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Everything posted by Belakor

  1. 1. Jason Bourne 2. Suicide Squad 3. Warcraft 4. Rogue One 5. Sausage Party 6. ID: Resurgence 7. Bad Santa 2 8. Now You See Me 2 9. John Wick: Chapter Two 10. Snowden
  2. People here don't know Warcraft builded the ground for MOBAs and Strategy games, also has been the #1 MMO game since 2005.
  3. Great way to destroy a cult classic! next thing is Lawrence of Arabia reboot. Playing Origrim Doomhammer is the best thing that ever happened to Kebbell.
  4. Another sequel no one asked for. If this movie does 40m (which is the cost of the budget considering the awful CGI) and breaks out the sequel should be called "Planet Earth Has Fallen", with aliens and all that stuff .
  5. 750m is a lock for Deadpool now, Independence Day: Resurgence is going to fall short. X-Men Apocalypse also will.
  6. Looks more fun and extravagant than any Marvel film, Deadpool feels like a bad drama with fart jokes right now.
  7. Hey, they hired the guy who wrote Whiplash to re-write the script so I´m expecting something good.
  8. Are you secretly a member of the production? you seem too sure about the movie budget.
  9. this never was a low budget b-movie, the secrecy of the movie and the IMAX release tells you something.
  10. Also, the budget has been updated to 100MD http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1179933/?ref_=nm_flmg_prd_4
  11. This takes after post-apocalypse, AKA Cloverfield creatures have taken over.
  12. Can we expect the teaser to be online soon? I don´t remember the Cloverfield viral marketing so well. Edit. - Bootleg trailer is online!!! [mod edit: please don't link to or embed bootleg material]
  13. but why? Cloverfield is a brand now? I hope you are wrong and this is a prequel or something.
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