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Everything posted by Belakor

  1. If I'm not mistaken most of the budget for The Two Towers and Return of the king were for the CGI. since the budget for the first one covered production and pay for the actors/staff.
  2. So 150m (US dollars) in 5 days for WC confirmed? How is the WOM for Warcraft ?
  3. For legendary yes, they are getting 50% of the ticket sales, for Universal I don´t see a big problem since they only put money mostly for the release (publicity) and destribution, basically they are only getting money from the US screens and for the future VDH release.
  4. OS total as for today is 168m dollars according to BOM. http://www.boxofficemojo.com/movies/?id=warcraft.htm
  5. If you think so, Warcraft is for the Chinese like Star Wars is for the Americans, a cultural phenomenon.
  6. Warcraft rocks the China market and targets $300M box office http://www.pandahedge.com/?p=193
  7. Yes: 1.- Legendary is now a Chinese company and is getting 50% of the ticket sales there. 2.- The budget is not that big (160m). 3.- Most of the Warcraft fan base is in the OS market anyway.
  8. MT right now: MBY: 14% TMNT2: 12% XMA: 10% Warcraft: 7% ATTLK: 6%
  9. What do you think about this? it says Warcraft is heading to break records there. ‘Warcraft’ Wows With China Pre-Sales Records; How Big Is Its Box Office Game? http://deadline.com/2016/06/warcraft-china-advance-ticket-sales-record-legendary-wanda-furious-7-box-office-preview-1201767728/
  10. Really? the movie looked like it was made with no more than 150m. Looks like the cast mas expensive indeed.
  11. The only big markest it has are Russia, France, Germany and UK, I´ll way good-ish. Today it opened in Spain, Brazil and another few markets, next week USA, CHINA and some Asian countries
  12. Wtf hahaha. I hope this doesn´t end banned in my country, I really want to watch this.
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