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Everything posted by angeldelmito

  1. Why are you still arguing with me? Why do you keep on bringing probability and outcomes into this shit when they're irrelevant? The list showed you all of the victors, so end of conversation. There were enough victors in each district in order to hold the 24 spots. Yikes, I guess I worded my argument wrong then. It does have to deal with luck, but its irrelevant because its uncontrollable and can't be predicted. What relevance do those numbers have to this conversation? Water is wet. Fire is hot. Yes, I know that there are 50% of males and females in each game. The topic was whether or not they could scavenge 12 females and 12 males from each district. The canon list of all the victors concluded the discussion, because it showed that yes, it was entirely possible for them to have done so. "We have a 6.88% of filling all 24 slots for the event." See, this would be relevant maybe during the 1st Hunger Games, or maybe even before THG started. But we already have the list of all of the current victors. All of your arguments are irrelevant, because they've already been disproved.
  2. You don't understand how stupid you sound right now. It's not about luck. Like I said, anyone can win the Hunger Games. The list does matter, because it proves that in the HG universe, there were a legitimate amount of victors in each district with at least one male and one female tribute. It proved that the Quell worked. How the fuck is that not thought through? You don't understand that PROBABILITIES DON'T FUCKING MATTER in the games. Shit, an example is: Annie Cresta, the only reason she won her games is because an earthquake broke a dam and flooded the entire arena. Having grown up in District 4, Annie survived by being the best swimmer. (Her district partner was beheaded in the games.) Anything can happen in the games. So I don't understand why its so hard for you to realize that 1 male and 1 female tribute from each district is an impossibility.
  3. ....You're doing your math wrong. 43 tributes into *16 (not 18) slots means that there's an 100% for the slots to be filled. Subtraction, dear. Not division. Here, honey. The list of all the victors: https://auric44.wordpress.com/2014/07/21/the-hunger-games-victors-list-mockingjay-part-1-film/ (I would subtract one from D2 and add it on to D12. In the film, they only put 3 victors on D12's pillar.) Everything falls into place. There were enough tributes in each district for the Quell.
  4. Well, ok that's you. Anyways, You're getting your information from the wrong websites. I don't know where you got that shit from but 1,2 and 4 were never said to have produced 50% of the victors. Are you seriously betting CHANCES on the victors of the Hunger Games? ANYONE can win. Ranging from weakest to strongest, male or female, it doesn't matter. Each and every tribute will have the same odds as the other. The only thing that increases your odds would be sponsors or strategy. Don't fight with me on this. 75 victors, 59 left alive for the 75th Hunger Games. Let's say that 15 of those victors came from the Career districts, (in the book it states that there was one victor from 12 before Haymitch but he died). 59-3 would be 56 for 11 districts. u know what lemme pull out the receipts Victors from 4: 6 Victors from 1: 11 Victors from 2: 11 Alright, Let's say 3 victors from D4, and 6 victors from D1 and D2 have all died. That would leave 13 victors present for the Career districts. 56-13 is 43 for 8 of the other districts. Based off of this data, I'm pretty sure there's a chance of all 24 positions being filled for the 3rd Quarter Quell. Thanks!
  5. ........You mean to say that Catching Fire had no tension? Tf? A cliffhanger as good as that doesn't make it a bad stand alone film. "There is no District 12" doesn't decrease it's quality of it being a "full film". What? You don't understand how they got 24 tributes out of 59 victors? Subtract them, sweetie. 59-24 is 35.
  7. yall no movie is ever going to break 4 billion lmfao not everyone is in to movies.
  8. if no one cared then it would've dropped 755m from MJ1, not 100m. plus it's still making hella money anyway, hunty.
  9. I honestly think that all predictions rn are too unreasonably hasty. The last film was 6 years ago, and the next one wont come out for another 2 years. We wont be able to actually tell anything until that teaser drops and we see the actual hype for this.
  10. exactly like @Fullbuster keeps talking mad shit lmao
  11. HE'S SO RIGHT. LIKE I SAID BEFORE, WATCH WHEN THE FIRST TEASER FOR THIS DROPS (double yikes you can't post pictures through the "insert other media" button anymore??? @staff @mods @president fix this asap)
  12. Throwback to this beautiful ass queen and her beautiful ass song made for this movie.
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