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Everything posted by Rman823

  1. Yeah even as a fan one thing I can say is visually the movies are pretty crap (feels this way since they've went digital) But the future does look bright.
  2. Given that it's a Cinematic Universe them looking and feeling the same helps me feel this is all in the same world. But if people don't like that then I understand.
  3. I know. I was saying what those that say Marvel never takes risks and all their movies are formulaic say.
  4. Yeah but these movies were still "generic and followed the Marvel formula" so you can't count them as taking risks.
  5. But pushing the envelope doesn't always work out and can create controversy amongst fans. Sure Deadpool and Logan are huge successes with audiences and fans but BvS and Suicide Squad show it doesn't always pay off. Sometimes you're better off to just play it safe.
  6. I never got the hate for this so called Marvel formula. The reason they stick to it is because it's worked pretty great so far (critically and financially). Why fix what isn't broken ? And to me all Marvel movies don't seem alike anyway.
  7. Is it wrong to want a little of both from my CBMs. Sometimes I enjoy the out of the box and something different method while other times it's nice to have a "cookie cutter" "by the numbers" type of film.
  8. Or Deadpool-Good, BvS-Good, CW- Good, Apocalypse- Good, Suicide Squad- Good, Doctor Strange- Good, Fant4stic- SHIT.
  9. All this BvS talk is making me hope The Big Sick gives us a Holly Hunter comeback. I guess no matter what she'll have Incredibles 2.
  10. I enjoyed Apocalypse but considering how hyped I was for it after DOFP it was hard to not be somewhat disapointed with the final product.
  11. Doctor Strange is my least favorite CBM from last year and I'm a huge Marvel fan. Considering Civil War was my favorite and I'm sure your least favorite just shows the diversity of people's opinions which I respect.
  12. Apocalypse is better than Origins and The Last Stand but it still feels slightly below DOFP and First Class.
  13. There's a theater an hour away still playing GOTG Vol 2 and I'm seriously tempted to do a triple feature with it, WW, and Homecoming.
  14. You could tell the audience had got them plenty of times at that point. No huge reaction to the friend from work line which has happened at least from someone everytime I get the Ragnarok trailer. Black Panther got a decent reaction though. It was nice hearing a kid scream out Black Panther once he realized that's who it was.
  15. I got The Last Jedi, Ragnarok, Black Panther, Justice League, and Valerian. So every movie people will be geeking out for the rest of the year.
  16. The first one really is a great popcorn flick. I even think the 2nd's better than most other people however I can't stand the 3rd or 4th.
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