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Everything posted by TServo2049

  1. I doubt it. I didn't have any crying kids or anything. The film got thunderous applause at my screening. This is not like HTTYD2. This is more kid-friendly in a way Dragon 2 wasn't. (And mind you, I really liked both of them.)
  2. DWA can go under for all I care, so long as I get my HTTYD3 first. I have even less of an idea how the animation onslaught is going to play out than the comic book movie deluge. We shall see.
  3. Nobody has mentioned that this film will star Alec Baldwin and Kevin Spacey? Or that it seems like it's going to basically be Battle of the Stewie Griffins? I have no idea how this is going to do.
  4. Jackson is directing the next Tintin, with Spielberg producing - PJ just got 'sidetracked' by the Hobbit films.
  5. Annie looks harmless. It's just that damn trailer that pissed me off because I saw it, what, TEN TIMES this summer? At least there was a different one when I went to go see BH6...
  6. BLASPHEMY!!! But seriously, I love Groundhog Day. And the only reason why I didn't get to see EOT was that by the time I found out it was actually good, my local theaters were already dropping it.
  7. I am sure we will eventually get movies closer to that again, even if it takes until some theoretical Pixar Renaissance. That is why I choose to just roll with stuff like TS4 - films like Up have earned Pixar my patience.
  8. Surprise. There have been times when a major supporting cast member was kept secret (Seven comes to mind). Guess it didn't work - but there have been times when it DID work, right?
  9. I wonder if this is another "played well in certain areas, not in others". The Friday night 7PM IMAX showing here was sold out. (This is the same theater where the 7PM opening night PLF showing of Pacific Rim sold out.) I don't care, I was just glad to see a first-run IMAX release in 15/70 again. I want more 2D 15/70.
  10. I seem to recall that one of the reasons Bruckheimer effectively split with Disney (besides The Lone Ranger) was because they didn't want to revive Touchstone as a real division?
  11. PJ met Mark Ordesky while working on his rejected NOES6 script for New Line, so LOTR (or at least, the LOTR trilogy as we know it) likely wouldn't EXIST without NOES.
  12. Moana was announced for 2016. (They didn't actually announce "Moana is releasing on November 23, 2016", hence it not being listed on BOM yet, but they did announce it's coming out in 2016.)
  13. My brother did boom on pickups for a movie with Eric Roberts in the cast (though Eric Roberts wasn't actually involved in said pickups).
  14. I was just glad to be able to see a 15/70 print on a full-size IMAX screen, instead of the aliasing-ridden digital pretender.
  15. Ain't no thing like him, 'cept him. And honestly, Aunt Cass reminds me more of Helen Parr than anyone else...
  16. Between Groot and Baymax, Disney has pulled a two-fer of lovable gentle giants that EARNED their future marketability.
  17. Marvel isn't even credited outside of special thanks. I think this falls into the Shrek/HTTYD category of "adaptations" that aren't really adaptations. Hence the "inspired by" in the trailer. Darn good year for animation, between this and HTTYD2. (And Lego - but honestly, I think the visuals were the best part of that. I don't hate it, but I don't give it much thought 9 months later. It was the weakest of the three for me.)
  18. So basically, Indiana Jones: First Class? Honestly, I'm still apprehensive about another Indy movie (as apprehensive as I was about Ghostbusters 3). Ford is getting older, he had that accident on Star Wars, and I'm not sure how an Indy that's yet another 10 years older would work without resorting to stuff like digital doubles. And even if they try to sideline him even more (the return of Mutt Williams?) by virtue of being an Indiana Jones movie, it has to largely involve Indiana Jones, as portrayed by Harrison Ford.
  19. Purely in terms of visuals, the workprint of The Thief and the Cobbler. My god, what was completed of that film looked amazing. Yes, the story is paper-thin, and I do think that if Richard Williams had remained on it to the end, and it had been his version that was released, it still would have tanked at the box office. But holy shit, it would have looked fantastic.
  20. My god. Eric Roberts is like our generation's John Carradine. Not in terms of talent, but in terms of output.
  21. Dat Day of da Dead bump. I would love it if Nightcrawler and Ouija stayed this close, it would be both the smallest percentage difference and the smallest admissions gap between #1 and #2 of all time, and only the third smallest gross difference of all time. This is some 80s/90s off-season dead weekend shit right here.
  22. Everything Reitman did before Junior was either financially or critically successful. I think Legal Eagles was his only miss. Calling Reitman a one-hit wonder director for Ghostbusters is more inaccurate than calling Shyamalan a one-hit wonder director for The Sixth Sense.
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