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Everything posted by Wrath

  1. 1. Will King Arthur Open to more than $20M? 1000 *NO* 2. Will Snatched Open to more than $20M? 2000 *YES* 3. Will King Arthur open to more than Snatched? 3000 *NO* 4. Will Lowriders open to more than $1m? 4000 *NO* 5. Will King Arthur and Snatched's combined 3 Day total come to more than GOTG2's combined Friday and Saturday? 5000 *NO* 6. Will Boss Baby drop less than 30% 1000 *YES* 7. Will Baahubali drop more than 65% 2000 *YES* 8. Will How to be a Latin lover stay in the top 6? 3000 *NO* 9. Will The Promise drop more than 75% 4000 *YES* 10. Will The Circle have a better weekend percentage drop than Fate of the Furious? 5000 *NO* 11. Will any new opener stay in second place for every day of the weekend? 1000 *YES* 12. Will Absolutely anything have a PTA above $4,000? 2000 *NO* 13. Will The Wall have a PTA above $6,000? 3000 *YES* 14. Will GOTG2 drop more than 60% for the weekend? 4000 *NO* 15. Will Liam Neeson get confused and try to rescue Amy Schumer and Goldie Hawn? 5000 *NO. Even Neeson will be happy they're gone.* Bonus: 9/15 5000 10/15 8000 11/15 12,000 12/15 16,000 13/15 20,000 14/15 24,000 15/15 30,000 Part B: The top 3 predictions will score points as follows: Closest: Within 1% - 15,000, Within 2,5% - 12000, Within 5% 9,000, Within 10% - 6000 Outside 10% - 3000 points 2nd Closest: Within 1% - 12,000, Within 2,5% - 10000, Within 5% 7,000, Within 10% - 4000 Outside 10% - 2000 points 3rd Closest: Within 1% - 10,000, Within 2,5% - 8000, Within 5% 5,000, Within 10% - 2000 Outside 10% - 1000 points 1. What will Snatched make for its 3 day OW? 20.4M 2. What will Lowrider's PTA be? $3,250 3. What will be the difference in gross between Arthur and Snatched's weekend totals (no need to say which is higher)? 2.7M Part C: There will be 6 films to place and points are expanded because traditionally people haven't scored well here: 2. Snatched 6. Beauty and the Beast 8. Circle 11. Baahubali 2 14. Born in China 18. Get Out Because I realised bonuses are stupid... 1/6 4,000 2/6 10,000 3/6 18,000 4/6 25,000 5/6 36,000 6/6 - 50,000
  2. Most of the time, new questions show up between Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning (they're coming earlier now because the game just started and everyone's excited. In a week or two it'll settle down), so I usually check in sometime in there to get an initial look at the questions. If I'm feeling inspired or procrastinating something else or know I'll be really busy on Thursday, I might take a stab at answering them right then, but usually I'll just put in "Abstain" for the SOTM to ensure I get some points if I forget to come back to it. After that, the deadlines for questions are almost all "late" Thursday sometime (in one of the North American timezones, anyway. If you're somewhere else, you'll need to re-calibrate). So, I try to set aside some time on Thursday (the later the better, but depends on what I've got going on) to answer the questions seriously, hoping that my subconscious has been thinking about it for the last couple days. So, that's the rhythm I try to get into. Quick scan and abstain on Monday/Tuesday, question answering Thursday afternoon/evening. Most weeks it works fine, but sometimes I'll get busy and forget. If I forget Monday, then I tend not to do as well on my Thursday answering. If I forget Thursday, then at least I got some points from Abstaining. If I know Thursday will be busy, I'll make an extra effort at answering the questions on Monday, just in case I don't get to them on Thursday.
  3. Mmm. I'm kinda worried, too. I did use a stain remover, but even including that, depending on how Free Fire does, I'm at risk of coming in under 90%.
  4. As you have been a consistently formidable opponent, I approve of risky strategies, though I hope it works out badly for you.
  5. You did use a Stain Remover, right? I mean, you had 13 coins at the start of the week and with the double elimination, this might have been a pretty good time to use some...
  6. Suddenly, me ditching my Week 0 points to (among other things) bump GotG2 OW up from 138m to 144m feels like the careful plan of a calculating chessmaster rather than the impulsive, panicked flailings of a rank incompetent. Hard to tell those apart sometimes.
  7. Would it be possible to list, after each movie name, the ratio of predictors who chose it? Like (28/28) for Homecoming OW or whatever?
  8. Without naming any names, can you give us a hint? Like, does their name start with a "C" and rhyme with "oolEric258"?
  9. Edited at the 11th hour. No week 0 points for me. Thought I was going to stay strong and not edit. Got within 90 minutes of the deadline. Next time I'll go to bed earlier.
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