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Everything posted by Infernus

  1. It was in the counting? It wasn't in the top 8 last weekend. Wouldn't the question be completely obvious otherwise? And wouldn't everybody have answered Yes in that case? Even Chasmmi himself answered No so this was definitely not a freebie either.
  2. It may be big but its target audience is completely different than KFP3. Regardless of whatever KFP3 or Deadpool make, there is no way deadpool will affect KFP3 in the slightest.
  3. No, no we are not saying its DOA. Its just that its release date is so bad that it only has 10 days before some mega movies attack along with 4-5 other big movies. So it will not be able to do the phenomenal, atleast-FF7-level numbers that it should have. Rather it would just do Uber-Blockbuster numbers - hopefully something above 300m. Still much more than such huge hits as JW and AOU but still short of expectations, only due to the release date.
  4. I really don't think its supposed to work that way but I hope you are right.
  5. 1. Fantastic Beasts and where to find Them 2. Finding Dory 3. KFP3 4. Civil War 5. BvS 6. X-Men Apocalypse 7. Suicide Squad 8. WarCraft 9. Dr. Strange 10. Assassin's Creed 11. Zootopia
  6. But I think we won't win any points for any correct answer if we (the users of cut short) get this wrong and will simply lose 28,000 points. And that too only if we get every other question correct (except the void/lifesaver one). So the best case scenario for both of us, if Revenant does win, is losing 28,000 points...
  7. Also apparently a few people lost the SOTM as soon as deadline was over. Exxdee, that one guy and MikeKay42 all answered Yes to the Q - will SW outgross titanic before the end of 2015. That one guy used cut short on it but unfortunately he also answered 1 film in the Q- how many films will outgross SW on Jan 15th w/e and then gave 3 weeks as his answer to the next question without using any lifeline in any of them. Both of them can not be correct together. Moreover he also answered all but one questions... Avi/Sakskidz also made a similar mistake by answering no to whether SW will cross a Billion but Yes to whether it will cross 1.13B. He also didn't use any lifeline on either and he answered all the questions...
  8. I took a look at the Star Wars SOTM and boy, if Revenant does win the weekend that will be real bad news to everyone. Everybody but bcf26 gave an answer to the 28000 Q (how many w/e..), no body answered 0 and nobody used void. Most did use cut short or Lifesaver though but its still bad news. Lets hope that doesn't happen.
  9. Yeah but I am not commenting on whether or how Star Wars affected these films as a competition. Regardless of competition so many movies simply don't break out in such a short span anymore. Similarly so many movies don't underperform and flop, one after one, continuously and in such a short span. Whats more these two phases followed each other with no intermediate normal phase in between. While it can be said that a particularly dull period may have led to a particularly bustling period later on to average it out, that doesn't seem to be a rightful explanation here. There has to be an explanation for both phases and something that led from one phase to another. Star Wars effect can explain both the phases. Moreover what connected these phases or transited the marketplace from one to the other? Star Wars. Plus it is a big enough movie, if there ever was any, to have such an effect. All things thus seem to point in that direction in my opinion.
  10. Yeah, me too. Quite Ironically, I started Clannad hoping to get a good & deeply emotional anime but it was the comedy that kept me on it for the first 10-12 episodes, I simply couldn't force myself to keep watching it for much longer though.
  11. A funny thing to notice is that since Star Wars a lot of films have over-performed - Chipmunks (compared to 90% predictions), Sisters, Daddy's Home, Big Short and now Revenant and The Forest, whereas every single film between The Martian and Star Wars under-performed or flopped. Looks like the theory that People were waiting and saving their time and money for Star Wars all along was indeed true. And since getting released it has helped all other films too by bringing so many people to the theaters.
  12. Whoo Hoo! I always believed in Leo and Revenant. It will be interesting to see how far this gets. If it reaches 150m, that would be absolutely incredible.
  13. Anyways, for what its worth, @Jar Jar Chasmmi I wanted to change my 4th position in DAJK's SOTM from fifth wave to The finest hours. I realize I am past the deadline and I guess I can live with fifth wave as my choice too, but I just wanted to get this out of my system.
  14. Why? (sincere question since I put it too with all the others in my SOTM and have not been keeping up much with the various awards' updates)
  15. 1. Will Revenant increase into 2nd position? Yes 2. Will any new release make more than $10M? 2000 NO 3. Will Joy remain in the top 8? NO 4. Will Sisters remain above Road Chip? 3000 YES 5. Which of the 2 main new entries will have the higher PTA? Forest 6. Will hateful 8's total gross pass Krampus' total gross by the end of the weekend? YES 7. Will Good Dinosaur overtake Mockingjay this weekend? NO 8. Will at least 3 films have a Friday increase of 200% or more? 2000 YES 9. Will Creed's Weekend gross stay above $2M? YES 10. Will Daddy's home's total gross overtake Good Dinosaur's total gross by end of Saturday? 3000 NO 11. Will Anesthesia have a PTA above $5000? YES 12. Will Brooklyn, Carol or Spotlight have the best percentage change this weekend? 2000 YES (APART FROM REVENANT) 13. Will any film in the top 8 end this weekend in a higher position than it was last weekend? NO 14. What film will have the biggest drop in the top 15? 3000 POINT BREAK 15. Did I finally make it through the weekly questions without making a Star Wars based one? what is this one, then ? 10/15 - 2000 11/15 - 3000 12/15 - 5000 13/15 - 7000 14/15 - 9000 15/15 - 12000 Part 2. 1. What will The Forest and Masked Saint's combine OW totals be? 5000 10m 2. What will be the difference in gross between Sisters and Alvin this weekend? 5000 .5M 3. What will be the difference in gross between Revenant's weekend this weekend and Hateful 8's weekend last weekend ($15.7M)? 13.912m Part 3. 3. Daddy 5. fOREST 7. sISTER 10. Concussion 12. Hunger Games 15. Masked saint 3/6 2000 4/6 4000 5/6 7000 6/6 10000 Like this
  16. That 70,000 lead !! The lead between 1st and 2nd position is nearly the same as that between 2nd and 12th place. I suddenly really want to keep my 2nd place now.
  17. But what about the actuals for previous week's updated estimates?
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