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Posts posted by Daxtreme

  1. 4 minutes ago, narniadis said:

    I would be ok with Avengers not making it. I mean the film is great and one of my faves, but I think it would have been outside of my top 100.....


    Also, I think it is sad that the total # of films from the 50s, 40s & 30s isn't even HALF of the 1990s.... just a disgrace ;) IMO

    nature of the beast


    people watch less older films, me included. I try to, though!

  2. 21 minutes ago, captainwondyful said:

    My mother took me to see Saving Private Ryan -- in the theater.  It's 1998, and this is when the film's being hailed as "the most violent movie ever" or whatever The Today Show as up-in-arms about.  I wanted to go!  It's Steven Spielberg! And Mom never had any issues with violence or swearing (it was just sex.  That was the big no-no).  I was the youngest person there by at least fifteen, maybe twenty years.


    The theater was completely sold out.  It was an old theater with the aisle down the middle.  We sat about halfway back from the screen, all the way against the wall.  Before the movie started an usher actually came into the theater, stood at the front, and said: "This movie is incredibly violent, please be advised.  If you want to leave now, please do so."


    Mom turned to me and asked if I wanted to leave.  I was like, Nah.  I'm good.


    So the movie starts.  And it goes on.  And we get about halfway through, and I turn to her to say: "I have to go to the bathroom."  And she looks at me and says: "We are NOT getting up."  So I sat there for an hour having to go to the bathroom.  I don't remember anything else.  When it ended, Mom asked if I liked it.  I said, "No, I had to go to the bathroom."




    Thanks @Water Bottle for the new emote by the way  

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