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Everything posted by pinocchio

  1. I can't because I disabled all the sigs...
  2. Don't know. Rio opened with 300'000 admissions for example -- OW, not 4-day -- and finished with 1.7 mio, so I think 15% for LK should be possible since its running into christmas season. Animation movies in Germany have rather good legs in general.
  3. Lion King is actually number 8 in the german all-time charts:http://insidekino.de...DAlltime100.htm
  4. Weekend trend for Germany (4 day/admissions)Lion King (new) 200'000-300'000Tintin 175'000PA3 150'000Real Steel 125'000Anonymus (new) 60'000Lion King in 94 had made 11.3 mio admissions, which was even better than the LOTR trilogy.
  5. Members so far: 268.New threads created every hour: at least the same number...
  6. I see... So how would you rank Williams, Hermann, Elfman and maybe other movie composers?(The guys who delivered original scores -- whatever that means...)
  7. Love it. And it's quite a hit on german TV. Regarding ratings more or less on par with Two and a Half Men. (Which sucks without end since season 8 or so.)
  8. I see. But thats just the intro. In general I think his biggest influences have been Hermann and -- gulp -- Wagner?
  9. Interesting. Do you have a link to Dvoraks melody?
  10. Ah, okay, thanks.Since I am a huge Star Wars fan I probably have to watch the whole saga again to make a decision.That's the curse with movies you have watched at least a dozen times...
  11. Sorry, I'm not english speaking. Is A better than A+ or vice versa?
  12. IMDB has a list:http://www.imdb.com/.../companycredits
  13. Seems I am the only guy here who voted for Keaton/Keaton so far... ;)Maybe its just nostalgia.
  14. If I have to name a favourite score it would be Jaws:
  15. One of his most important scores was probably the one for Jaws. When Spielberg heard the main theme he was kind of *meh*. Thanks god Williams convinced him it would work... And it did indeed...
  16. This guy has a f"""ing 40 Oscar nominations and 5 wins. :blink: :blink:He's without any doubt in the top league of movie composers all time.Bernard Hermann and Sergio Leone would be the other contenders for the big three IMO.
  17. Right now we have an A and an F in the poll, Impact...One of the worst Bond movies ever IMO.
  18. At least 10 years. Spidey flicks are still very popular on TV there I live (Switzerland/German TV). Don't think the situation is much different in the USA. A simple reboot that somehow looks like the original is the most stupid thing you can do under those circumstances IMHO.
  19. Yeah, shame on me I still don't own the Keystone collection restored by the BFI...
  20. Nice... Somebody that uses Chaplin/City Lights as his avatar...
  21. Well, yes, SW the movies surely had a somehow bigger impact on other moviemakers than LOTR the movies had.
  22. Wow, and it even has the actual holy grail of this forum... A perfect TABLE... Great job... Now, you really deserve some sleep...
  23. Ah, I see... I also see its way past midnight in Australia... You Aussies are really box office freaks...
  24. None of those links in the first posts work, sorry...
  25. Actually, he did in a way... Frodos sword was made be elves and glowed blue when an Orc came closer...One of the element Lucas borrowed from LOTR and simply put it in another context.
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