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Everything posted by RandomCat

  1. I never tend to get into movies that rely on era specifics as part of their gimmick/plot that predate my experiences. So Voyage Home deriving so much of it's humor and even plot from 80s culture, it falls flat for me. Still a fun movie, just won't ever be as fun as it was for my parents.
  2. I can't really argue with that either. Voyage Home never worked that much for me.
  3. TNG was my crew growing up. but TOS does have the better films. Wrath of Kahn can be argued as the best, followed by First Contact, followed by 6 and 4. then Insurrection and Generations can sit in the middle with Search for Spock. Motion picture gets an edge for special effects, and Nemesis and the god one can fight it out for bottom of the barrel.
  4. I'm finding that a hard point argue against, even though I really, really, want to.
  5. Well, it's better than starting with The Motion Picture.
  6. Part 2 is stand alone. There is a few nods to the first in props, and I believe one brief line of dialogue. But this nothing in this movie requires the first to be seen.
  7. A random recommendation, if anyone wants to see a pretty good adaptation of a Lovecraftian tale. Call of Cthulhu. Unlike Re-animator, it's pretty faithful, but they do something I thought was interesting at the time. (6 years before the Artist.)
  8. Any time I can hear Morgan Freeman say "Kill this mother fucker" I tend to be pleased. I am easily pleased.
  9. Paranormal Activity is terrible. I can be contrarian, too.
  10. Let'a see, The Russians are coming, Animal Crackers, and Reanimater. I think the trend so far for me is either I've seen it or never heard of it.
  11. Meh, still probably watch it, I didn't regret watching Annabelle.
  12. So, nice to look at, but overly long and nothing much happens until a nonsense ending?
  13. I'm happy to see a Kurosawa film on here, even if it is one I haven't seen. I'll add it with Ran, if I can remember why I had Ran on the list in the first place.
  14. If anyone is interested, The In-Laws is getting a Criterion Blu-ray release on July 5th. Getting a kick out of the 1 star reviews on amazon now.
  15. Everyone needs more Peter Falk in their life. and as far as popularity goes, I could put this list in front of my friends/peers and they probably wouldn't know any of them.
  16. Gone With the Wind (15) Star Wars (15) The Sound of Music (10) E.T.: the Extra-Terrestrial (13) -2 Titanic (7) -3 The Ten Commandments (15) Jaws (15) Doctor Zhivago (15) The Exorcist (15) Snow White and the Seven Dwarves (15) Star Wars: The Force Awakens (15) 101 Dalmations (10) The Empire Strikes Back (15) Ben-Hur (15) Avatar (15)
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