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Everything posted by RRA

  1. Considering people are trying to downplay it? Many apparently. I like Star Wars, but a lot of SW fans are toolboxes and it’s not like I’m offended when they’re called as such by others. If anything, I want to help slap them with a trout myself.
  2. Tongue and cheek way of making light of the PA propaganda used for weeks, when they don’t keep every dollar. It might as well be using imaginary currency with the dollars they don’t actually collect ala Monopoly money.
  3. If I give Disney the dollars from my old Monopoly board, will that help?
  4. There’s a flaw with the sequels you picked: none of the first 4 were direct sequels to movies that were outright hated. Look back at the reviews for say AOU or TDW, they’re middling at worst. Nothing on the visceral “screw this movie” level of the first SS did, which is harder to win back folks from. People can be forgiving to a point if say a part 1 was liked for example like Avengers or Thor. It’s like if we ever get Wonder Woman 3, people theoretically would forgive that limpwrist sequel because they liked the first one. As for BVS, you do have a point.
  5. It’s really dumb considering Snyder and Gunn have never said anything bad about each other (Gunn in fact had said nice things the other many times.)
  6. I don’t think it’s controversial to state that Hollywood deems Rocky Maivia a bigger star.
  7. Just for fun…what OW number would we have expected from TSS in an AU where there is no plague, no Max/PA/whatever day and date streaming? 70?
  8. Ever seen a movie you didn’t like? Then a sequel comes, you’re not exactly enthusiastic about it surely? Even if people tell you “mate it’s better its awesomez!” how much of that would sway you? Something something first impressions… Tracking will pick up next week as we go into the hone stretch but all things considered with the landscape plus the other baggage TSS has, I’m not that surprised.
  9. Dude, we’ve all seen The Godfather. 😆 Right now Hollywood it’s the conglomerates in control who don’t need to put horse’s heads in beds. They have lawyers. As for Bollywood, that article (not exactly the only one on the topic) is from 2016 but it made it clear it didn’t end in the 1990s. I doubt that problem has eased up since then. Regardless that rep/stereotype is out there and even this American here who has explored little of Bollywood filmography is aware of it.
  10. It was a reference to B industry’s rep for being tied to mobsters. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.forbes.com/sites/ronakdesai/2016/03/03/bollywoods-affair-with-the-indian-mafia/amp/
  11. Better question: how many of them “individual producers” aren’t connected to organized crime?
  12. IIRC WOM hype up plays a part and to be fair it’s reviews are as good as you’re going to get.
  13. I know some franchise war soldiers want blood, but I’m giving it a break all things considered like most recent releases. 40 is doable, more realistic than 60 (which Pro tracked recently as its max range.)
  14. I get you, but painting such conflicts as millionaires vs billionaires and siding with the latter is bizarre. Such attitudes (among other reasons) is why our capitalist system as it’s structured endures.
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