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Everything posted by Infernus

  1. 1000 Will Star Wars outgross The Avengers? YES 2000 Will Star Wars outgross Titanic? YES 4000 Will Star Wars outgross Avatar? YES 7000 Will Star Wars outgross Titanic before the end of 2015? NO 10000 Will Star Wars be the highest grossing film in January? YES 16000 Will Star Wars be the highest grossing film from February 1st to the end of the game? NO 20000 Will Star Wars gross more than $875M? YES 24000 How many new releases on January 15th will have a larger weekend gross than Star Wars? 1 VOID 28000 How many weekends in January (excluding New Years W/E) will Star Wars be Number 1? 1 CutShort 32000 Will Star Wars gross more than $1B? NO 40000 Will Star Wars' 2016 winter Game gross be closer to Empires' total gross (290M), A new Hope's ($461M), or Jedi's ($309M)? Jedi's 50000 Will Star Wars gross more in China or the USA over the duration of its Chinese release? USA LIFESAVER 60000 Will Star Wars enter the top 5 on the all time list adjusted for Inflation ($1.13B)? NO 80000 Will Star Wars have a weekend gross increase in 2016 by the end of the game? 100000 Will Star Wars pass Titanic's Worldwide total by the end of the game?
  2. @Jar Jar Chasmmi 7000 Will Star Wars outgross Titanic before the end of 2015? And the deadline to answer it is Jan 3rd?
  3. Ah, look look who's second once again Looks like it wasn't to be
  4. Where were you all of last week? And during JW's OW? And during FF7's OS run? And during IO's OW? And during American Sniper's OW?
  5. Um... I know that. I actually mentioned that in my very previous post in the thread - I was just commenting on its performance right now and how big it is for 100 theaters and not on its future prospects. If it gets to 56,000 PTA for the weekend it would be the only film in above 31 theaters (and even that was the blair witch project, the controversy and excitement surrounding which was massive) to ever do that, apart from that film that opened last weekend. And that's inspite of quite some disadvantages on its side.
  6. You think you flopped? Take a look at my pre-season predictions. I have failed at nearly everything that has already been released and it is pretty clear that I will fail at everything still to be released too. I am still not sure who or what possessed me when I was making those predictions
  7. Daddy's Home's breakout (of this scale) is really surprising and a movie making 50m on its second friday is very exciting too but the most surprising, incredible performance of the weekend, something I really can't wrap my head around, is Hateful 8. The more I think about it the more impressive it keeps getting. TBH, I didn't really ever pay much attention to how limited releases play out and things like what PTA is impressive for what theaters before I had to go into it due to the winter game. But now that I do have an idea of these things this number for hateful 8 really blows my mind. As others have already pointed out - A 50k+ average for 100 theaters is already such a crazy thing. And for a violent western film to get it inspite of a number of disadvantages is really huge.
  8. That's really really good. Tarantino does have a big fan-base. I just hope this translates into big numbers even after going wide unlike many other films recently.
  9. Just came back from my showing! Awesome film!! Really Loved it. Saw it with two other friends who had never before seen any star wars film and they liked it a lot too. One thing I'd particularly mention was that I felt the action was pretty good and thats a big thing for me since I rarely enjoy a film's action much.
  10. Yeah actually there were a few (just 3 actually) differences in our scorings. I double checked them and edited my original post with the corrections.
  11. Of course. I would never doubt you. But I really think he wouldn't have made a question so ambiguous as this where people will have to think of/remember the fact that a negative smaller number is greater than a negative larger one. He always tries to ask simple questions even if the scoring is sometimes a little messy (on the surface). I think he just asked for the higher pure/absolute number. But yeah debating about this is useless. Chasmmi himself will tell.
  12. I think that simply means that if all the questions that you answered were correct (100% of questions answered correct) then a 1000 point bonus will be given for all answers. As in if 5 answered and all those 5 correct but nothing (no bonus that is) if 6 are answered and 5 correct (as that would be 83.33.. % questions answered correct).
  13. Well that would have indeed been correct if he had asked for the highest '% change' but he asked for the highest '% drop'. Its just like how a body whose speed is reducing per second is having a negative acceleration but a positive de-acceleration.
  14. Also something seems off with the scoring. How are people with 4 correct and 2 incorrect getting the same points as 4 correct and 1 incorrect? Edit: No, sorry. That only seems to be the case with Tele. Everything else is probably correctly scored.
  15. @JJ-8 But, but the answer to Q4 should be Peanuts since we had to state which will be the highest/biggest for all of the questions and where that wasn't to be the case Chasmmi specifically stated otherwise (in Q5)
  16. Shit, I forgot that in the Winter Game. Btw, to the mods, the thread for this week's questions is still open. I think it should be closed by now. Also, would it be right to make an edit now?
  17. You think GOF butchered off more story and Characters than OoTP?
  18. I think Monday needs to be given more due. It was really something unbelievable. That beautiful drop from an already enormous and very-softly-dropped Sunday, infact a drop on par with Avatar, was what really made 1B start to actually look non-un-realistic. Also Friday would easily be at the top (119m in December!!) but the 57m Previews included in it, previews that everybody did already expect to be enormous (although not to this scale) regardless of the month, reduce its 'incredible-ness' in my opinion. Tuesday and Saturday really were nothing compared to the other days though.
  19. So, now that we almost have the numbers for all its first 7 days and since we all like ranking things so much, how would you guys rank its first 7 days in their incredibleness keeping in mind the complete context (for example that thursday was christmas eve or that wednesday actually increased from tuesday)? People may include explanations too. Here's my rankings - 1. Monday 2. Wednesday 3. Friday 4. Sunday 5. Thursday 6. Saturday and Tuesday tied for me
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