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Everything posted by TServo2049

  1. Yes to Hellboy 3. Also, wish we could get a semi-reboot/semi-do-over John Carter sequel. Basically, do Gods of Mars but replace Taylor Kitsch (and maybe other cast members) and try to make it WORK. That first movie was like a rough draft of something that could have been so much better. And I still want The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Against the World Crime League...
  2. You just described what I thought was going to happen as I was watching the movie for the first time.
  3. The Indiana Jones ride is one of the best (still unmolested) attractions at Disneyland. (My favorites, Pirates sans Depp and the original Star Tours, no longer exist.)
  4. Elba owns. I don't care how stupid it is, they should just pull a Pentacost clone/robot out their ass so we can have more Elba.Oh well, at least Ron Perlman survived. I hope we see more of him.
  5. It just feels like we'd have already gotten an announcement if it was. I haven't even heard anything about a script for TF5.Besides, Trek has been May and TF has always been a July 4th thing. (Maybe they'd go back to a midweek opening to get the jump on the other stuff, and not have to open directly against The Mummy.)Though Trek on June 24 would make that weekend Kurtzman vs. Orci...Getting back on track, I can't believe I'm willing to give this a chance after Into Darkness, and with Orci writing and directing, and not really liking the reboot franchise all that much...but somehow I am. I don't know why.
  6. Whoever said TF5 is going to come out in 2016?I think ST3 is probably going to go for May 20, it's the only vacant weekend left.
  7. Point taken. Even I had no idea Frozen was going to do $400M.And I'm not saying this won't do well. I want it to.
  8. Of course it won't, this is not the kind of movie that makes $400m.
  9. Surprise of the century.When is the last time a major film has been delayed from a scheduled release date less than a year away, because principal photography hadn't even started yet?
  10. That's weird, with the huge glasses she looks nothing like that. Do they just obscure the facial resemblance? It's like Christopher Reeve as Clark Kent vs. Christopher Reeve as Superman...
  11. Actually, lisa's list (which is based on Consumer Price Index, not average ticket prices) does show Titanic just ahead of E.T. (even narrower margin than BOM).
  12. I thought Lucy was a good watch. I probably won't actively seek it out in the future, but it didn't piss me off like it pissed off a ton of people. And I was kind of jazzed that I was watching an original, more "cerebral" sci-fi film in a theater in 2014. It certainly pulled off its bullshit pseudo-science/pseudo-philosophy stuff better than Tron Legacy did.
  13. Yes, this. I continue to believe that the gap between Interstellar and BH6's final grosses will be smaller than many people are assuming.
  14. I was 13 when I saw the first one, but I was actually debating with myself whether to put the LOTR trilogy on my "nostalgic" list. I ultimately left it off and just stuck with stuff from when I was actually a child, but LOTR is the one thing from my adolescence that could qualify as "nostalgic" to me.
  15. That movie has a haunting otherworldly beauty to me. Out of those four I listed, it is the film that evokes the most nostalgic feelings for me.I previously elaborated on it in my post on the RTM thread.
  16. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate FactoryThe Neverending StoryHome AloneThe Santa Clause
  17. Tangled opened at #2 against Deathly Hallows Part 1. Frozen opened at #2 against Catching Fire.
  18. That it is - I almost brought up the phrase in my last post.
  19. I've also seen it compared to How to Train Your Dragon (as in the first one).Not a bad thing in any way - I really like/love all three of those movies.
  20. Actually, it's a new French live-action adaptation starring Vincent Cassel and Léa Seydoux.
  21. If Expendables 4 gets made, it will almost certainly be a Chinese co-production, because that's the only market where it's an actual hit. (And a "Chinese Expendables" would be cool anyway - Jet Li, Jackie Chan, Chow Yun-Fat, Michelle Yeoh, Yuen Biao, Donnie Yen, Andy Lau... Could a theoretical EX4 with some/all of them do $75M+?)
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