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Everything posted by Rman823

  1. I always read the book in the Summer usually around July. The kids are dealing with IT during their summer break and I've always felt it would be a perfect summer release.
  2. Exactly. IT's the perfect summer horror movie (Yes I know September is still summer) I mean the story takes place during the kids summer break so an August release would have been perfect.
  3. At least Valerian is one of DeHaan's better openings. I know it doesn't mean much given what type of films he usually does but gotta take a win when you can.
  4. You know why they made it. As a fan of both DC and Marvel I don't see why super fanboys from both sides have to undermine certain movies to make theirs look better. Either way we're talking about the 6th Spider-Man and 3rd version of the character in only 15 years still doing pretty well at the BO and even improving over the last series.
  5. Yeah there's no point to even go there unless you're wanting to rile everyone up.
  6. Truly one of the legends of Horror. R.I.P. http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/movies/la-me-george-romero-20170716-story.html
  7. So Apes would be original ? Sure it's a good film but it's what # in the series. And you're right audiences like familiarity and seeing certain characters again which is why they return to Cinematic universes, sequels, and remakes. Nothing wrong with that.
  8. I'm really curious to check out Wish Upon. I've now heard from a few people that it's flat out hilarious. Even the Brad Jones review mentions it.
  9. As a fan of dumb Roland Emmerich disaster movies it's right up my alley. Given the director was a producer on most guess he learned a lot.
  10. Given the movie sounds like a Sy-Fy movie this really isn't surprising. Watch it do like San Andreas numbers though.
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