-edited promos and trailers, but it still looked like something that really only appealed to the Trek fanbase, with nothing new all that added to the table to appeal to newcomers. I can vouch for that, since I didn't care about this movie until I saw the first two Abrams movies on cable a few days before Beyond came out, and my enjoyment of those movies were what compelled me to see Beyond in the first place. Ghostbusters had terrible trailers, and a good part of its marketing was pretty much the cast and the director insulting the original fanbase, aka the people that would most likely see a remake of your movie.
  2. #1 To Kill a Mockingbird Directed by Robert Mulligan "You don't really understand a person until you consider things from their point of view..." Box Office: $13.1M Domestic IMDb Summary: Atticus Finch, a lawyer in the Depression-era South, defends a black man against an undeserved rape charge, and his kids against prejudice. Why it's so Meaningful to Me: Some people have asked me, "Eric, what's your favorite movie?" It was something that had been alternating over the last couple of years, but the one that I feel stands out the most in being a film that is both absolutely perfect, and a huge chunk of who I am, it would most definitely have to be To Kill a Mockingbird. I've stated a lot of movies that I would consider perfect, but this is the shining example that puts all other movies to shame. The acting is perfect, the story is perfect, the editing is perfect, the writing is perfect, the characters are perfect, it's all a masterpiece, which is understandable considering its source material is objectively the best novel ever made (fight me, literary nerds!) However, I feel that a lot of what makes this film so special to me was something I had already written before: for my Intro to Film Studies class that I took in my last year of high school, we had to do an essay on one of the movies on AFI's Top 100, and this was what I wrote down, and all that I've written still holds up to my feelings today (Click the spoilers tab). This is long enough, but I feel that something that I wanted to talk about in more detail was this movie's themes, that being of bigotry and intolerance. Part of what makes this movie (and the book) so universal in its appeal and why it has lasted for so long comes down to emotions and feelings that everyone deals with. And I'm not talking just about race, although that's definitely a major reason for oppression, and something that has unfortunately still continuing for reasons I will never understand. I'm also talking creed, gender, sexuality, nationality, political party, you name it. People should follow the belief that whatever a person believes in or can't help but have, they should accept and respect said ideas or traits. But alas, many people refuse to see that, and as such, almost everyone is forced to have people despising them for what they like or for who they are. For me, growing up with Asperger's, and having to handle issues with social skills was a pretty big hassle, making people believe think that I was a weirdo or an asshole. I was still lucky enough to have lived in a decent community and being raised in a loving family that respects me. It must have been hell for some other people out there that couldn't have had that fortune. Then there's my bisexuality, which leads to people, even in the LGBT community, denying what I'm saying, treating me like I'm a lesser person, or believing that I only want attention. It's frustrating to be attacked or persecuted over something that I was born with, and this is what makes me relate to the struggles found in all of the protagonists, such as Tom, Atticus, and Scout. And it's a simple message that has been taught many times before, but it is still something that should be repeated on the simple fact that everyone should know what it is, and I'm thankful a movie like this exists, and it exists as an American classic, as it perfectly illustrates the importance of tolerance, all being shown from the eyes of an impressionable child attempting to make sense of the crazy world she is forced to inhabit, and this message, its execution, and everything else in the film is so important and impactful to me, that it easily soared to the top of my list. In fact, what all of these films I've listed show is how movies can leave an impression on different people, and in different ways. After all, aren't movies nowadays the most important part of our way of thinking? We experience movies when we are young, and they shape and mold our personalities, our interests, and our ideas. As we grow older, we experience new movies, and go back and see old ones before our time, and we get these new experiences, where we're told stories of heroism, of villainy, of fear, of laughter, of truth, and of lies, and we are moved by these captivating stories and characters that feel like real people. These are experiences that stick with us forever, both in times of fear and frustration, and in times of joy and happiness. They tell us what the world should be like, and how we should experience our lives, all through creative, thought-provoking, and engaging means. It's honestly why I hold filmmakers to such clout and prestige, because they aren't making movies; they're making magic. And with that, my list has drawn to a close. If you enjoyed the list, and you want to share your most meaningful films, then please share it on a different thread, or even do it on mine. I'd love to hear what other people have to say, and it's cool to see different lists from different people. Also, I'd like to give a big thank you to people like @Baumer @Tele the Jet Baller @Ethan Hunt @Blankments @DAJK and anyone else that gave some sort of like or comment. It means the world to me to see you guys give support and listen to what I have to say, and I hope I was able to entertain you with my little write-ups. I'll end this off by saying thank you all for reading, and take care!
  3. BvS Total Gross: $872.7M Reported Production and Marketing Budget: $415M If we go by the "Double=Break even rule", then BvS had passed that rule. And this is excluding merchandise, home media, cable rights, etc., which gives the movie even more money. Can it be considered a critical disaster? Sure. Can the gross be considered a disappointment when most people expected over $1B? I guess. But a financial failure? Das a stretch. I won't say anything about Suicide Squad, but I sincerely doubt the movie will be under $600M for its final gross.
  4. American Honey does have a trailer up. I don't know if it'll be your thing, but it certainly tickled my fancy, though I'm admittedly blinded towards my fanboy love for A24.
  5. Well Squad deserves to drop like a cliff. Trek and Bourne can potentially have better holds, while Sausage and Pete can potentially have stronger openings. FTSS
  6. 1. Passengers 2. Rogue One 3. Lego Batman 4. La La Land 5. Moana 6. Sausage Party 7. Fantastic Beasts 8. Storks 9. Spider-Man: Homecoming 10. Doctor Strange
  7. #2 Good Night and Good Luck Directed by George Clooney "[Television] can teach...but it can do so only to the extent that humans are determined to use it to those ends. Otherwise it is merely lights and wires in a box." Box Office: $31.6M Domestic, $54.6M WW IMDB Summary: Broadcast journalist Edward R. Murrow looks to bring down Senator Joseph McCarthy. Why it's so Meaningful to Me: A common opinion said about the 2006 Oscars is that the Best Picture winner should not have been Crash, but instead Brokeback Mountain. Frankly, I have to laugh at that, as it's pretty obvious the real winner is the historical drama Good Night, and Good Luck. The film is marvelous in its dialogue, with some of the best lines I've ever seen in a movie, as well as top-notch acting all across the board, but I feel that what really makes this movie so memorable is how it talks about television and the mass media. When looking at the media today, there's a definite feeling that it has lost its way. News sites and cable channels don't really seem to care about the facts or explaining what's going on with the world. Instead, it's giving people what they want to hear. Instead of giving non-politically skewed news updates, Fox News and MSNBC would rather pander to people who refuse to think differently and rather be fed the same garbage they want to believe in. In an effort to boost sales, newspapers use attention-grabbing headlines and fear-mongering to marginalize a person or even an entire group. It may be spiteful, cruel, highly exaggerated, and dishonest, but we got to get money somehow. Truly, the world of the mass media has been rather cold and terrible, but oddly enough it was the same all the way back in the 50s. At the time where McCarthy used fear-mongering and manipulation to rise himself to the top of the political world, the media just ran with the story. They didn't want to be outed out as traitors or labeled as a communist, and it kept America glued to their seats, so why not just run with it? Well one man was aware about the lies that McCarthy had said, and wanted to expose what was really going on: that man was Edward R. Murrow. Years later, George Clooney retold his story in biopic form for the new generation to see, and it was definitely something that got to me. Walter Mitty was the movie that made me want to pursue journalism, while Good Night, and Good Luck helped me to prepare myself for the dangers of journalism. There were doubters and people forcing Murrow to step down and stop what he was saying, but his moral code and want to give the people the truth is more valuable, even if it costs him his job. This was the man who stopped the McCarthy trials, or at the very least played an important part in doing so, and he did that with riveting and truthful commentary that made many Americans wiser and stronger as a result. Nowadays, I don't really know if Edward R. Murrow would appreciate what modern news has become, but I do feel that any aspiring journalist should watch this movie and know about this hero. Edward R. Murrow, and his biopic feature, are absolutely incredible, and are huge inspirations in my hopeful career in the field of journalism. If you haven't seen this movie yet, please do, as you won't regret it.
  8. Well I'm under 25, and I haven't seen Gremlins, so at least you got one of us. Also, I'll later compile up a list of where all of these movies are available to stream for those of us who want to check out a few of these movies.
  9. #3 Wall-E Directed by Andrew Stanton "I can't just sit here and do nothing. That's all I've ever done! Nothing!" Box Office: $223.8M Domestic, $521.3M WW IMDB Summary: In the distant future, a small waste-collecting robot inadvertently embarks on a space journey that will ultimately decide the fate of mankind. Why it's So Meaningful to Me: For Pixar enthusiasts, what is considered to be the crown jewel of the company varies from person to person. For some, it's Toy Story. For others, it's The Incredibles. For others, it's Inside Out. But for me, the studio's absolute best is the sci-fi romance adventure epic, Wall-E. I watched this feature when I was about 10 or 11, and since then, I knew it was an important movie. A movie that will be an instant classic and featured some of the most painfully true commentary about life. Of course, I could go on and on about Wall-E's hilarious comedy, clear influences from the likes of silent comedy, its endearingly likable lead characters, who exude so much personality and life in every little action they do, its absolutely gorgeous animation, and its heartwarming love story that explains how incredible and powerful true love can really be, but I feel that the strongest element of the film that should be discussed far more is its look at society, corruption, and who we really are as people. In our continuing push for new technology and industrialization, and our obsession in having things easier and easier to the point where everything we could do must be done by some complicated machinery, instead of our own actions, we indirectly destroy our own world and ourselves. The humans become overlords to the gigantic conglomerate of Buy 'n Large. They've created an entire monopoly and have infested the minds of people obsessed with consumerism and material wants, which had lead to the earth infested with nothing but trash and garbage as far as the eye can see. Why bother with that old junk, when the new shiny thing is on the market, and is faster and easier? It is because of BnL's infestation that humanity is forced to leave their only home, and embark on an endless cruise ride. But within a few hundred years, humanity has come to its absolute worst. We stick ourselves in hovering chairs, and are tended to our every need like young babies. Better yet, humanity has become so morbidly obese due to their lack of activity, that we now have the shape of babies. Instead of evolving, we are devolving to the point that we are just hollow shells with no personality or understanding about the world. The machines take over, and we just accept it, finding no need to mature or develop ourselves, and instead be slaves to technology. It seems that all is hopeless, but here comes Wall-E, a machine unlike the others, who is almost like a messiah that indirectly enlightens the lives of these passengers. John and Mary realize that there's so much more to the world they inhabit in their ginormous spaceship that hi-speed tech could never provide in the same way. M-O and EVE move past their programming, and earn human characteristics thanks to their interactions with this outsider. And the members aboard the ship are transported back to Earth to begin a new life on the planet, with an optimistic and hopeful ending that always warms my heart whenever I watch it, and gives people an important message to stray away from buying the new shiny thing their TV tells them to get, and maybe try to take care the Earth and the world around them for a change. Wall-E is quite frankly an absolute gem, and I dare to say a perfect movie, with one of the most beautiful love stories ever told and a fantastic message that should be shared to everyone, all done in a clever and unique family feature, that is the holy grail of the Pixar canon.
  10. 1. Disney 2. WB 3. Fox 4. Uni 5. Sony 6. Paramount
  11. http://screenrant.com/nine-lives-kevin-spacey-fake-critics/ Just...just read this.
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