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Everything posted by Infernus

  1. 1. Will Star Wars gross more than $100M this weekend? Yes 2. Will Star Wars gross more than $130m this weekend? 3000 Yes 3. Will the 5 biggest new entries' combined grosses exceed 50% of Star Wars' weekend? no 4. What will be the highest grossing new entry (new, not expanding)? 2000 Joy 5. Will Sisters drop more than 15% this weekend? No 6. Will at least 4 films increase this weekend? 2000 Yes 7. Will Point Break open to more than $9.5M? No 8. Will Good Dinosaur stay in the top 10? Yes 9. Will Hunger Games stay above Creed? Yes 10. Will Hateful 8 gross at least 10 times the gross of Revenant this weekend? 3000 No 11. Will the Big Short Increase into the top 3?2000 No 12. Will Concussion open higher than Joy? No 13. Will Alvin stay in the top 5? 3000 No 14. Will Star Wars' PTA be higher than Revenant's? No 15. Will I have marked the previous 2 weeks' questions before Xmas hits? 10/15 - 2000 11/15 - 3000 12/15 - 5000 13/15 - 7000 14/15 - 10000 15/15 - 15000 Part 2 1. What will be the difference in gross between 1st and 2nd this weekend? 5000 142m 2. What will Krampus' Xmas Day gross be?5000 .9m 3. What will Concussion and Point Break's combined Saturday gross be? 5000 10.13m 4. What will Alvin's percentage change be this weekend (please specify drop or increase)? 5000 +8.414% 5. What will Hateful 8's PTA be this weekend? 5000 26,500 Part 3 2. Joy 4. Big Short 6. Alvin 9. Mockingjay 12. Krampus 15. Spotlight 2000 each or... 3/6 - 2000 4/6 - 5000 5/6 - 8000 6/6 - 13000
  2. Is it allowed for others to score? I or someone else may do it, then, whoever has the time and will, if you don't feel like doing it. Oh and also - Get well soon
  3. Looks like I got 25 out of 30 in Part 1 (Still can't believe what happened to Night Before, even after taking into account the theater drop) and was really close to all 3 of Part 2's (unfortunately it doesn't matter ). The placements failed me once again though. I foresaw dilwale getting in the top 12 but forgot about Bajirao. I also had MJ at 4th and creed at 5th till the last moment until I suddenly got convinced TGD would benefit from Star Wars and put it at 4th position (really sad what happened to it btw).
  4. Btw, doesn't that 56% Friday increase for The Good Dinosaur seem too low? It isn't even losing that many theaters and Creed and HG both of which lost more theaters both increased more than it.
  5. Yeah. I was thinking it made 700m+ in the late 70's and 80's. Forgot that a major amount of the 700m came from Dom and the 90's re -release . I did say probably though...
  6. Ok, I have said it before and I'll say it once again. People should stop using MI5, the exception, as the representative of the Market when so many other movies are increasing just as much as they should. In fact if a market increases x% in an year that means each movie, on average, increased x% (unless there has been a big increase in the total number of movies itself). Now that means some movies may have increased slightly lesser than the average while some may have increased slightly more than that. A movie can fall into any category so the best option is to adjust it with average %. Now, its true that this year's increase has been contributed to more by the locals than the foreign stuff but that only noticeably applies to this year and thus the previous increases still hold for all movies and even this year's increase, even if to a somewhat lesser degree, does apply. And anyways all that adjusting is getting Avatar to 2B+. I am decreasing that straight off by half because I am not a lost-common-sense-obsessed-fan (don't even like the movie particularly) and I know the significant factors that lead to the originals gross are not going to get repeated. I am only saying what the data shows or, as Beatrice says in the Act 2 of Much Ado about Nothing that we are doing in class these days, I am only seeing the church by daylight. 1B should, or atleast can, definitely happen.
  7. I Don't think that will happen. Alvin and Sisters are making at least 27-28m together. GD, HG:MJ2 and Creed should combine for at least 16.5m. And at least 9m for the rest 4 positions. That's atleast 53m for positions 2-10. 53 would be 15% of 353m. So SW7 will have to make atleast 300m to get 85% of the top 10 (and I think the weekend share is taken out of the top 12 total).
  8. Avatar 2 may. Avatar's China gross would adjust to atleast 2B$ by Dec 2017. Avatar 2 should therefore make atleast 1B$ there. That 800m increase in a single market should be enough to cover its losses in other markets, especially since it could easily increase in even a lot of other developing markets too. Plus inflation should atleast somewhat reduce the loss in most other markets too.
  9. You are forgetting that Avatar was not really a small thing in US either. Star Wars may end 100m or 150m max over Avatar domestically but that would still not be enough to reach Avatar. Around 70m of that 100m lead would be lost in SK alone.
  10. Yeah that actually literally adjusts to 1200m+ in today's China!! Avatar was unbelievable OS, absolutely on an another level. Its OS performance for its time can only be compared to Titanic's and probably the original Star War's.
  11. What about what we saw from Guardians of the Galaxy and The Winter Soldier and even, to a slightly lesser degree, Ant Man? Audience is loving the new characters. They only need to keep bringing in fresh characters and storylines and maintain quality close GotG or Winter Soldier and they will have a truly phenomenal hit in their hands.
  12. Ok lets just agree at this and end this pointless debate.
  13. Also, I didn't use the prequels as an example. You brought it up. So I just wrote what I was aware of and what I have mostly heard. And only from sites like these and reviews. None of my friends has watched the prequel trilogy. Man, you would use anything to try to subdue others during arguments, every single time. You never change, do you?
  14. Also, I know IMDB is not at all a good way of judging movies and I knew exactly that you would reply in such a way, that was why I wrote for 'whatever its worth'. I was just stating the available stat.
  15. Er.. I was saying what my actual opinion is and how I am not using that opinion in my arguments in that para. If I was using my actual opinion then, as I said, I wouldn't even be getting to animation thing. For me Nemo is already much better than Shrek in nearly every aspect.
  16. I am just saying that Nemo's animation was on a complete another level compared to anything ever seen before. The Shrek doesn't have this going for it. On all other aspects they are nearly equal and I think everybody would agree. Thus overall Nemo is better. My 'opinion' is that Nemo is far superior to shrek even without the animation bonus. Nemo has comedy too and its enjoyable and its got real emotions with a much better sountrack too. Anyways, I am not stating my opinion here. I am simply looking at it objectively. And I don't believe shrek is the most loved animation of the past 15 years. what are you comparing Shrek 2 with? Whatever Shrek 2 did we don't have a nemo sequel, yet, to compare. We can only directly compare Shrek and Nemo, and Nemo sold much more tickets than Shrek. Also Nemo has sold much much more DVDs compared to both Shrek and Shrek 2. Also, for whatever its worth - Nemo has 8.2 score on IMDB and Shrek has 7.9. Also Nemo has 99% RT while Shrek has 88% and Nemo has 90% Metacritic while Shrek has 84% so critic-wise atleast we have a clear winner. And I myself have seldom met people who would say Shrek is better than Nemo. And even after all this, even if Shrek is indeed more loved than Nemo the difference would be little and thus the first para of this post still holds true. Also I have, to be honest, not seen any prequel and only said what I've heard and read EVERYwhere which in fact serves my point all the more better since I am not just stating personal opinion for anything but trying to look objectively and state what is nearly unarguable (nearly because for every view their are some exceptions).
  17. There's a huge difference. Firstly Shrek and Nemo were of nearly the same period. And Nemo was an astonishing achievement in animation for its time (even for today in my opinion) while the CGI for the prequels sucked. Also the prequels are much behind the OT in most other aspects while Nemo is better than Shrek in most aspects, and atleast equal in others. And even if, as you believe, some think that shrek was slightly better in some aspects than nemo and equal in others, the difference in animation quality and emotional quality is much too big to not easily cover that.
  18. C'mon now, the difference in the level of animation between them is in itself huge enough to end any debate on which is better.
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