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Everything posted by RRA

  1. You need to see more movies. (also...how can something be more generic among recent big budget blockbusters than JL or the fiber supplement of spandex?) Because he’s lazy. Honestly his hardcore fans around here put on more work than he does.
  2. Feige might let Phase 4 run through its course as it would’ve with no merger before letting MCU-ied Fox stuff into his sandbox, let people get hungry for more X-Men/FF.
  3. I like both approaches but I’ll admit I’m not a casual fair weather fan, I’m in this as a stan. I’ll admit I’m biased in this regard.
  4. What exactly is the MCU tie-in in BP other than brief throwaway dialogue about BP apprehending Zemo and newscasters talking about his pops being blown up by Zemo and that one bodyguard who threatened Black Widow returning?
  5. Here’s my problem with the listening to the fanbase solution. What’s the biggest complaints with TFA and TLJ? The former it’s “too much rehashing of previous stuff.” The latter its “too different.” Fans many times don’t know what they want it’s so fractured, catering to one segment risks alienating others. DCEU currently has that problem where a large enough (and very very vocal) group *loved* the Snyder stuff but to say the least the next few movies by design aren’t exactly built to appeal to them and who knows if instead they’ll sit at home when Aquaman or Shazam comes.
  6. They can be at fault as well for a garbage product but ultimately who’s in charge of the set (the director or/and producer usually) is who I primarily blame.
  7. Not really. Same writing duo did the Cap films plus IW and upcoming A4, or 5 flicks. That’s it in terms of credited writers.
  8. Better question: why hire them and then be shocked they were taking SOLO in a comedic direction? Did Lucasfilm not see their previous movies? That's like drafting Michael Jordan and being shocked that he likes to dunk a lot.
  9. Hell let's be honest: take her first 4 SW movies and line them up against Kevin Feige's first 4 MCU movies...she's done an overall better job in terms of moviemaking. (Caveat I don't love any of those 4 SW movies as much as I do IRON MAN which held up like a mother in a recent rewatch. But none of them were as remarkably generic as INCREDIBLE HULK or as messy as IRON MAN 2. Honestly they're on par with THOR: decent if not really outstanding, which has been my main summary of those post-Disney SW movies.)
  10. Abrams had 4 years after the first Star Trek movie and he gave the world STID which gave us #WhiteKhan and magical alien blood and other wonderfully silly stuff that weren't done as jokes at all. You give him too much credit.
  11. Well to be fair most of the time in these sort of movies......acting chemistry goes a LOOOOONG way. (Not to single it out for any agenda reasons but think of DOCTOR STRANGE with Hall and Cucumber Batch. Did anyone buy that they were once a couple? I didn’t really.) This isn’t a diss at WW, but in general it felt like gender bender Reeve/Kidder when you think about it. World experienced person dealing with an out of this world sincere/naive-to-a-fault super person.
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