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Everything posted by IronJimbo

  1. Incorrect it has a video game, theme park and comic book. This constitutes as a franchise! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_franchise
  2. OFFICIAL FRANCHISE POWER RANKING. 1. AVATAR 2. LOTR 3. JAMES BOND 4. HARRY POTTER 5. PIRATES 6. SHREK 7. SWS 8. THE FAST AND THE FURIOUS 9. TRANSFORMERS 10. MISSION IMPOSSIBLE 11. JURASSIC 12. TWILIGHT 13. HUNGER GAMES 14. DIVERGENT 15. LEGO 16. MARVEL/DC source: forums.boxofficetheory.com/topic/49223-Vote-for-your-favourite-franchise/?page=152
  3. Hmm why is Transformers not better ranked? Makes you think if anyone actually saw it in Cinema.
  4. You know they kinda fucked up with that. The major is meant to be naked, but scarjo is in a naked suit.
  5. Could it be that she isn't "badass" and she can't move like a capable human. Action was the worst thing what happened to Scarjo.
  6. Jonnyboy I just hope I'll be reborn as a Navi on Pandora and find a nice wife like Neytiri. Is that really so much to ask?
  7. http://www.slashfilm.com/avatar-land-food/ Dine on Pandora at Avatar Land.
  8. Does anyone even understand what this means... you're going to have to explain what that even means.
  9. Lol, no way my man. The internet is entirely physical. Welcome to the real world. A Bit is simply a transistor (physical object) which is either on or off (0 or 1). Information is stored as Bits, 8 bits make a byte, 1024 bytes make a mega byte. The internet is a collection of core routers, fiber, fiber runs, conduit, trenches, poles, pipes, right-of-way, data centers, offices, DWDM gear, coax cable.. ETC. It's all physical baby.
  10. all information is stored physically, the net is just a connection of stored information
  11. combined memories of the major and some super android reborn as a young girl.. or something
  12. ah sry I somehow ended up in the China version of this thread... thought I was in the Dom one lol
  13. Just the 1995 film, to clarify what I meant if the memories and personality aren't stored somewhere then the "ghost" doesn't exist.
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