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Everything posted by angeldelmito

  1. Holy shit. This was the future I could not see. A- (90%) Terrific acting, a bit light on plot, but extremely well-crafted action scenes. I had a lot of fun with this film.
  2. I mean between MJ1 and MJ2, lmao. Although 873M domestically would be.... lovely.
  3. I bet 75 points that by the end of Mockingjay Part 2's run, THG Franchise would have earned over 3 billion WW. (Which means MJ2 will have to earn at least 49.3 million more.)
  4. First impressions, I'd give it a 77% (C+) It was good, the beginning.... was...... I absolutely LOVED Daisy Ridley in this. She was the best part of the movie, tbh. John Boyega was great in the film, too. He sold it. My favorite part was when Finn and Rey stole this guys ship and they had to make a quick escape. They make a good team. I'm gonna have to watch it again to make a better review than this, lol. I watched it last night. I wasn't really WOWed by anything.
  5. fux what the haters say, i liked it. shoulda stayed fresh on RT imo
  6. I didn't turn it into a debate. I told you off telling you that it did make sense, but you kept coming at me with irrelevant shit. In the end that side note was still damn wrong.
  7. shut the fuck up, lmao. alright so now you're calling her writing bad. You've just proven your own point wrong. Either way you came for her. Your annoyance has been dismissed.
  8. Not to mention that you're picking at straws here. Is this seriously a reason why you didn't like the movie as much? It was unlikely to happen? Tf?
  9. .......Did you not read what you wrote? "It's a massive oversite by the author and is honestly lazy, why would a person who cares so little about numbers make a book about a game." You called her writing lazy, you dip. I also like how you just ignored the rest of the comment because you know that you're wrong.
  10. Oh but you did, though. Don't lie to me. Don't try and turn around and say that you didn't come for the author. Not to mention that you "did the maths" wrong. Less than 1% chance my ass. Even if it was a relatively small chance, it's not zero percent, so it makes perfect sense that each district had at least 1 girl and 1 boy victor to fill up the Quell. Thanks, boo.
  11. That wasn't what the conversation was about though? You said that it didn't make sense how there could be a full field of victors for the Quell when there were 59 victors to choose from, did you not?
  12. Call it whatever you want, but by your reason anything having to deal with luck in life is "stupid". "If I wrote a book and had 3 lottery winners all by chance live in the same village, it wouldn't mean it's not utterly improbable." Ok, and? You wrote it that way, so it is what it is. All forms of probability and chance have been disproven because it already happened. It doesn't fucking matter what "could have been". What was written is what happened. So if against all odds, 3 lottery winners all happened to live in the same village, so be it! Fuck the probability. It was written that way, so that's what it shall be. It may be "improbable", but it most certainly isn't fucking impossible. Get that through your head. "If everything in her world is so equal than we can assume everyone has an equal chance of winning." Unless they have a better strategy than others, or sponsors help them, they're in a team vs alone, etc. In terms of physical features, yes they have an equal chance of winning. The rest of your comment is utterly useless to the conversation because, as I've told you before, it DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER. Yes, there may be a 6.86% chance of them filling it up, but guess what you dip? It's not fucking zero percent. So it's possible, and the list of the victors showed what happened. So shut the fuck up.
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