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Jake Gittes

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Everything posted by Jake Gittes

  1. The Terminal is fine. And having just seen the trailer on the big screen I'm afraid Spielberg's worst movie is coming in 7 months.
  2. Hell I'd say for all of them (yes even Wan) better-than-mediocre horror movies are more of an exception than the rule. I really liked the first Conjuring and Oculus but I still don't exactly see the next John Carpenter in that group. People are really lowering their standards smh. Meanwhile where's that Robert Eggers version of Nosferatu already. Please please please let it not be a sophomore slump.
  3. I wouldn't call myself a purist but the problem is that all the changes in the movie only serve to make it more generic and less interesting.
  4. There were about a dozen kids at my showing who were somehow unsupervised early in the morning on a school day right in the city center. I sometimes wanted to yell at them to shut the fuck up but their shrieking at the jump scares was often more enjoyable than the movie itself.
  5. I see Dreamcatcher has The Olyphant in it too and that it's 133 minutes long and was shot by the cinematographer of Fury Road.
  6. I can see that sure. I myself struggled not to fall asleep throughout the entire second half on first viewing. It's grown on me quite a bit since then but I'm still not yet in the masterpiece camp.
  7. I liked The Mist and Stand by Me more than It and Green Mile. Didn't much like The Dead Zone but I know for certain I'm in the minority on that one. And even I would still recommend it just for Walken and Sheen.
  8. My Kubrick hot take is that Clockwork Orange is obnoxious and hollow and easily my least favorite of his I've seen. I used to love it when I was a teenage misanthrope but watching it recently the strongest thing I felt was a headache.
  9. Barry Lyndon has grown to become my favorite Kubrick with rewatches. The Shining and Strangelove are extremely close though.
  10. Logan? Non-sequel? It's much more of a sequel than Beauty and the Beast is.
  11. Because it never hurts to share this again [edit: it does when someone else has the same idea]
  12. I was thinking Di Caprio doing some unholy combination of his eyebrows-raised Nicholson impression and his crying dramatic ACTING but shit when you can have Hardy always get Hardy.
  13. 3/4 Body Snatchers movies are all pretty well-regarded I think (I've only seen the Abel Ferrara) but that's understandable because the premise is uniquely adaptable to completely different settings and you don't have any baggage to carry.
  14. True Grit benefited from the fact that the original is only really known for having Wayne's Oscar-winning role. There was lots of room for improvement. You don't wanna try and improve on Kubrick.
  15. Okay, how about The Shining remake starring the obvious hot pairing of the moment, Dane DeHaan and Cara Delevingne.
  16. I doubt anyone other than King would want a "proper" Shining movie. The original has simply become too big and iconic. Maybe in another decade or two but for now Kubrick and Nicholson are still casting really long shadows.
  17. BTW Pennywise never says "You'll float too" as he's killing Georgie in the opening scene, right? (I don't think they even talk about balloons.) I was sure I didn't hear it, so the line's subsequent appearance, about halfway through, felt kind of random and weightless not being a callback to anything.
  18. It's not even like I demand all modern horror movies to be like The Innocents or The Witch or something. But there has to be some middle ground between that and a horror movie that's just a non-stop pile-up of incidents with no room to breathe in between them. The latter is what IT is, and that structure (or lack thereof) essentially says that the movie doesn't trust its own audience. It's even worse because the kids are good enough that I would have happily watched an entire movie of them just hanging out, Stand by Me style, with no horror tricks to distract me.
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