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Everything posted by Wrath

  1. Chef may have been the R-rated movie that did the least to deserve its R-rating I've ever seen. It was basically rated-R for "adult situations", but instead of the usual sex and violence, it was stuff like discussions of health insurance and the emotional fall-out of going through a divorce. So, an R-rating for boring subject material, except it wasn't boring.
  2. Indeed. With a sharp enough drop, Beauty and the Beast might catch it next weekend, solving the problem almost instantly.
  3. Solaris I'm ok with, but... you liked Vanilla Sky? I'm reminded of the Affleck-Damon banter at the Oscars right after Kimmel made fun of Damon in We Bought a Zoo: "I liked my performance in that!" "... Really?"
  4. You two are not going to be sad when the merger happens.
  5. Fortunately for you, I think everyone's weekend is riding on that. We're all going to fail, its just a question of by how much.
  6. I work in the stock market, and I'm not at all certain that "good stock picking" is a skill anyone actually has, at least in a way thats distinguishable from random chance.
  7. Spaghetti mentioned a while back that coins can be traded.
  8. Eh, turning in that late is 9 coins worth of benefit since previews #s will certainly be out by then. Maybe give each team a 1-shot suspended animation chamber where you can freeze someone once, exempting them from that weekend's predicts (and they get no coins from a win, but they can still be voted off if the team loses)? Or make it buyable at the Tuck shop?
  9. So do I. And Dark Tower. At least, at the moment. I mean, SOMETHING has to go in those 14-15 spots, right? And no matter what I do I'm probably going to get them wrong, so I may as well pick movies that are plausible and I'm hoping (if not super confidently) that they'll do well.
  10. I went with that plan last summer and stuck with it. Tried to go with that plan over the winter, and failed to stick with it. I'd like to stick with that plan this time, too, and it hardly seems like it'd be physically possible to adjust those scores more than I have, but you never know until next Thursday rolls around.
  11. And, sorry to see you go, Ethan. Your team is weaker witout you. Didnt see that coming.
  12. I should only have 7 coins, since I bought 2 stain removers last week (and used one of them).
  13. I see the advantage of not letting people go back and edit their responses "Are you SURE you had GotG 2 UNDER $125M originally???". Keeping everyone's responses in a single post would certainly be easier to track. I guess it depends on the record-keeping systems you guys have going.
  14. Sigh. I'm so terrible at these. Its funny, I'm not terrible overall at predicting. Sometimes I'm actually pretty good, and yet I suck hard at these. Part A: 1. Will The Circle Open to more than $10M? 1000 *YES* 2. Will Sleight Open to more than $5M? 2000 *NO* 3. Will How to be a Latin Lover open to more than $5M? 3000 *NO* 4. Will One Week and a Day have a PTA above $4000? 4000 *NO* 5. Will Sleight and How to be a Latin Lover combined Saturday gross be higher than The Circle's Friday gross? 5000 *NO* 6. Will Fate of the Furious drop less than 55% 1000 *YES* 7. Will Born in China drop more than 47% 2000 *NO* 8. Will Fate of the Furious be in number one by at least $10M? 3000 Can I abstain for 1000? No? Ok, fine, *NO* 9. Will Ghost in the Shell drop more than 65% 4000 *YES* 10. Will Beauty and the Beast have a better weekend drop than Boss Baby? 5000 *NO* 11. Will any new opener increase more than 20% on Saturday? 1000 *YES* 12. Will Smurfs drop more than 30% on Sunday? 2000 *YES* 13. Will Power Rangers increase more than 140% on Friday? 3000 *NO* 14. Will Get Out increase more than 15% on Saturday? 4000 *YES* 15. Will an Untitled Cyber Thriller Directed by Michael Mann make $100M in China? 5000 *This weekend? No. By the end of the game? Yes.* Bonus: 9/15 5000 10/15 8000 11/15 12,000 12/15 16,000 13/15 20,000 14/15 24,000 15/15 30,000 Part B: The top 3 predictions will score points as follows: Closest: Within 1% - 15,000, Within 2,5% - 12000, Within 5% 9,000, Within 10% - 6000 Outside 10% - 3000 points 2nd Closest: Within 1% - 12,000, Within 2,5% - 10000, Within 5% 7,000, Within 10% - 4000 Outside 10% - 2000 points 3rd Closest: Within 1% - 10,000, Within 2,5% - 8000, Within 5% 5,000, Within 10% - 2000 Outside 10% - 1000 points 1. What will The Circle make for its 3 day OW? 11.5M 2. What will Beauty and the Beast's Sunday gross be? 1.97M 3. What will Life's PTA be for the 3 day weekend? $495 Part C: There will be 6 films to place and points are expanded because traditionally people haven't scored well here: 2. The Circle 5. Born in China 7. Gifted 10. Unforgettable 12. Sleight 15. Phoenix Forgotten
  15. Go, Flying Cougars! Ah, really brings me back to my school days. Good old Poughkeepsie State! Where the academics were challenging, the scenery was idyllic, and the campus was filled with the screams of co-eds plucked from the walkways and eaten by the indigenous flying cougars that lived in the trees in that area. Really kept you on your toes. While I approve that the team seems to have stopped its fraternizing with our opponents, I think a little extra discipline is what's missing. (digs through supplies, finding a sack of wrenches and a 5-lane freeway filled with cars) Perfect.
  16. Americans care a lot about guns! Thats why we own 10 billion and give them to our kids.
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