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Everything posted by Merkel

  1. Some of you make it sound like the movie is being panned across the board...it's been getting very good reviews. Maybe not 100 % unanimous, which is probably impossible with Dune anyway, but great reviews nonetheless
  2. Considering the troubled history in adapting this property, these are by far the best reviews a Dune adaption has ever gotten
  3. If Part 2 gets made, do you guys reckon they will use some sort of deep fake or CGI face superimposed for Alia? I can imagine them using an adult actor's performance superimposed on a child's face and body.
  4. It was a bit weird hearing Paul address Leto as "Dad". Did he ever use anything other than "Father" in the novel?
  5. Seems like they use Herbert's original pronunciation of Harkonnen (more Hárkonnen and less Harkónnen, as in Lynch's movie). I know that was Herbert's intent, but I've always prefered the other pronunciation
  6. The "superheroes" are silly trope is a getting a bit old by now, isn't it?
  7. At least as I see it (and I admit I might be grossly mistaken), a YA novel is specifically aimed at teenagers (although it might interest older demographics). It's a different thing when a book happens to be quite popular with an younger demographic, although they weren't written with that public as its main target. Catcher in the Rye is of course very popular with teenagers, but I myself would not consider it to be a YA novel. But like I said, we're probably discussing semantics and I'm probably wrong in my assessments, But if I had to put Dune in a book category, YA would be far from being the first that came to my mind
  8. The novel might share some tropes with the YA genre, but the quality of the writing and the depth of the themes is on a whole another level, Plus, although many of us did read the book in our early teens, that's surely not the main target audience, nor is the book something you'd find you've grown beyond when eventually you re-read the book when you are well into your thirties. So it's far from being a YA novel. But it does have a YA protagonist
  9. Well, I've just seen this. The concept is kinda cool, but I do feel it would be much better served in a first person game kinda like Portal. Nolan does not really make the most of it. There's clearly potential for some incredible fun and even silly action sequences. But I found them frankly unimaginative. And that last sequence in the former Soviet town was just overkill, without anything to cling on to. Pattinson does inject some color and flair to his performance, but all the other actors do serviceable, but unremarkable work, which is not helped one bit by the script. This movie need to be smaller, more focused, milk the concept for its fun prospects (a bit like Edge of Tomorrow...I can only imagine what is it like to go the bathroom when you're inverted), bring more imagination to the action sequences, which such great potential with that silly, yet promising concept. The first hour actually felt a bit like Rise of Skywalker. Go to point A to fetch thing, which leads to point B where you fetch another thing...like the whole Mumbai sequence. They couldn't just talk with a character, they had to go through a totally gratuitous action sequence to get there. Same thing goes for the airplane crash. Nolan needs to get back to smaller projects. And his final action sequences really are getting quite boring to me. Even Inception, which I enjoyed far more than this one, had that never ending sky chase on the snowy slopes. The score was unremarkable. And honestly, visually, for all its scope, it did feel a bit bland.
  10. Maybe I didn't explain myself properly. Of course some great movies require more than one viewing to take all in. But rarely because of their plot. Plot is probably one of the most overrated aspects of a movie. Story matters much much more. Now, mind you, I haven't seen Tenet yet, but I've often found Nolan gets too worried about the plotting and the clockwork mechanics of its construction and story takes a backseat. In that regard, the Prestige is by far his greatest achievement, I find, where he juggles both things perfectly
  11. I don't think a movie requiring at least two viewings to understand its plot is necessarily a good sign. To understand its themes, aesthetic, message and most importantly, story, sure. But not plot
  12. The thing with a lot of Oscar Nominations is that where one reads "Best (insert category)", we should in fact be reading "Most (insert category". The Oscars don't usually reward subtlety. So the winner for best Sound is usually the loudest film, the winners for acting are usually the most showy roles and winners for production design are usually the most obviously extravagantly designed. For better or worse
  13. So, is the teaser that is being shown before Tenet the same that will be released on September 9th?
  14. I'm sure that's the point, nobody does this on accident. I will surely see this in the theater, I'm just a bit skeptical at this point
  15. There's a different between being dark and being mean. And this Batman feels mean. Can't really put my finger on it, but based solely of what we've seen so far, something is not sitting well with me
  16. I agree. If anything makes that production design feel small in way is due to technological limitations. I was always particularly fascinated by the Cathedral. It's one of the most beautiful ugly buildings I have ever seen:
  17. The technology wasn't really quite there in 1989 to truly bring these designs to life, but Anton Furst's Gotham City is the best conceptualization of the fictional city so far, in any medium: I wish Nolan had brought half of the character, atmosphere and uniqueness to his version of Gotham City. Batman would work so well in a big budget animated film. They could do it in a quasi black and white style and it could look stunning
  18. I will still see this because it is a Christopher Nolan film, but I would not be interested in it by this trailer alone
  19. Nolan will still get the budgets he wants. No one will pin this movie eventual underperformance on him. All major studios would be willing to give him whatever budgets he needs. He's a dream director for a major studio. Always delivers movies on time and on budget. Always gets great critical and commercial results. No one is safer than Nolan
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