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Everything posted by James

  1. Well, finally saw this and man oh man, I wanna say so many things. I don't even know where to start... ok, let's take it one at a time: story, characters, visuals, direction, soundtrack, overall. The story is great. That is one of the best aspects of the film. The idea behind it is so unique it makes the movie one of the most daring ones ever put in cinemas. The world itself is wonderfully built. Kalique's planet and culture, as shortly descibed as it was, made me stare in awe and clenching and unclenching my fists. I like writing and I so would've wanted to have this idea. The only downside, and that's pretty much my only problem with the whole movie: this is a beautiful. beautiful concept and the 2 hours time limit doesn't do it justice. This probably deserved more screen time than even the LOTR trilogy because the ramifications of this universe are so complex it's mindboggling. This movie alone should've been 3-4 hours long. I realize time is money ( in the real life and in the movie as well), but I would've liked to see more politics. The scene at the beginning with Balem, Kalique and Titus was a stroke of genius. I would've liked more of that. And the same goes for the system on Ouros, with the whole birocracy thing that I get so well since I'm in law school (both me and my gf giggled at that). Plus, the moral issue. This movie opens more moral issues that most films which have that as a central idea. In the end it all comes down to more screen time! The characters: first, Balem, because everyone seems to be talking about him. Redmayne was PERFECT. That is how a human that treats whole planets like dollar bills should be like. He's cruel, power driven, unstable - and this last part is what gives the character it's appeal. Jupiter - well, I can't put myself in her shoes, because I more or less agree with Balem and Kalique and Titus. Why would you return back to your old life when you can live forever and have the universe at your feet. But those are my ideas, so in the end it's ok. Tatum was also good. The visuals - c'mon, even the haters admitted they are incredible and they are. Again - Kalique's planet. My heart jumped at that scene. The direction - it was clearly good, but that is not a surprise. The Wacho's have yet to make a badly directed movie. The soundtrack - A. I have it on repeat. So the overall movie was great. It was definitely worth suffering through a whole month of exams thinking of how I'm going to see it . Top 3 all time? If it would've been 1-2 hours longer yes, but as it is right now - I don't think so. Still, it's the best I've seen from the Wachowski's yet and that says a lot for me. A+
  2. Which is just weird considering here Sunday will likely be even bigger than Saturday and Sat already was the biggest day ever for sure for any film.
  3. 42. Battle: Los Angeles (2011) I know this gets almost univeral hate, but it is a good action flick. No surprise, I really like alien invasion themed movies and they don't have to have a twisted story or great acting to get me engaged. Just good action. And this obliged. Seriously though, the battle on the streets of LA reminded me of 'War of the Worlds' which is a good thing considering I found that Tom Cruise movies to be excellent (probably the best invasion film ever made). Now, 'Battle: LA' doesn't cary the same emotional punch, but it is still entertaining as hell. Grade: 70/100 41. Upside Down (2011) I really didn't expect to love this so much. I'm not a 'romance movies' type of guy, but this really touched me. The SF love story is in a way a classical one about two lovers separated by social status, but it's uniquely executed. They are from different worlds. Literally. The aspect of these worlds is so nicely done and the overall movie feels like a painting, in a similar way 'Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince' or 'Life of Pi' do. Acting wise, Kirsten Dunst gives a great performance and Jum Sturgess is not too shabby either. Grade: 71/100
  4. 44. Hansel and Gretel: Which Hunters (2013) This movie probably has one of the best casts (as far as I'm concerned) of all time. Famke Janssen, Gemma Arterton and Jeremy Renner are all among my favourite actors. But that aside, the movie is incredibly silly and fun. I mean, Hansel and Gretel are which hunters, you have classical witches (on brooms ), ugly, with pointy noses and hats that do dark magic and a typical, cliche fantasy background but used well for once. It's pretty much a no brainer. And I mean it. You don't need to be smart to enjoy this, there's nothing thoughful about it, it's not a smart movie, but it does it's job: keeping your eyes glued to the screen. Grade: 69/100 43. The Adventures of Tintin (2011) This is the ONLY animation on the list. I usually don't watch animations, unless you talk 'Scooby-Doo' (yep, great childhood memories), because I am not that easily entertained by them. But this one was great. Starting from the techinical side, which was obviously masterfully done, to Spielberg's direction, Moffat's screenplay (Doctor Who), and Bell's, Serkis' and Craig's voices 'everything was awesome'. Also, the story was very compelling. 'Adventure' is the best genre there is and these 'quest' type of stories, if well done, are the most enjoyable to follow. Surprisingly, I found 'Tintin' to also be quite mature. Whether because it's comics based existence or not, there's a certain complexity to it. Grade: 70/100
  5. Another huge day today. It actually looks almost as crazy as yesterday. Aleady over 50 sellouts and the number should increase aver 100 in the next 4-5 hours. Most evening shows are 70-80% full.
  6. 46. Oblivion (2013) This is the kind of role Cruise was born to play. SF has always been his genre and when you have other talents, like Freeman, around and a great story you can't get it wrong. 'Oblivion' is more or less like a painting. The VFX is as good as it gets and the soundtrack is one of the best I've every heard. M83 and Susanne Sundfor are a magical duo. Grade: 68/100 45. Frozen (2010) Nope, it's not THAT 'Frozen', but a dark horror/drama built on a simple idea: you are suspended high above the ground and you're not going anywhere; it's freezing cold and it will get much much colder; survive. What really draws you in is the cold, hard realism (get it, cold ). I've seen this movie during my "horror obsessing" period and it remained stuck in my head. I love Shawn Ashmore as an actor and he really brings up the movie, making up for the other two leads. Grade: 68/100
  7. 48. Premature (2014) This is the first of only 4 comedies on the entire list. When it comes to this genre, I have a very specific taste. It takes a lot for me to like a comedy, but this "losing your virginity over and over again till you get it right" concept got me rollin' . John Carna is a likable guy and a decent actor, but the supporting cast is what trully makes the movie raise above the huge mass of teen comedies out there. If I wouldn't be so bad at making predictions, I'd say Craig Roberts has a bright future ahead. Grade: 66/100 47. Olympus Has Fallen (2013) Of the two White House movies that came out in 2013 one I loved and one I found to be boring as hell. 'Olympus Has Fallen' is over the top, unreal and silly, but at the same time - fun, crazy enjoyable and... well, just crazy! Seeing the White House go down in flames was nice, and seeing Gerard Butler kick ass was even nicer. Fuqua's direction is good, like always. Kudos to him for that, because it's very easy to have such a concept and fuck it up in a second (see 'White House Down'). Grade: 67/100
  8. Most of these films got an A/A-/A+ in the review threads but I need to make a difference between them. So they are all graded in comparison to the movies that hold the first 3 places.
  9. 49. These Final Hours (2013) I decided to see this movie solely based on this sinopsis (and the poster ) and I was very surprised at how engaging the story was. When I don't watch a blockbuster I am very pretentious when it comes to the main character. For once: I like crooked characters with a lot of problems and this guy really has them. In the midst of the apocalypse he has to sacrifice his final hours of life by helping a little girl. The story, as I said, is intriguing. There's no hope on the horizon so the whole movie has this "doom and gloom" feeling. There is no happy ending possible and this is one of the aspects I liked the most. Also, this has that weird, trippy look that most independent british films have so that's nice. And surprisingly, it dosn't look as cheap as I expected it to. Grade: 65/100
  10. 50. This Is Where I Leave You (2014) 'This is Where I leave You' was a tight fit in the top. It was undeniably a good film. I like movies about family issues and this one was exactly that. What makes it stand appart from many other films trying the same subject is how much you can relate to the characters and their problems. Also, having such a great cast together helps a lot. It's really hard to think of a recent movie of Bateman's that I don't like at least a bit. Grade: 65/100
  11. Haha, I think no. 50-40 will be on your taste more or less. But no 40 onwards... Also, countdown starting in about 10 minutes
  12. Yep, I'm doing a list too and I can bet I'll have some of you rolling... in tears
  13. UPDATE: '50 Shades' is locked to have the highest OW ever: from 17:00 onwards alone it has over 170 sold out shows and that's only what I've checked out. I'm pretty sure it sold out at least 300 shows today. Basically, from the hundreads of shows I checked less than 10 were not sold out (they were 70% full at least).
  14. UPDATE: '50 Shades' is locked to have the highest OW ever: from 17:00 onwards alone it has over 170 sold out shows and that's only what I've checked out. I'm pretty sure it sold out at least 300 shows today. Basically, from the hundreads of shows I checked less than 10 were not sold out (they were 70% full at least).
  15. So basically there's nothing new since 4 hrs ago when I went to sleep, still people went from "yeah, might hit 100M" to "wow, so bad". WTF?! These forums It's like - numbers - meltdown - numbers - yeahhh - meltdown - numbers....
  16. So a weaker increase. Still, it shoud increase quite easily from OD+sneaks. I still can't see it under 40M.
  17. With the 'Valentine's Day' increases tomorrow it will hit in the 43-45M area. It's still possible. Also, the presales for Sat are almost double the ones for today. It's a good sign.
  18. Lol, people. Since when do we trust Deadline numbers?! When was the last time they got something right?
  19. Just start the freakin thing already. I need something entertaining to read while I'm studying the Alabama case.
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