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Everything posted by pinocchio

  1. Ah, yes... Shame on me I didn't mention Bunuel... :mellow:On german TV Saura is forgotten more or less, but Bunuel still i alive from time to time at least at ARTE.
  2. Huh? You know that Jackson followed the books that have been written decades before Star Wars?
  3. And of course Bernardo Bertoluci with Conformista, Last Tango and 1900.And since you are from Spain Carlos Saura who delivered a few of his big masterpieces in the 70ies.
  4. France: first full week predictions from Cine-directors:http://www.cine-dire....net/boxbis.htm1.9 mio admissions for local hit Intouchables and another 800'000 for Tintin based on PP numbers. They predict an excellent hold for both (-10%, -15%).
  5. Yes, look at the backlist sales for 2010 for example (USA):Sorcerers Stone 345'000 copiesChamber of Secrets 265'000Azkaban 235'000Goblet of Fire 225'000Order of the Phoenix 225'000Half Blood Prince 210'000Deathly Hallows 370'000DH was the best selling book last year -- but that's because the movie pushed book sales. Same thing happened in 2003 for POA.In general -- as you said -- people start with the first one and only a certain percentage buys the next and from those people only a certain percentage buys the next etc.http://www.publisher...gures-2010.htmlSorcerers Stone overall more or less sold twice the copies DH sold in the USA -- and this big picture won't change according to backlist sales. The first one will always be the most popular.In Germany -- another major market -- the picture looks different. Sorcerers Stone per 2008 had sold 5.5 million copies and DH 3.7 million, so the gap isnt as big as it is in the USA. (Source: Carlsen)In Australia by the way the whole saga had sold 5 mio copies as per 2007 according to Nielsen BookScan.
  6. Sure. And Star Wars the prequels are better than the OT.
  7. So, the two threads will me merged. Amazing. Something like that was never possible at BOM.
  8. I don't have BluRay, too, and won't update any time soon. Heck, even a lot of DVDs I bought 10 years ago don't play anymore on my Homevideo system. I won't be so stupid to pay a lot of money again for something that might not work anymore in 5 years.
  9. Baumer, your sig seems not to work with half of the people here. No pic, just a mess like:  XGxYXFBgXHCYeFxkjGhgYIC8gJScpLCwsGB4xNTAqNSYrLCk BCQoKDgwOFw8PFykfFBwpKSkpLCkpLCkpKSkpKSopKSwpK SksKSkpKSkpLCksKSkqKSksKSkpKSkpKSwpKSksKf/AABEIA MIBAwMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAABBAMBAAAAAAAAAAAA...
  10. Well, I once was obsessed with Potter book sales and even created a ranking (most Potter book sales per capita). The list looked like that:1) USA/UK2) France3) Germany (includes Switzerland/Austria)4) Australia5) Japan6) ItalyOf course for many countries like Russia and so on I could not find any sales numbers. But -- yeah -- the Aussies seem to be among the true Potter fanatics on this planet...
  11. Its not misleading. If you look at actual sales numbers the first Potters in general still sell better.At least for the US market this big picture will never change. In other markets its not that clear.
  12. Ah, yes, I completely overlooked Intouchables.... But I still think Rien a declarer will win ahead of Intouchables. And Tintin will destroy Pirates, too, of course...
  13. In Germany, DH2 should win the year easily, followed by Pirates and Kokowäh (a local comedy like Rien a declarer):http://insidekino.de/DJahr/D2011.htm
  14. Top movies in France (admissions) this year so far:http://www.cine-dire...t/Top/top11.htmI guess in the end the top 4 will be Rien a declarer, DH2, Pirates 4 and Tintin.
  15. Its interesting Potter fans in this forum always rank the best-selling and therfore most popular Potters at the lower end of their lists.
  16. OOTP was still way better than the mess that followed.And of course GOF was still better than the mess that followed...
  17. And you are smoking WHAT right now?This stuff must be amazing. Where can I get it? :D
  18. Well, if you look at my nose you could as well say... The pic arouses me. It would be even longer with an Aishwarya Rai pic maybe.
  19. Please get an Avatar pic... That shadow scares Pinocchio...
  20. Tintin dropped 67% in the UK, too. Not very good. On the other side it hold very well in Germany with 270'000 admissions 4-day. Lets see.
  21. No, those numbers are the full week predictions/revisions. They first said it would drop 55% full week, now it seems to be much worse for Tintin in France.
  22. What? Tintin dropped 68% in it's second week in France? Seems they badly overestimated the flick there:http://www.cine-dire....net/boxoff.htm
  23. Of course this thread should be pinned like it was at BOM... (I'm posting random stuff right now just to test some features...)Isn't there a preview option?
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