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Posts posted by Infernus

  1. Btw we got another answer for our SOTM-3. We have all but the 3rd one. That one can still go both ways although Peanuts has a much higher chance.


    1) Peanuts Opening 5 days (until Tuesday)  vs  Spectre's best 2 days of its OW

    2) Peanuts Opening Tuesday percentage change vs Spectre Opening Tuesday Percentage Change 

    3) Peanuts' Final Gross - Epic Final Gross (107.5M)   vs   Spectre's final gross - Quantum of Solace Final Gross (168.4M)

    4) Peanuts' 2nd Weekend % drop  vs  Spectre's 4th Weekend % drop

    5) Days it takes Peanuts to overtake Goosebumps vs Days it takes Spectre to Overtake Hotel Transylvania 2 (Fastest is winner)

    6) Peanuts Total from Day 15 of release vs Spectre total from day 15 of release

  2. 4 hours ago, The Futurist said:


    It's interesting to note that the Hunger Games movie franchise numbers completely follow what the readers think of the books.


    The first book is beloved, it hooked people into the whole thing.

    The Second book is adored, fans favorite book by far.

    Mockingjay is a dividing book to say the least, loved by some, hated by others. You have to understand that what happens in the first act of MJ, the book.film, is SO anti climatic that it made people to not root for Katniss as she become mopey & depressed until she become this Kind of Joan of Arc figure people expected but then the author killed Katniss' spirit even more by other events so the book/movie is grim & dark & not uplifting in ANY way.


    Dividing the least favorite book into two parts was asking for trouble and it showed.

    Maybe they should have changed more things from the book but the success of the first film prevented them from doing that.


    The last Potter/Twilight books gave what the fans wanted and were up lifting.




    Yeah, well every single HP Book was loved. And I thought people hated the last Twilight book? 

  3. 1 hour ago, Jajang said:

    Overall Scores

    Updated  to:

    • Week 5 included
    • SOTM 2 & 4 both included

    Going forward i won't show history ..  - just totals with the new numbers being added. (all other info is still there i'm just hiding it to simplify the table.)

    As before - PM if there is an error.

    (GRAND TOTAL = PreSeason Total + SOTM Total + Weekly Total)

    # User Pre- season Entry GRAND TOTAL PreSeason Total SOTM Total SOTM 2 SOTM 4  Weekly's Total  Week 5
    1 Movieman89 YES 143000 10000 26000 7000 19000 107000 18000
    2 Infernus YES 132000 10000 21000 8000 13000 101000 13000
    3 darkelf YES 130000 10000 22000 6000 16000 98000 14000
    4 glassfairy YES 124000 10000 26000 6000 20000 88000 12000
    5 DAJK YES 122000 10000 10000 6000 4000 102000 8000
    6 DamienRoc YES 122000 10000 27000 7000 20000 85000 12000
    7 Exxdee YES 119000 10000 11000 7000 4000 98000 14000
    8 WrathofHan YES 117000 10000 1000 7000 -6000 106000 16000
    9 Wrath YES 116000 10000 15000 8000 7000 91000 18000
    10 chasmmi YES 113000 10000 8000 8000 0 95000 13000
    11 thatoneguy (Background Char) YES 113000 10000 5000 8000 -3000 98000 12000
    12 Filmovie YES 108000 0 21000 8000 13000 87000 16000
    13 Telemachos YES 108000 10000 16000 6000 10000 82000 16000
    14 grey ghost YES 91000 10000 2000 8000 -6000 79000 16000
    15 Jajang YES 91000 10000 1000 7000 -6000 80000 9000
    16 kayumanggi YES 88000 0 -2000 8000 -10000 90000 14000
    17 Blankments YES 84000 10000 -8000 6000 -14000 82000 8000
    18 misafeco YES 81000 10000 -3000 8000 -11000 74000 9000
    19 MikeKaye42 YES 66000 10000 -17000 7000 -24000 73000 12000
    20 Kalo YES 59000 10000 2000 8000 -6000 47000 10000
    21 bcf26 YES 57000 10000 7000 7000 0 40000 0
    22 avi YES 44000 10000 -40000 7000 -47000 74000 15000
    23 Alfred YES 42000 10000 8000 8000 0 24000 0
    24 99 Trees YES 36000 10000 0 0 0 26000 0
    25 Baumer YES 10000 10000 0 0 0 0 0
    26 laguy03 YES 10000 10000 0 0 0 0 0
    27 The Panda YES 10000 10000 0 0 0 0 0


    2nd Place? Pretty Good!

    • Like 1
  4. 40 minutes ago, WrathOfHan said:

    BOM has the total listed as 10,137,502. I was dividing the smaller total as the numerator for everything, should I do it the other way around?


    Yeah, I think. It depends on Chas though whether he wants to see the difference as percent of one's prediction or as percent of the actual gross. I say he should do it the later way (your way). For once, It would be a different thing from the usual. Secondly it would be slightly beneficial to everyone who didn't abstain, thus a small reward for their..er.. hard work.

    • Like 1
  5. 19 hours ago, WrathOfHan said:

    Current SOTM 1 results (everyone except myself said total gross, I went with the weekend one):


    Chasmmi: +10,000 (Sicario A+ (currently A but will be A+), The Walk A+, The Martian A (currently B but will become A),  Pan D)

    ThatOneGuy: +8,000 (The Martian A+ (currently A but will be A+), The Walk A, Sicario B, Pan C)

    WrathOfHan: +8,000 (The Walk A, Pan A, too soon to say on Martian and Sicario)

    Infernus: +4,000 (The Martian A+, Sicario A, Pan C, The Walk C)

    misafeco: +4,000 (The Martian A+, Pan B, Sicario B (could become A), The Walk C)

    bcf26: +2,000 (abstain)

    damienroc: +2,000 (abstain)

    darkelf: +2,000 (The Martian A+, Sicario A+, Pan C, The Walk D)

    Exxdee: +2,000 (The Martian A+, Sicario, A+, The Walk C, Pan D)

    Filmovie: +2,000 (abstain)

    glassfairy: +2,000 (abstain)

    grey ghost: +2,000 (abstain)

    Wrath: +2,000 (abstain)

    Alfred: -2,000 (no response)

    baumer: -2,000 (no response)

    laguy03: -2,000 (no response)

    The Panda: -2,000 (no response)

    DAJK: -4,000 (The Martian A+,  Sicario A+ (currently A but will be A+), Pan D, The Walk D)

    treeroy: -4,000 (The Martian A+, Sicario A+, Pan D, The Walk D)

    MovieMan89: -6,000 (The Martian A+, Sicario B, Pan C, The Walk D)

    Telemachos: -6,000 (The Martian A+, Pan B (currently C but will be B soon), Sicario C (could become B ), The Walk D)

    Jajang: -10,000 (The Martian B, Sicario B, The Walk B, Pan D)

    Kalo: -10,000 (The Martian A, Sicario B, Pan C, The Walk D)

    Blankments: -12,000 (The Martian A (currently A+ but will be A very soon), Sicario A, Pan D, The Walk D)

    sakskidz/avi: -20,000 (Sicario B, The Martian B (currently C but will become B ), Pan D, The Walk D)

    kaumanggi: -24,000 (The Martian B, Sicario C, Pan D, The Walk D)

    MikeKaye42: -24,000 (The Martian B (currently C but will become B ), Sicario C, Pan D, The Walk D)


    A lot of the ones on Pan are close to adjusting up and The Martian will still fluctuate some more. If I made any mistakes let me know!

    What are you predicting these films' final grosses to be for these scores?

  6. On 11/15/2015, 11:26:03, WrathOfHan said:

    Estimated SOTM 4 Results (I'm not checking for any potential different answers from Week 5):



    damienroc: +20,000

    glassfairy: +20,000

    MovieMan89: +19,000

    darkelf: +16,000

    Filmovie: +13,000

    Infernus: +13,000

    Chasmmi: +10,000

    Telemachos: +10,000

    ThatOneGuy: +7,000

    Wrath: +7,000

    DAJK: +4,000

    Exxdee: +4,000

    kayumanggi: +3,000

    misafeco: 0

    Blankments: -3,000

    grey ghost: -6,000

    Jajang: -6,000

    Kalo: -6,000

    WrathOfHan: -6,000

    avi: -32,000

    MikeKaye42: -38,000

    Adjusting the list with the only change that occurred with the actuals (Martians's Sunday, which lost me 5,000 on week 5's questions while gaining Movieman 5,000, thus interchanging our positions..) - 

    damienroc: +20,000

    glassfairy: +20,000

    MovieMan89: +19,000

    darkelf: +16,000

    Filmovie: +13,000

    Infernus: +13,000

    Telemachos: +10,000

    Wrath: +7,000

    DAJK: +4,000

    Exxdee: +4,000

    Chasmmi: 0

    ThatOneGuy: -3000

    grey ghost: -6,000

    Jajang: -6,000

    Kalo: -6,000

    WrathOfHan: -6,000

    kayumanggi: -10,000

    misafeco: -11,000

    Blankments: -14,000

    MikeKaye42: -24,000

    avi: -47,000 



    • Like 4
  7. Part 1.


    1. Will Hunger Games Open to more than $120M? YES

    2. Will Hunger Games Open to more than $132.5M? 2000 YES

    3. Will Hunger Games Open to more than $145M? YES

    4. Where will Mockingjay 2's OW rank alongside the other franchise instalments (1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th)? 3rd

    5. Will The Night Before's OW be at least 10% the gross of MJ2's OW? 3000 YES

    6. Will MJ2's Friday be above $55M? YES

    7. Will MJ2 drop less than 35% on Sunday? NO

    8. Will MJ2 have a Saturday PTA above $10,000? YES


    9. Will the Secrets in their Eyes open in the top 4? No

    10. Will Peanuts drop less than 48%? YES

    11. Will legend have a PTA above $32,000? 2000 NO

    12. Will Spectre cross $150M by Saturday? YES

    13. Will Love the Coopers stay above The Martian? 3000 YES

    14. Will Goosebumps remain above Bridge of Spies yet again? YES

    15. Will Prem Ratan Dham Payo have a PTA above $4000? NO

    16. Will My All American stay in the top 15? Yes


    17. Will The Last Witch Hunter actually do what it is supposed to and drop over 52% this weekend? YES

    18. Will Hotel Transylvania's weekend be at least 10% of Peanuts'? 2000 NO

    19. Will By the Sea finish above Trumbo? YES

    20. Will a film drop at least 47% on Sunday? YES

    21. Name any film that drops less than 33% this weekend (or choose none)?3000 Spotlight

    22. Will the 3 new openers combine to at least $150M? YES

    23. Will Jem Rock the Kasbah cross $2.9M by the end of the weekend? YES

    24. Will Bridge of Spies' Total Gross overtake The Visit's Total Gross by the end of the weekend? 2000 YES

    25. Does Tyrian Lannister die at the end of MJ2? (Note any actual spoiler answers will result in death by cannon :) )  Dunno



    15/25 2000

    16/25 3000

    17/25 4000

    18/25 5000

    19/25 6000

    20/25 8000

    21/25 10000

    22/25 12000

    23/25 15000

    24/25 17000

    25/25 20000


    Part 2:


    1. What will MJ2's OW be? 5000 143m

    2. What will The Night Before's OW gross be as a percentage of MJ2's OW? 5000 12.2%

    3. What will Legend's PTA be? 5000 17,000

    4. What will The Martian's total gross be by the end of Sunday? 5000 213.8m 

    5. What will Paranormal Activity's percentage drop be? 5000 61%


    Part 3:




    3. The Night Before

    6. Spotlight

    9. The 33

    11. BoS

    14 MY All American


    17. Prem Ratan Dhan Payo


     2000 each

    4/6 2000 bonus

    5/6 5000 bonus

    6/6 8000 bonus


    There we go, 100k up for grabs :D

  8. 18 minutes ago, MrFanaticGuy34 said:

    Also...another interesting thing happened. HT2 has now finally surpassed Big Daddy as Adam Sandler's highest grossing film, DOM-wise.


    Really impressive that Big Daddy held that record for 16 years.....and now eventually, the record is coming to an end....thanks to HT2.


    Thats not impressive. That just goes on to show what a flop Sandler has been for the past so many years. 

    • Like 1
  9. Yaaar... I was all for Love the Coopers over The 33 simply due to it seeming much more appealing to the GA. But most others and Mojo said otherwise. Now not being an american or in america, I didn't know the least bit about their buzz or whatever hype their, any ads or anything else. Heck I had never even heard their names and wouldn't have cared the least bit but for the Winter Game. So who was I to challenge the others' views?... 

  10. Don't think so. Lot depended on China, but the WOM seems to be really bad. Hopefully it gets to 110-115m there. UK is really good and the difference between skyfall and it there will be much less than what we thought. France got a record OD and will almost definitely well outgross Skyfall. This combined with the near 200m in US would put it at a disadvantage of around 60m compared to Skyfall. Seeing as Skyfall made 1.16B that means it only needs to lose less than 100m in all the other markets. It will lose some in some markets, will increase in some, especially the growing ones, and will remain stable in some. So I think it can happen. Will come pretty close atleast.

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