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Everything posted by Wrath

  1. Ooops. Forgot to put in predicts last week. On the other hand, Tower killed it so I probably would have been knocked out anyway.
  2. I'm thinking its time Han and I put aside our differences and really team up to start taking people out. Like, not just work together but like REALLY work as a team. I'm thinking he could ride on my shoulders, and then with my arsenal we'd be armed to the teeth and really do some damage. Something like: Only more badass and with bigger guns. Han is the one on top and the rest are his clones.
  3. Yeah, those big waits for sequels totally killed the Star Wars franchise... Edit - That having been said, didn't Disney or someone just open up an Avatar theme park recently?
  4. 1. Will Alien open to more than $35M? 1000 *YES* 2. Will Wimpy Kid Open to more than $10M? 2000 *No* 3. Will Everything, Everything open to more than $10M? 3000 *NO* 4. Will the three wide releases have a combined Friday above $25M? 4000 *Yes* 5. Will Alien and GOTG2 finish the weekend within $5M of each other? 5000 *YES* 6. Will Snatched drop more than 55% 1000 *YES* 7. Will King Arthur drop more than 62.5% 2000 *no* 8. Will F8 of the Furious stay above Boss Baby? 3000 *NO* 9. Will the Circle remain in the top 12? 4000 *NO* 10. Will the Wall stay above Made in China? 5000 *NO* 11. Will any new opener drop more than 30% on Sunday? 1000 *YES* 12. Will Baahubali cross $20M by the end of Saturday? 2000 *YES* 13. Will Wakefield have a PTA above $16,000? 3000 *NO* 14. Will Beauty and the Beast drop more than 30% for the weekend? 4000 *NO* 15. How many Covenant characters will have turned out to have graduated from the Prometheus school of Astronauting? 5000 *Just the robot* Bonus: 9/15 5000 10/15 8000 11/15 12,000 12/15 16,000 13/15 20,000 14/15 24,000 15/15 30,000 Part B: The top 3 predictions will score points as follows: Closest: Within 1% - 15,000, Within 2,5% - 12000, Within 5% 9,000, Within 10% - 6000 Outside 10% - 3000 points 2nd Closest: Within 1% - 12,000, Within 2,5% - 10000, Within 5% 7,000, Within 10% - 4000 Outside 10% - 2000 points 3rd Closest: Within 1% - 10,000, Within 2,5% - 8000, Within 5% 5,000, Within 10% - 2000 Outside 10% - 1000 points 1. What will Covenant's make for its 3 day OW? 38.5M 2. What will Boss Baby's PTA be? $1,475 3. What will BATB's total domestic gross be by the end of the weekend? 497M Part C: There will be 6 films to place and points are expanded because traditionally people haven't scored well here: 1. Alien 4. Snatched 6. King Arthur 9. Furious 12. Gifted 14. Smurfs
  5. Huh, interesting. Thanks for doing this. I thought more folks had Snatched in their top 15. Felt like picking Dark Tower over it was a brave decision, but I was actually following the crowd (a little bit, anyway).
  6. This reminds me of a point I was reading the other day. The author made the point that most guys in their early-mid 20s are f**k-wits. Not necessarily intentionally mean, just have so little idea of what they're doing that their behavior was essentially random in a relationship. But many (though certainly not all) gradually figure it out as they get older. Many women are also f**k-wits at that age, but not as many and sometimes not to as great a degree. So, the argument went, from a maturity standpoint, its actually not that weird for women in their twenties to date older guys because they're actually more comparable from a maturity standpoint than comparable age dating. Of course, the argument was being made by a 45-year old guy trying to explain why it wasn't creepy at all for him to want to date 25-year olds, and how it really wasn't purely about attractiveness. So, worth taking with a grain of salt if you're a parent or 25-year old woman, and a line worth dusting off and practicing if you're a middle-aged single guy.
  7. I've got a copy in my basement! I'll admit that I haven't seen this one yet, but I did like 3-Iron (which I finished watching the other day. I hadn't realized it only had like 10 minutes left). I can't recall if we talked about it, but
  8. Star Wars still tops it, at least domestically, and Harry Potter may have an argument WW. But MCU could pass them both in another year or two on sheer volume.
  9. I met some folks Thurs afternoon and did a fair bit of drinking. So my predicts were done in literally 5 minutes, and while I did manage to get back to them, I was still moderately drunk and fell asleep mid-way through a very questionable job of re-evaluating them. My predicts are looking a little better than I expected given the circumstances (18.5m on Snatched), but still not good (Lowriders, I predicted just under 1m. For the weekend. Oops). For me, Spaghetti could not possibly have chosen a better non-elimination weekend.
  10. Its just annecdotal, but Mrs Wrath first saw the trailer for Snatched a week or so ago and her first comment afterwards was "That looks terrible". That was a bad sign.
  11. That's Mr Abstain, thank you very much. I was going to Pass on the question, but I went to a whiskey tasting last night so anything other than "get home safely and pass out in bed" became very hit-or-miss. edit - Oops. I think I forgot to fill out my derby numbers.
  12. The ghost of CoolEric258 will haunt these halls forever! Or, at least until he gets bored...
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