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Jake Gittes

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Everything posted by Jake Gittes

  1. As an outside observer this feels like the biggest problem of the Western or at least American left right now. The constant need to Call Things Out rather than channel all that energy into uniting behind some fundamental causes.
  2. I hope that in these trying times we can at least all unite in hating Allan Loeb.
  3. He was at the time of Mindhunter's release. And, well, his attachment is the only reason to care, especially if Paramount doesn't interfere. I'd be the first in line for an R-rated David Fincher zombie movie with a nine-figure budget if this is what the sequel was.
  4. If Black Panther is supposed to be such a hit how come it couldn't even push this number over the billion mark?
  5. I was pretty impressed by the banshee scene in Avatar until How to Train Your Dragon came along just three months later and wiped the floor with it in the Test Drive scene.
  6. shadow of a doubt the lady vanishes strangers on a train marnie frenzy
  7. Saw on BOM that Death of Stalin is having its limited launch in the U.S. this weekend. Was it even at all promoted? I feel like IFC is dumping it, which makes no sense. Still don't get why they didn't put it out in the fall, if nothing else so they'd get an easy adapted screenplay nomination.
  8. No kidding. It's like a '90s studio drama with the number of reliable character actors it's got. Maybe Chazelle realized he gotta get that SAG ensemble nod in order to win Best Picture, before The Shape of Water killed that statistic. Anyway, I'm rooting for Kyle Chandler to get the nod the most. Has to happen sometime. Man's gonna get one helluva standing ovation if he ever wins for something
  9. Had a good time with The Commuter too. There's just something weirdly comfortable about watching Liam Neeson make his way into and out of these preposterous mysteries while surrounded by quality character actors. Nice single-take fight too. I hope this type of solid, meat-and-potatoes actiony B-movie doesn't go extinct soon.
  10. If y'all wanna predict Ad Astra for picture and director it seems strange to leave out Pitt/Negga/TLJ considering how much of an actor's director Gray is.
  11. The big acknowledged classics from The Twilight Zone are as good as advertised but my favorite episode so far is the relatively undersung one where Vera Miles starts seeing her doppelganger at a bus station on a rainy night. There's like half of David Lynch's future pet themes packed in there. Deliciously creepy and unsettling.
  12. And all the episodes twice as long, too. I finished the first season of TTZ recently, can't wait to dive back for more.
  13. Double featured Unknown and Non-Stop. Ludicrous cheesetastic fun. I pretty much feel the same way about Liam Neeson right now as Key and Peele in those sketches.
  14. Doesn't it? Maybe not very recently but I think around the time of F5 and F6 that was well-noted. What made it even more ideal was that the diversity felt genuinely natural and effortless, not the result of an offscreen push or a narrative or whatever. More blockbusters/franchises should strive for this.
  15. I'm watching Liam Neeson's Unknown right now and this is apropos.
  16. IIRC it was a heavy-handed shot of Hanks on the train looking out and seeing some kids climbing over a wall or whatever. Kinda hacky and I'd prefer it if it had ended right after the exchange of prisoners but it's not nearly as damaging as Lincoln's ending for example.
  17. She's been well-liked and consistently praised for over a decade by now. I still don't understand how she wasn't an easy nominee for Sicario tbh.
  18. After this we gotta do an offshoot countdown of BOT's Top 69 Nicest Movies.
  19. October is the prime spot for an adult drama like that. Certainly more fitting for Bridge than July was for The BFG. Minority Report minus the ending. War of the Worlds had some great individual sequences.
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