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Everything posted by TServo2049

  1. Yes, but the fact that it's been alternating between working and not working perhaps 10 times in the last hour may indicate that something's going wrong server-side. If everyone's checking to see if BOM is still alive, at the same time that they're trying to put in updates after a nasty server outage, isn't there a possibility it could hinder their ability to get things working again? I am now even thinking this whole three-day fracas may be the result of a botched server migration...maybe they have to work out all the bugs on the new server and we're fucking things up by constantly overloading it? Again, if this is the case, a message on Twitter or Facebook would help: "Don't go to the site, we're trying to fix it and the traffic is putting too much strain on the server."
  2. Again, I think we may be crashing it in our obsession to see whether it's up or down. Maybe we should let them run an update without us trying to swarm the site all at once.
  3. Isn't it every week? The sources for initial U.S. reports of China weekend numbers are almost ALWAYS off (usually they're too low).
  4. And back. Every time it comes back up then goes back down, my theory of the whole Internet crashing it every time they get it back up seems more and more plausible. Maybe we should just hold off on going to BOM for a few MINUTES?
  5. BOM has been up then down then up then down for the last half hour. I'm convinced that it's Schrödinger's Website. Maybe all of us constantly checking is crashing it whenever they get it back up?
  6. And it's back AGAIN. People, can we maybe stop checking for a few minutes? I seriously wonder if we're crashing it every time they get it working again...
  7. That's what, the fifth time in the last 30 minutes? I currently have a mental image of Philip J. Fry being at the controls...
  8. Nope. It's back again. Still shows latest weekend estimates. I bet when I look again, it will be a white screen. BOM, I officially dub thee Schrödinger's Website.
  9. I just saw it back up AGAIN, then when I checked another time it got stuck loading. Then white page yet again.
  10. White page AGAIN? I hope everyone trying to check it at once isn't crashing them or something...
  11. They HAD the Sunday estimates up before they went white. White page usually accompanies a data refresh, so maybe they're uploading the actual weekend estimates and "sidebar" charts and stuff.
  12. White page again (though that happened a lot during refreshes, long before this craziness) YOU ARE TEARING US APART, MOJO!
  13. I still think this is a textbook case of IMDb/Amazon bureaucratic incompetence. I won't repeat the GetSatisfaction story. BOM/IMDb/Amazon seem to be laboring under a delusion that speaking frankly about a problem would cause MORE panic than not saying anything at all, when in reality it PREVENTS panic. (I do not include either Ray Subers or Col Needham, they'd have to follow orders from above. At this point, I imagine the Amazon boardroom as the denizens of Wonderland acting out a Monty Python sketch inside the Dr. Strangelove war room.)
  14. Seems to be. Whether it will be updated remains to be seen...but at least it's there.
  15. Ray Subers broke his silence. With a tweet consisting solely of the link "boxofficemojo.com".
  16. Now that BOM is back, a question: What the crap happened on Thursday? Some decent increases - not as big as two weeks ago, but was it possibly due to Sukkot starting the night before, like how the spike two weeks ago was due to Rosh Hashannah?
  17. If you are still being directed to IMDB, you may need to clear your history/cache. Your browser could be remembering the redirect. I've been getting BOM correctly since it returned. As I said, it appears that either they put it in as a temporary stopgap (which is stupid, because they didn't tell anyone why and it sent exactly the wrong message), or it was an existing fallback measure in case of total server failure (which is also stupid, for the reasons previously stated). Either way, bravo to BOM, IMDB and Amazon, by explaining nothing you allowed a mundane temporary outage to turn into one of the bigger Internet freak-outs I've personally witnessed, complete with people proclaiming their intent to completely boycott you. And this falls into the same pattern I've witnessed in my time as an IMDb contributor, of random changes, insufficient explanation, and unnecessarily allowing rumor-mongering to flourish by failing to quickly and concisely set the record straight.
  18. I keep saying it - if it was just a server outage, and the IMDB redirect is some kind of existing automatic fail-safe when the server completely dies, why didn't anyone say "The BOM server is completely down, the URL will redirect to IMDB until we've fixed the site." Why did everyone, including Ray Subers, go quiet and leave us in the dark for over 30 hours? Public relations. You suck at it. Let's just hope they're better at damage control...
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