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Everything posted by Infernus

  1. Btw I have a rquest to make. Can we please not add the Oscar SOTM's scores to the total scores list till the game's end?
  2. 1. Which new opener will make the most this weekend? GrandPa 2. Will at least 1 new entry enter into the top 3? 2000 No 3. Will the Big Short drop less than 8% this weekend? NO 4. Will Norm of the North have the biggest drop amongst all animated (including Alvin) films this weekend? NO 5. Will the Revenant finally hit the number 1 spot this weekend? 3000 YES!! 6. Will Sisters remain in the top 10 this weekend? 3000 NO 7. Will the forest finish above Norm of the North? NO 8. Will Star Wars cross 875M total by the end of the weekend? YES 9. Will Spotlight finish above Brooklyn this weekend? 2000 No 10. Will any film in the top 12 drop more than 62%? Yes 11. Will Monster Hunt have a PTA above $6000? Yes 12. Will any film increase 200% or more on Friday? 2000 Yes 13. Will any film decrease more than 47% on Sunday? No 14. Which film in the top 8 will have the highest PTA? 3000 Revenant 15. Do you miss the lack of bear films being released this weekend? Utterly 10/15 - 2000 11/15 - 3000 12/15 - 4000 13/15 - 6000 14/15 - 8000 15/15 - 10000 Part 2 1. What will the 3 highest new openers combined OW be? 5000 37.523m 2. What will Creed's total be by end of Saturday? 5000 108.8 3. What will Ride Along make on Sunday? 5000 5.38m Part 3 1. Revenant 3. SW 5. 5th Wave 8. Daddy's Home 10. The Big Short 13. brooklyn 16. joy 2000 each plus... 4/7 - 2000 5/7 - 5000 6/7 - 8000 7/7 - 11000
  3. 1. What will Kung Fu Panda's OW be? 45m 2. What will Revenant's total be by the end of the game? 165m 3. What will Star Wars' February gross be (till end of game of course)? 23m 4. What will Norm of the North's 2nd weekend drop be? 2.8m 5. What will Dirty Grandpa's 2nd weekend total be? 6m 6. What will be the difference between 50 Shades of Black's OW and 50 Shades of Grey's? 65m 7. What will Hail Caesar and Pride and Prejudice's Combine OW be? 25m 8. What will be the difference in Zoolander and Deadpool's OW? 12M 9. What will be the difference in total gross between Alvin and Sister's by the end of the game? 5M 10. What will be the Big Short's total January Gross (starting from January 1st)? 36M 11. What will be the gross of the 15th placed film domestic at the end of the game? 71M 12. What will the Hateful 8 gross between February 1st and February 10th (inclusive)? 1.3m
  4. I agree. If one knows what director is associated with a film many a times he can accurately gauge how good/bad it will be by taking a look at his past track record. Almost always, a director is much more important/related to a film's overall quality than any actor involved. Infact the only actor I personally feel is reliable in gauging a film's quality is Leo.
  5. Actually it does . Infact your points actually further prove the point.. Indeed inarittu was a no name in US and yet his movie is suddenly making near 200m after leo got in. Luhrmann too, with only five movies none of which were a particularly big hit, got a 150m movie with leo added in. You may bring up these little things for Hateful 8(which may have had impact but you also have to see that revenant isn't exactly 'just' beating it) but Tarantino movies before django didn't make as much money either (even adjusted for inflation, only 94's pulp fiction beats it). Scorcese always makes 'different' movies as in 'not mass-appealing' and it was just like that with his Leo collaborations. Its not like WoWS, Shutter Is., Aviator or The Departed were particularly mass-appealing or audience-pleasing either. Maybe some of them were a little more so than Hugo but that was a visual effects fest too, so it had that going for it. Yet all these 4 leo movies are in the top 5 of his adjusted list, containing fantastic films from 4-5 different decades, with only a '91 film joining them. So yeah it does prove the point and you helped in proving it further.
  6. You do realize that I was replying to what you brought up and not bringing anything up myself? WW I think it may get a little closer but should still be considerably far apart. Going with spizzer, this will probably gain around 15-20m admissions in US. Not enough to have any affect on the massive distance between their OS grosses. Sorry though to the mods and others for bringing up this thing once again but this is not really any argument but simply laying out undeniable facts and I am not gonna post further on this topic (unless hard pressed).
  7. Definitely not. Not even close. TFA's 1B OS is nowhere close to Avatar's 2B in any way no matter what factors you try to use. ER is bad but lots of markets have expanded and 6 year's inflation further reduces that disadvantage. So, no way TFA is even close to Avatar OS in any way just because of ER. Its not even the biggest movie of its own year OS. Avatar is the 2nd biggest of all time. In fact when you factor in market expansions Avatar's china gross alone would increase to near 1200m. I am not saying it would have made that but since we are talking about pure number conversions that will be the number we'll have to take. That alone beats TFA's total OS and we haven't even come to the rest of Asia or Latin America where major market expansions take have taken place. So yeah - No.
  8. Good reviews. Atleast 150m is locked. And the exceptionally empty market (for quite some time too) combined with good WOM could get this to leg its way past 200 too.
  9. Not as extremely bad for me as I thought it would be. I'm still within 50k from 5th place. Thats gonna be my goal now. Also, which one was SOTM 8?
  10. So I haven't watched this yet (still holding myself) but from the looks of it I guess this has Actor and Cinematography near-locked? Or can Mad Max beat it in cinematography? And what about the other technical categories?
  11. Thanx . To change your avatar, just go here - http://forums.boxofficetheory.com/profile/27604-rolling-thunder/photo/ and use any of the first two options.
  12. Now that the time's over, is there way to see what someone else predicted?
  13. I thought so too but I knew it wasn't a locked thing. The thing is, if it got right it would have got me 14000 points but now that its wrong I lost on 78,000 points (taking into account both points I lost and points I would have gained had I not included it). So, due to my greed, for an extra 14k I lost 78k which would have atleast kept me in the run for top 5.
  14. Wow I am officially out of the game now. I did not expect it to happen so soon. Oh my greed! Why did I include cinematography for BoS? I could have gotten so much from that. And what's up with carol not getting best pic? Ah, well. I had gotten too much into the game. The good thing is now I have one less worry and can enjoy most movies' run without thinking of personal benefits. Don't care if SW makes less than 952m either now, another -60,000 wouldn't matter now (didn't mention it anywhere but truth be told, I had been 'worrying' about that a lot these past few days, thinking of all possibilities and chances and how the 90,000 gain that would get me over Exxdee may help me win the game )
  15. I really hope this crosses 950m. Its tough but if it does massive this week its definitely on the table.
  16. We do have admission numbers though for many major OS markets. Check out this post by @peludo - forums.boxofficetheory.com/topic/18043-adjusting-exchange-rates/?page=7#comment-2354284.
  17. WOW has been immensely popular in China. Most importantly though, it is the 'next level' in CGI. It will have massive battles and stuff too. It should definitely be a big big hit here.
  18. IA5 is a lock too. I believe Fantastic Beasts has high chances since WB can market things very well and this just needs awareness of it belonging to the HP world. With Benedict Cumberbatch and the fact that even Ant-Man made 105m here and that this will have magic and will be visually beautiful and has parts shot in the Himalayas, Dr.S is a lock too. Alice has high chances too and should be able to do it if its visuals heavy and that clicks here again. The rest are all 50:50. Of course, in the end, by locks I just mean 90%+ chances and it is not impossible that one of them misses the mark due to some unprecedented/currently improbable reason.
  19. 13 Hours 3.2 Norm of the North 3.1 Ride Along 2 2.9 The 5th wave Abstain The Boy 2.1 Dirty Grandpa 2.5
  20. 30-35 for the 4 day would assure it in my opinion. That can easily happen IMO. Loved movies usually perform especially well on Holiday weekends like GOTG last year on labour day weekend.
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