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Everything posted by Wrath

  1. Right, I could see that. That wasn't the question.
  2. Adventureland ruled. Though I'll admit I'd forgotten how little money that made.
  3. As a serious piece of advice, if you're super-short on time, make sure you fill in the 3 initial lists: top 15 domestic, top 7 weekends, and top 10 worldwide along with dollar guesses for them. Those three lists are worth potentially as much as every other possible source of points in the entire game, combined. Yes, really. No, you probably won't do great on the three lists if you do them fast, and answering the other lists and questions is good because it makes you research and think things through. But if you're short on time, you're better off spending that time on the big points rather than the little points. Plus, you can always look at what other folks have predicted so far. Those predicts might change a bit as guesses get refined, but it gives you an idea of what others are thinking.
  4. Once I stopped being scared of it and actually did it, turns out I feel good about #11 and at least tolerable about #12. But 13-15, damn. I have 10 movies I can make valid arguments for being in those spots. Well, 7 favorites and 3 dark horses. My odds are probably just as good if I randomly pick 2 of those from my 10 and then #15 from everything else that's coming out. Because you know it'll end up being something that explodes out of nowhere, like The Little Hours or Lowriders or something. Abstaining like a madman on the questions, naturally.
  5. I had a couple follow-up questions for you via PM.
  6. Well, you rock and should be aware that you rock. Don't let it go to your head, though.
  7. Yeah, no joke. Spaghetti's work on this is genuinely amazing.
  8. @Spaghetti of 1000 Planets Rotten Tomatoes score as of what date/time? Edit - It looks like Unforgettable is embargoed until it opens, and Phoenix Forgotten is doing its screenings and a Q&A on the Saturday after it opens, which is an interesting approach.
  9. I've, um, never even heard of it until just now.
  10. So, the Council and Flash Fight predicts are due Thurs as well?
  11. On the bright side, if you have to write a research paper on something analytical of your choice, you can probably just copy-paste a bunch of good posts you've made, edit them so they flow together and have an introduction and conclusion, and you'll be done.
  12. Well, I was walking the dogs with phone in hand and didnt have another math problem to solve, so the situation was ideal.
  13. Its funny, I went the other way. Figuring out the 11-15 spots was so daunting I decided to answer the questions first, at least preliminarily, in hopes of clarifying my thoughts for the list.
  14. Oh, true, good point. I'd totally disapprove of something like that. Wouldn't want someone to ruin the (surprising-obvious-with-the-benefit-of-hindsight) good name of Wrath. Almost a Capulet/Montague kind of thing. Just sayin.
  15. You misunderstand. WrathofHan is my s... second person on my team. Me and his m... marketing team just hope he turns out well.
  16. I want to see him play a real villain in something, just to see if he can do it.
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