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Posts posted by Infernus

  1. 800m includes China. Without China, it will do 725-750m.


    Yeah, I did think you were getting a little too optimistic there. Still, as I said, I think 750m+ can happen without China. its got atleast 25m left from japan and 45m left from UK. Plus Italy and germany could turn out big and give around 70m to it (combined and I know even then its a little optimistic but this has been overperforming everywhere but japan and tbh 30-40m is not too big a sum for those markets). Add around 25m from the holdover markets. That gives us an OS-C gross of 390m. With 360m from U.S this brings the total, without china, to 760m WW. With 60-70 m from China (thats a little optimistic but can happen with low competition) that means it would end with around 820m WW. Or atleast thats what I think.

  2. Japanese result is disappointing to say the least. Any chance it will do more than $30M there?

    Don't think so.

    30m is assuured and may reach 40m. Quite less than the expectations (I actually thought this would outgross Big Hero 6 there) but still good, taking into account the fact that yen is really weak right now, that it opened against really fierce competition and that its final gross will still be around as much as Wall E and Ratatouille, Pixar's other recent critically acclaimed and loved films, there.

  3. Hopefully, it gets a china release and grosses $100 million+ there making the OS gross $550 million+


    Nah, 100m is still a big sum there, especially for original animated movies, that too without much slapstick comedy and booms. Still it should definitely make around 60-70m there unless competition is really fierce. It may cross 850m WW after a chinese release.

  4. All, ALL, doubts about the market finally slowing down (growth rate wise) have ended. Even after having grown consistently for so many years, the market's year-on-year growth has only increased. If this could increase so much over such a monstrous month from the previous year than their is no more doubt in my mind about the market or its future potential.

    • Like 1
  5. Shut it Tele


    I need my novels adapted directly


    How dare they cut Dobby from Goblet of Fire    :angry:





    Shut it Tele


    I need my novels adapted directly


    How dare they cut EVERYTHING INTERESTING Dobby from Goblet of Fire   :angry:





    Goblet of fire? Don't you guys remember The Half Blood Prince? I mean, they almost cut 50% of the interesting, enjoyable and useful things from it. They completely cut Dobby's and Kreacher's role. And what about Dumbledore's meeting with the dursley family? That scene from the book showed quite some character growth in the dursley family... They ended up as nothing but comic relief douche bags in the series. And most importantly, they cut out so much of Voldemort's story that was so essential to understanding his decisions, his personality, his behaviour, his motives, HIM.


    And don't even get me started on The Order of the Pheonix. The book is my second favourite one and the movie is one of my least favourite ones. They cut so much from the Battle at the Ministry. And the almost complete cutting of the 'The Last Prophecy' chapter was the most angering and heart-breaking moment of the complete series... That chapter was like the main thing!! It's my second most favourite chapter of the whole series of books. All the things explained, such character growth and character revealment of Harry and Dumbledore and that Prophecy!! Everything just cut out or shortened so much... 


    There was a reason the last two films turned out so good and the only other best part was the one based on a 300 page book. According to me all of the last four parts should indeed have been split into two movies. I don't care how it may have affected their box office. I just WANTED it.

    • Like 1
  6. Man, a 150 million dollar range, really going out on a limb there with a prediction.


    Well, a guy gave a 100m+ total gross range for Minions recently.....after its second weekend estimates :D :D


    Anyways even after a 150m range, water may still very well turn out wrong. It can end up above Toy Story 3 in my opinion, if it turns out out good and thrilling.

  7. Last week already opened in Japan (flopped due to rough competition, sadly) and no current release date for China, but it will open there.


    Curious to see how much it grossed this weekend in the UK but this seems really disappointing. Starting to wonder if it'll even make much past 700mil global total.


    It did not flop in Japan. It just opened below expectations. Moreover its holding very well there this weekend. Much better than all the other openers from the previous weekend and also much better than other older films, both animated and live action. It will end up above (or atleast close to) Wall-E or Ratatouille there. It has also overperformed in South Korea and is holding well in other markets. Plus China is still an unpredictable variable. Thus, I believe its gonna easily make it past 750m even if not by much distance. 

  8. Corpse


    Usual Locations - Saturday Admissions (43% of Market)

    10AM > 11AM > 12PM > 1PM > 2PM > 3PM > 7PM > Final

    4,955 (-80%) > 8,518 (-69%) > 12,911 (-58%) > 18,502 (-70%) > 24,189 (-62%) > 31,307 (-55%) > 44,463 (-57%) > 55,679 (-56%) - Hero 2 (Week 2)

    3,007 (-37%) > 6,211 (-27%) > 9,963 (-28%) > 13,388 (-32%) > 20,214 (-19%) > 26,086 (-23%) > 37,444 (-31%) > 44,794 (-32%) - The Boy and the Beast (Week 3)

    5,042 (-24%) > 8,222 (-36%) > 13,422 (-18%) > 16,987 (-26%) > 24,248 (-20%) > 28,031 (-19%) > 38,640 (-26%) > 42,978 (-28%) - Inside Out (Week 2)

    1,672 (-54%) > 3,050 (-46%) > 5,155 (-45%) > 7,820 (-46%) > 10,106 (-37%) > 13,804 (-34%) > 21,045 (-38%) > 26,892 (-40%) - Terminator: Genisys (Week 3)

    5,613 (-64%) > 9,770 (-65%) > 12,986 (-60%) > 16,274 (-62%) > 20,003 (-59%) > 22,522 (-59%) > 26,575 (-61%) > 26,629 (-61%) - Pokemon XY: Hoopa and the Clash of Ages (Week 2)

    1,660 (-36%) > 2,327 (-40%) > 4,611 (-35%) > 5,874 (-35%) > 6,956 (-32%) > 10,358 (-35%) > 15,355 (-36%) > 19,439 (-37%) - Avengers: Age of Ultron (Week 4)

    Saturday Final Results:

    55,679 - Hero 2 (Week 2)

    44,794 - The Boy and the Beast (Week 3)

    42,978 - Inside Out (Week 2)

    26,892 - Terminator: Genisys (Week 3)

    26,629 - Pokemon XY: Hoopa and the Clash of Ages (Week 2)

    19,439 - Avengers: Age of Ultron (Week 4)


    The WOM.iS.kICKING.iN!!


    One of the biggest box office surprises in years. 




    Huh? What?


    Just this year, we have had 3 movies with a run nearly atleast 21.7 times more surprising than it - American Sniper, Jurassic World, FF7. It wasn't even the most surprising movie last year, which was such a pathetic year for box-office. It wasn't even the most surprising movie of its summer, for God's sakes, both GotG and Maleficent were much more surprising. I mean, who would have thought 700m+ for Maleficent and that it would end up as nearly the top grossing movie of the summer both domestically and WW, apart from Transformers (WW) and GotG (DOM). And the movie was so bad too...

  10. I don't think any of us can say how intelligent he is. Box office is clearly not his area of expertise so it's unfair to judge him on it. As much as I (and many others) have laughed at him, I think he is doing the best he can until they hire an actual BO analyst to manage Mojo.


    Yeah, that was more or less what I was trying to say. BoxOffice is an area one can't master just through intelligence. It needs experience and time to be well understood. He seems to be an intelligent journalist, though seemingly a young and enthusiastic one. Its just that he's been put into the wrong field. Still he seems to be trying to do his best. 

  11. :lol:


    So, did some investigating.




    So Mojo's "Flix Crix Nix Pix-els?" => "Film Critics Reject Pixels"




    So Keith is actually a really smart guy? Or atleast a really intelligent guy when it comes to journalism but who has unfortunately been forced into an area really needing experience and knowledge yet also one he seemingly has taken just a few briefings on so as to be able to put out articles?

  12. China and India are very similar (except for animations)


    Yeah, while China is opening more and more to animations and is responding much better to them now then earlier, they are still a no-no in India. India has opened a lot more and become a lot more receptive to Hollywood movies in the past year though so it can be said to be China as it was a few, 5-7, years, ago - a new 'Developing' China.

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