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Jake Gittes

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Everything posted by Jake Gittes

  1. He was already like this when I first joined BOM 8 years ago, idk I take the shayness as authentic. Which of course doesn't change the fact that it'd be a total waste of time and energy to start seriously engaging with him
  2. Gonna give some folks a headstart though because I gotta protest all that April 20/week 0 nonsense. Summer's long enough as it is, and that week is not summer. I've never understood why we do this and I'm not about to.
  3. I was one of the original Chinese workmen who put up The Manchurian Candidate for your consideration.
  4. When it finally happens When you're finished and going back to what you were doing
  5. Watched Living in Oblivion. Feels like a bit of a forgotten gem, never really seen it brought up but it's a very funny look at the nuts and bolts of independent filmmaking process. You got mid-90s Buscemi and Katherine Keener at their best, plus Peter Dinklage in his first role delivering a rant about dwarves in dream sequences that comes across like a hilariously pointed jab at Twin Peaks.
  6. Tbf it does mean you've reached the peak of not giving a fuck
  7. Beirut actually looks promising to me but yeah things were looking real dire up until recently
  8. Imagine how happy they would be... if Finland actually existed
  9. I think it's cause he's the type of guy who would let content dictate his style, which makes his movies seem less personal. Doesn't have that consistent big flashy approach. Guys like Lumet or John Huston are always gonna be less fashionable than the Kubricks and Hitchcocks of the world.
  10. Oh yeah. I don't think I've actually ever seen that in its entirety either. But SCARF-CATCHING means gotta reserve a place for it
  11. Still haven't seen The Room but from the gifs I've seen on the forum I know for sure that I have to include it.
  12. Not to simplify things too much but I'd say with a lot of stuff if it was done basically right it still works. In terms of comedy, among the '30s and '40s screwballs there are some of the funniest movies ever made. The strengths of Keaton, Chaplin and Lloyd are still on full display. Sherlock Jr. is both a better comedy and a better action movie than 99% of movies that were made in both genres over the next century. You have a point about horror/effects but something that relies more on atmosphere like Vampyr or I Walked with a Zombie remains pretty spooky. Yes the lack of sound and/or color and the stylized dialogue and acting can and unfortunately will be stumbling blocks but the right thing to do is try and adjust to it, not turn away (that's not directed at you, ofc, just me rambling again), and keep digging if you like the big classics. But of course I'm saying this as the kind of freak who would obsess over The Maltese Falcon at age 7 without even any explicit encouragement from his own mom.
  13. Watch others! There's more good stuff where that came from! (This really applies to everyone who has no problem placing stuff like Casablanca and 12 Angry Men up top but the rest of their list is like cinema didn't exist before 1972)
  14. I've had a Roman Polanski movie in my top 3 for as long as I've been around here. Such is life
  15. I've had a fixed top 3 since forever but I haven't rewatched any of those films in years now so I might shake things up this time. Still undecided.
  16. Finished Annihilation the book a couple hours ago. Truly unsettling, almost more horror than sci-fi which I didn't expect. Let's see what the movie did with it.
  17. #problematic But seriously yeah that's pretty wild especially when it wasn't warranted in any way whatsoever. Hitch just had to have his action setpiece
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