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Everything posted by tonytr87

  1. It's self-sabotage at this point. The added subs likely ceased in June, so what are they gaining now? Absolutely nothing.
  2. With 100 international already in the bank, it will likely cross 300 mil WW. And with those numbers, we will likely see a sequel, which is all anyone wants.
  3. I was never bored. Sam Mendes did for Bond what Nolan did for Batman. That sort of methodical, foreboding atmosphere is what I want. I do agree that Into Darkness is better though.
  4. Studios have never been self-aware about competition. Even pre-COVID they made stupid, stupid scheduling decisions.
  5. Spectre is just as well-made as Skyfall in many ways. The Blofeld thing really gets people, which I don't really understand. I thought Waltz was great and I like seeing classic villains redone. It's underrated in the same way Star Trek Into Darkness was underrated.
  6. Because I'm an informed, educated consumer who wants a good movie. We're not studio executives here, so why should my sentiments sound like I am?
  7. You may be right that critics are more kind to these kinds of movies, but what they've gotten even worse about is so-called offensiveness. They would absolutely pan Bad Boys 2 in 2021 because it doesn't conform to their delicate sensibilities.
  8. Social media favors negativity. It's not a good barometer for much of anything opinion-wise.
  9. Liking this for the second tweet, but not the first. Drives me crazy how anti-continuity critics are these days. The problem with the MCU and other franchises isn't continuity, you hacks. But yeah, kinda funny that Craig's Bond went from young upstart to aging vet pretty quickly. Then again, M did say something about a "short life expectancy."
  10. I can't speak to the rest of the movie as I haven't seen it yet. I'm mostly just judging CGI work. That being said, DPs are typically not involved in shots that are mostly CGI. So Bill Pope likely had no input when it came to coloring Shang Chi's finale, ditto Robert Richardson in this case.
  11. Kilar, Chapek, and the new Paramount heads are here to ruin everything. Fortunately Kilar is getting the boot, but unfortunately that hasn't led Warner to abandon the day-and-date strategy.
  12. I find it interesting that no studio has invested more time/money in improving their films during the big hiatus. First Shang Chi's ugly finale, now this. Proves that it isn't time that causes bad FX work, it's cheap executives trying to penny-pinch filmmakers.
  13. My opinions jive with the newspaper critics more often, so I'm sure I'll hate it.
  14. I thought this looked kinda dull in the trailers, compared to Spectre (I'm a fan) & Skyfall (best of the Craigs) anyway. Looking forward to Ana though.
  15. Agreed. A movie with Carnage could definitely be much, much better than what it appears we're getting.
  16. That's what I figured. And tonally this looks quite surreal and expressionistic, not like the 2015 film which was clearly going for "historical." Now I'm just curious if he'll attempt the accent.
  17. I hated the original. Terrible filmmaking all around. The only good thing about it was Hardy and even then, not exactly his best performance.
  18. Possibly. Though this is also the guy who courted Tarantino for OUATIH. I thought maybe he had changed his stripes.
  19. I don't know why anyone thinks that Disney would buy Sony when they can just pay them for the Spidey rights, which is all they would want/need. Another purchase guarantees FCC eyeballs, particularly with Democrats in power.
  20. I guess they figure 60+ days is enough to reap what they want. Still, we need a return to the days when you had theatrical, then rental (or PA or streaming rental or whatever), then free access i.e. showing on broadcast and cable TV (or in this case free to watch via streaming apps). I'm curious why studios aren't re-investing in the rental/buy business via streaming.
  21. Am I the only one who thinks it's kinda weird that Denzel is playing a Scottish king in the 11th century? I know the story has some fantasy in it (with the witches and whatnot), but overall it's more so a piece of historical fiction than fantasy,
  22. Some day studios will realize that 90% of America never hears about these tabloid/controversy stories and they'll stop changing release/marketing strategies just because one person fucked up.
  23. Universal is doing fine. They're the opposite of CBS/Paramount where CBS is doing fine while Paramount is struggling.
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