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Everything posted by RRA

  1. Yeah I would include them too...first two films, obviously. Not to mention unlike every other pairing we’ve mentioned (serious or jokingly), one that’s actually reflective of their not rich social-economical background and trying to escape that. Honestly throw in Harry and that’s the one Love Triangle we’ve had in spandex movies and rewatching those movies last year, it’s terrific....again, first two movies though because it all goes to hell in part 3. #ThanksAvi
  2. If you’re gonna off somebody, earn it. If you’re gonna bring them back, earn it.
  3. ....is it a coincidence people cite Batman Returns for this instead of Keaton’s actual first movie? I’ll throw in Pepperony as well. Killer chemistry (and Paltrow keeps RDJ grounded which his Stark lacks sometimes when he’s flying solo.)
  4. Weird thing to say considering SOLO is the first SW movie with a plot not focused on Jedis or the Force or stakes that impact the galaxy’s safegy or the friggin Skywalkers.
  5. Pine was in STID. This pitch still wouldn’t be the dumbest plot device he’s come across.
  6. Wouldn’t it be funny if they used that trick the 70s tv show did where the same dude that played Steve played his son when the show moved to contemporary times? (in this scenario set in 80s his grandson but you get my drift.)
  7. The coincidences are just too many in my book. Anyway me wonder how those fans who ranted against “bathos!” (God bless the MCU for providing some fans on the the other aisle with motivation to look up a dictionary) for the last 5 something years feel about that new Shazam! poster which is promising a (good looking) movie that might give them a headache.
  8. Don’t forget Singer’s X-Men too! How could you forget that considering it’s place/impact on the spandex genre? Pfft, rookie mistake.
  9. For all the talk about DCEU allegedly being dead, its not. There is IP power, they just don’t have brand power. Big difference currently
  10. Best thing DCEU ever done was abandon the grimdark crap and took notes from Marvel.
  11. If they’re still making movies and not rebooting, how is the DCEU “basically dead”?
  12. She’s like everybody else who adopted 80s fashion: years later they pretend that never happened
  13. Marvel has redesigned Captain America’s costume several times for his movies with no explanation most of the time why he ditched those duds
  14. As the LA Times reported, who might know more about Hollywood than either of us because that is sorta their backyard, consensus internally at WB was that both BVS/SS would’ve made more money if they were better. https://www.google.com/amp/www.latimes.com/business/hollywood/la-fi-ct-warner-bros-shakeup-20161214-story.html%3foutputType=amp that 2016 dc slate wasn’t the only reason why he lost his job, but clearly it was the cherry on top for his walking papers. I mean argue if you want that those movies made a lot of money, but for the WB bookkeepers themselves it wasn’t enough. Actions > Words
  15. You’re going the round about way of saying the LA Times were right. I always believe that actions speak louder than words.
  16. When people say SS was successful, I think of Greg Silverman who got fired because BVS/SS didn’t make enough for WB’s taste. (LA Times reported it.)
  17. SS on paper was a hit but considering it’s been delayed to make potential room for BOP to be filmed before it and both WW and it’s sequel will have come out bridge SS....it makes you wonder what WB thinks of a SS2.
  18. Well it helps that AQM has a quite consistently good filmmaker in James Wan, who in a way reminds me of one of my filmmaking heroes in John Carpenter in terms of being quite good regardless of what genre sandbox he's dabbling in. He's pitched this as his swashbuckling/Indiana Jones-inspired movie and I'm intrigued to see how that would play.
  19. Superhero LORD OF THE RINGS. Its funny but after BLACK PANTHER came out, I felt sorry for IW because I didn't think it could be as good as BP and yet it was. Banner year for the MCU. 4 and half star out of 5.
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