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Posts posted by Infernus

  1. This has been a great month for animated films all over the world. Minions and Inside Out in US, IO in SK and TMK in China. Two of these runs, IO in SK (and to some degree in US too) and TMK in China, were compeltely unexpected and really exceptional. Both were WoM fueled. The more exceptional and amazing run out of the two, even though both runs are truly amazing ones in a very rare manner, is TMK's in my opinion which just kept increasing and increasing over its weekend numbers and didn't fade even the influence of two other big time big(ger) monsters.

    • Like 2
  2. When you factor in it only made 2.8M in total,it must have one of the worse multipliers in history to only make 4x it's opening day gross


    LOL!! 4x multi from OD? That must be one of the worst multipliers in any country, ever. I thought this was a pretty leggy market.

  3. I'm fully aware of its Indian release date. The guy at the cinema said they would continue to show JW in IMAX on the weekend starting 24/07/15 despite Ant-Man's release. Not sure if they're going to share the screen or what. I got no new movies in Dubai throughout Ramadan because the fasting would affect cinemas' popcorn sales, and now that I'm here and I find out that several movies such as IO and TG have come and gone already. Oh well, it doesn't hurt to watch JW for the fourteenth time :P


    Wel,maybe since we have very few IMAX's here in India, I think they are keeping the movie that they think would make them more money. I honestly can't think why anybod with a limited budget would pay extra to see a movie called Ant Man in IMAX.


    14th time? So you've seen in more times than Bishop? I thought he/she was the champ but apparently you've beat him. Is any one keeping tabs on this? I think the current list is something like this - 


    Highest Viewings of JW in BOT Forums


    1) ScoobySaurus - 14 viewings

    2) Bishop12 - 12 Viewings

    3) Baumer?


    anyone else who'd like to get their names added to this list? Criteria is minimum 5 viewings. :P

    • Like 1
  4. Well..... I have a collection of about 200 movies on Blu-Ray and it didn't cost me a single penny! :)

    My uncle owns a store and he is kind enough to lend me blu-rays as soon as they arrive for a night. I rip it without any compression (normally takes 30-40GB) and store it in my Hard Disk. IMO managing 3 hard disks is a lot easier than 200 copies. Another benefit is that I can directly watch it on my PC or I copy the folder in my 64GB USB drive and plug it in the blu-ray player and see it on HDTV.


    What are you? The luckiest guy on the planet??? I have never bought a single Blu-ray. I haven't even ever brought a DVD except for a few pirated ones... Btw....er... which city d'you live in? I live in Agra. Any chance we share the same city?? 

  5. I thought studios get much lower % of OS gross compared to domestic. Anyway, I guess it does make sense if you look at the big picture with increases for sequels, etc. On a side note, I'm on holiday in India and I couldn't find a single screen showing TG or AM here in Hyderabad. I asked a guy at the cinema when Ant Man is coming to IMAX and he says they'll stick to JW this weekend. Every cinema has Bhaijaan, Bahubali or Jurassic World and the JW shows are still selling out so a part of me is glad, but it sucks that I had to watch a pirated version of TG. I'll watch it again in IMAX along with Ant-Man once I'm back in Dubai. 


    Yeah, they get lower % then DOM but its still not as low as 25%. Barring a few exceptions (like China and even it gives atleast 30%), almost no market gives less than 35% to the studio. So one may take a 35-40% avg for OS and even that would be conservative. 


    Yeah. You won't find Ant Man in any theatre in the whole country. Coz its getting released here next weekend XD  As for TG, its already been more than two weeks since it got released and unless foreign movies are making good money, they don't remain in most theatres here for more than 3 weekends. Who would keep TG when you have blockbusters like Bahubali or Bhaaijaan incoming?

    • Like 1
  6. Well I'm no box office expert (yet) and correct me if I'm wrong but I think Ant-Man is barely going to break even.


    The movie has a budget of $130m. Assuming it makes $160m dom, it'll make a profit of $80m. So it's going to need $50m profit from overseas for which it has to gross approximately $200m overseas. It's going to make around $250m OS IMO and with that it barely breaks even. And this is without considering marketing costs. Why would studios want to make sequels to movies that aren't very profitable? They're much better off making IM, CA or Avengers sequels rather than Ant man.


    It will need no more than 350m WW to break positive. Its gonna make around 500m WW so it'll make around 130m Profit. Even with your expectations, its making 410m WW thus getting around 60m profit. That is enough for a sequel. The main thing's not how much profit 'this' is making. Even Cap 1 or Thor 1 didn't make much profit. The first part, the origin part, is just for laying the foundation. If the film ends up being liked by the audience that would mean a near-sure increase both Dom and definitely OS for the next part. Anyways, its going to make profit from the TV Rights and the DVD sales and even through the little merchandise its gonna sell which would lead to a much greater profit than what its pure Box Office may suggest.

  7. I don't care if I can download Super HD versions of the movies, they won't come with nice artworks or nice packaging, my favourite movies deserve a physical form. ;)  Now if they are shit movies then I don't mind owning a ghost version of them. :ph34r:


    Thats the exact case with me when it comes to books. Its so easy to find free copies of almost any book online. But E-books are just not the same as Physical copies of the books. The Cover Artwork, actually holding the book, the ease of flipping the papers, even the smell of paper - it all makes the experience so much better. But since I don't earn myself as of yet I have to make do with the fucking downloaded E-Books from the net  :angry:

    • Like 1
  8. Maybe, maybe the bad opening is just because this was an original film put against highly known and popular franchise/TV films? Maybe just being Pixar's  wasn't enough to convince the people to watch this instead of the other offerings? Maybe the awareness just wasn't much? In that case, maybe, maybe as the word of mouth kicks in, the numbers would improve? Maybe WOM and reviews will lead to a second weekend above the first one just like in SK? I really want this to atleast get above 5.5B Y...

  9. Inside Out is being released this weekend in Spain. We can expect big numbers from here since Pixar has always made good numbers:


    Toy Story: 2,685,541 admissions - 8,990,802 €

    A Bug's Life: 3,177,384 adm - 11,755,763 €

    Toy Story 2: 3,133,107 adm - 12,517,968 €

    Monsters Inc: 3,622,228 adm - 15,970,247 €

    Finding Nemo: 4,989,415 adm - 23,814,431 €

    The Incredibles: 3,984,470 adm - 19,521,020 €

    Cars: 2,575,283 adm - 12,725,292 €

    Ratatouille: 2,684,407 adm - 14,403,335 €

    WALL-E: 1,944,690 adm - 10,693,612 €

    Up: 3,790,756 adm - 24,922,426 €

    Toy Story 3: 3,624,100 adm - 24,985,359 €

    Cars 2: 1,669,637 adm - 10,559,880 €

    Brave: 2,394,679 adm - 14,828,686 €

    Monsters University: 1,882,024 adm - 11,368,275 €


    For the moment, Inside Out has opened #1 on Friday (no numbers), over Minions (3rd weekend).


    Seeing how good this is, this should be able to make atleast 15m Euros despite the exchange rates.

  10. Saw the movie..... first half was pretty badly done..... bad action sequences, bad scenes, bad acting , bad everything..... 2/5. At this point the thought of walking out of the theater had crossed my mind.


    But the second half was pretty good, especially the effects and execution of action sequences. 4/5


    It really felt like the first and second half were made by two different directors.


    Overall 3/5.


    Yeah, the first half was pretty mediocre. But the natural scenery, especially the Waterfalls were pretty beautifully done for an Indian movie and the audience appeared to be pretty amazed by the beauty. The worst scenes, though were that cheesy song in which he slowly removed her clothing and she fell in love with him so fast and then the ice-sledge scenes which was downright horrible. 


    As for the second half, it was really really good when talking about just Indian film, infact any film, although to be honest, somehow the action kept reminding me of Mad Max 4 and, needless to say, it was nothing compared to that.


    So overall I don't personally see the film as a masterpiece or even close but what I was happy to see was a complete new step in terms of quality, scope and grandeur for the Indian Cinema and I am hoping this bods good things for the future. 

  11. Exactly. So much over reaction. This franchise remains the only non Disney franchise to come near to 300 million DOM in 2 or more films. And it still has a decent shot of hitting 1 billion WW


    Over-reaction? I was only stating what I feel, and I believe I wasn't saying anything groundless or non-reasonable. The over reaction, albeit not to the numbers but to our posts, is this - 


    Flop bomb fraud JW. All smoke and mirrors. Universal should be ashamed.



    Disaster. DM3 cancelled. A franchise film so obviously it's more frontloaded? Nah, it's just shit. Yeah.

  12. Disaster. DM3 cancelled. A franchise film so obviously it's more frontloaded? Nah, it's just shit. Yeah.


    Shrek 2, Toy Story 3, DM2 and many other franchise animated films didn't seem to be affected a lot by that... Oh, obviously we have Cars 2 and Shrek 3. But something tells me their frontloadedness wasn't just because of their franchise nature. So, seemingly Minions is in the later league, which, some say, only includes the not-so-loved movies...

    • Like 3
  13. In worst cases it will earn around 340-350 million.


    Which would be bad for an animated movie with an opening weekend this big. And i am saying this in general. I know Universal spent a lot less on its (marketing-excluded) Budget and is going to make big profit through its WorldWide gross. But still for any x or y animated movie to end with a lesser than 3.2 or atleast 3.1 multi means that either it had bad WOM or it just had a limited fan base, most of which saw it early (which couldn't really be said to be the case for a movie making close to 350m).

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