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Posts posted by miketheavenger

  1. I don't believe this. He said he wouldn't come back for the fourth one and eventually he did come back. By the way, has anybody ever directed five consecutive films in a franchise? Can't think of anybody (unless you count LOTR and The Hobbit as one franchise, then it's obviously Peter Jackson).

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  2. I'd give it 40%. It needs to do 170% of Cap 1 to get there and right now it's at 152%. Tuesday's number is well over 170% of what Cap1 did on that same day in its run, but the grosses are dropping so it won't gain as much even if it starts to double it. Right now I'm thinking 280-290. But Labor Day is coming...and I'm sure it will get a dollar run as well...

    300m for Guardians is very unlikely IMO, but it's theoretically possible. I think we can all agree though that the first two Iron Man movies are definitely out of reach for it domestically.


    Edit: Very good increases though for the Top two.

  3. DOM? Of course! No one was arguing with that. But OS? It's not about  the marketing, it's about the brand. SW is simply not that big outside of the US. 

    I can only speak for my country, but in Germany it is pretty damn big. For example TPM had more admissions here than all but two Harry Potter movies.

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  4. if Marvel made a movie about Coprophilia it'll open to 85 million OW with people comparing it to the Godfather


    that's how much people are taken by this sup-bar brand..


    my favorite poster here is Baumer because he just knows it all..and speaks the obvious truth no one wants to admit to themselves..Marvel movies are mediocre at best..

    Baumer just has an unpopular opinion. You can't definitely say movies are good or bad because quality is subjective.

  5. so many people are undershooting Ted 2 which is funny because Ted arguably had the best WOM among the GA of 2012. Yes arguably better than Avengers.

    I don't think so. Avengers getting a 3x multiplier from a 207m OW would have never been possible without insanely strong WOM.

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