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Everything posted by EmpireCity

  1. Pixar has only had one true critical bomb, and that was Cars 2 at 39%, but you have to remember that Cars is their 2nd lowest RT scored film at 74% fresh. Other than that, nothing they have made has fallen below 76% fresh. It is also amazing they have 3 other movies in that range (Good Dinosaur 76%, Brave 78%, Monsters University 78%), but everything else they have made is 92% or higher. I'm going to bet that Dory ends up in that 92% range or higher.
  2. I think reviews and buzz matter quite a bit, especially in the social media age. Word of mouth spreads faster than ever. For example, if Jungle Book has mediocre reviews and buzz, I think it only opens to around $80m or so. If BvS had incredible buzz and reviews then it would have opened more in the $190m range and crossed $400m total. Finding Dory currently has great buzz and early reviews of the footage that was shown. If Disney marketing does its job and the reviews are in the 90% or higher range, then I don't think it is crazy to think it opens in the $140m+ range. It will have pretty much zero competition as it is 2 weeks clear of TMNT and the other wide releases are either weak or not any real threat. Toy Story 3 opened to $110m nearly 6 years ago. I don't see this opening any lower inflation adjusted.
  3. Mid-May through Mid-June is going to disappoint. I think Dory will be huge and then my personal shocker of the summer is that ID4:R is a big 4 quad hit. Tarzan will bomb and Secret Life of Pets will be a big hit. Jason Bourne going to be a $250m hit.
  4. I didn't say bomb, I said disappoint. I think Now You See Me 2 is a sequel nobody asked for, much like Huntsman or Alice. The originals also did well, but think they were self contained movies that didn't call for a sequel or prequel and people aren't going to be nearly as interested in Now You See Me 2. X-Men is going to disappoint in my opinion because of some oversaturation, because of some older family audience split with Alice and because it is a X-Men movie with no Wolverine or older cast like Stewart or McKellan. I think it is closer to the draw of First Class than DOFP. It will make more than First Class, but think there are factors working against it. Ice Age may do fine internationally, but I think domestic it is hurt by Secret Life of Pets and diminishing intrest.
  5. Sorry, I forgot about Secret Life of Pets is Universal as well. If the reviews are pretty good on that, it is going to be huge. Neighbors 2 and Jason Bourne will be bigger than Huntsman. Warcraft is likely to make more money. Shit, even Popstar (which is legitimately hilarious) wouldn't shock me if it beat Huntsman.
  6. No, it is because I can do some pretty simple math and see that it is a lock for #7 at best and only needs a couple others to push it out of the Top 10. It has nothing to do with hating BvS.
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