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Everything posted by RRA

  1. The synergy energy issues is part of it, but I think the bigger problem is that the fandom the last 5-8 years has been defined less by the brand and more by a particular filmmaker's tone/interpretation. If you stray too much arguably from that, some of those fans will not show up. I mean the last 4 years or so, so much energy from that fandom was channeled into a director's cut, seemingly more than anything else from that docket. Now that mission is complete and he's off to swim in Netflix Money and Dead Pixels, thus the fandom is generally aimless at the moment. This isn't static, things will change.
  2. Odd too since AC being done in synergy with TSS would’ve seemingly been a no-brainer move. But once again class, this is WB…
  3. I’m surprised the “Ayer Cut” hasn’t been done yet, even as just a Max exclusive. It’s not like it needs a fortune to complete unlike you know what, surely?
  4. The fact that first trailer was sold on his name and the follow-up went “from the director of GOTG” probably bears this out. You don’t have to pay somebody to do market research to know he’s not a household name director (not knocking him personally or as a filmmaker) and if normies recognize him it’s probably for his firing years back…
  5. Even before the pandemic delay, it’s not like the buzz was like WHOA despite the talent involved (didn’t help that with a jungle setting, folks might go “didn’t the Rock just do two jungle theme action pictures?)
  6. Poor SE. let me guess for Old…dumb plot twist? That Robot Chicken sketch about that director is evergreen.
  7. It beat tracking, it’s core demo it marketed towards seem to like it. This OW is a win.
  8. I can’t wait for folks to blame NBA Finals for distracting the basketball discourse for why SJ2 declined like it did.
  9. Some of them might be overestimating the draw of Tobey Maguire showing up here. I mean sure it’ll be a draw and most of us are excited about it but this ain’t TFA movie event levels. And I don’t mean The First Avenger….
  10. Well considering Loki’s finale, no there’s no reason not to market openly the basic conceit of not just just one but Dr Strange 2.
  11. Not sure about RPO, considering how much online moaning was going on before it opened for several of the same reasons as this is dealing with. (It’s not like it had fantastic reviews ultimately.) The nitpicking I do roll my eyes at is “why you referencing stuff kids won’t get?” Because that’s been an undercurrent in cartoons in general since I suppose the beginning?
  12. That’s a responsible measured long-term strategic approach. But this is WB. Who’s in the middle of a merger where exec jobs are on the chop block. God knows how they’ll (over) react to TSS’s numbers if it’s not deemed acceptable (whatever they are.) Can Hollywood put a moratorium on sequels using “the ___”? Reminds me when originally Iron Man 3 was going to do that. Yeech
  13. Considering how much some of them rake in, who can blame them for not keeping a “real” job?
  14. Considering how early this was shown, I’m willing to believe WB is confident in it. When was the last time a spandex film did this similarly early and it completely backfire? Apocalypse? Worst case situation, it’s another GOTGV2 (remember the “heart” tweets.) I know some folks hate that, but that’s still an upgrade over the first SS.
  15. FWIW The last two major releases hit the bottom end of DL’s tracking. Can they make it 3 in a row?
  16. The Bond movie directly referenced early on actually foreshadows the 3rd act setpiece. The villain’s fortress certainly feels 007 inspired. (Whether it’s as good as Bond is up for debate of course, but the 007 influences are there. To a fault it might be Moonraker meshing with Skyfall done in a fashion that you won’t get the best of either tonal Bond approach.)
  17. I get why they slapped the “Origins” tag, remind the GI Joe faithful that it’s from that property universe but those movies have little to value now to really milk from. Live by IP, die by IP. Whether it’s budget, I remarked elsewhere that I kept forgetting this drops next week and there ain’t much buzz online. I’m all for a Ninja movie and I have fondness for those childhood toys, but…..I can wait another 45 something days.
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