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Everything posted by RRA

  1. I was thinking commercially, but the fact we have to dig up TV shows *not* produced^ by Marvel Studios to find some sort of ammo for a potential rebuttal says something (I'm putting aside creative merits since I was reacting to the "nobody knows them!" marketing argument. King Kevin and his clique is sorta good at selling their stuff to their fans/the masses.) ^=I would argue the one MCU commercial failure is THE INCREDIBLE HULK. Didn't lose money, but it's performance clearly never gave Marvel (later owner Disney) incentive to bother jumping through legal issue hurdles with Universal again to do more Hulk pictures, or even write a big check to clear that monster rights headache. These movies get made to hopefully launch a franchise. This didn't.
  2. Whatever one thinks of those movies (and shows at this point), they know how to hype up their product and get their (global) faithful amped up. Can they fail? Sure. Will they? Mathematically its inevitable. But I doubt it'll be on this one.
  3. Allegedly SK media is reporting that Park Seo-Joon will be in this. 박서준, 마블영화 '캡틴마블2' 합류..브리 라슨과 호흡- 스타뉴스 (mt.co.kr)
  4. Crazier things have happened, but consider how long it took for the Academy to even nominate one of those spandex movies for the top prize. Equivalent to a kid playing with a vegetable on a dinner plate they don't want to eat. The first one had to not just break the glass ceiling, but dynamite it. The second had to go 180 away from anything "comic book" (however you interpret that) to,the point that it could be accused of being "elevated horror" for that spectrum (i.e. made for folks who despise that genre) and both movies ended up winning the same number of Oscars...none of which was Best Picture. I'm sure Eternals is fine, hey a top MCU title? Cool. But I'm getting vibes of when top Disney brass back in the day thought Pocahontas was going to win BP, after Beauty & the Beast a few years before that became the first toon movie nominated. (Narrator: "It didn't happen.") It's why I find it weird when people online are having Eternals/Dune partisan spats about which will get the BP nod more likely and it's like (to use a football analogy) debating if Detroit Lions or Houston Texans will win the Super Bowl next season. It's possible, but odds are comfortably high that neither will. Anyway back to main topic, I'm curious to see how BW does. I've wondered/worried that it might be an afterthought what with this avalanche of MCU stuff we're getting this year where even the faithful would be "yeah yeah OK" instead of being amped up AF like they can be. Of course sometimes we in the Internet Movie Bubble forget, its still an original Avengers member still getting her own (first) movie. That still counts for something.
  5. Hey I'm all for a NWH trailer today but at the same time the Internet (even among my fellow MCU acolytes) have been so annoying about it lately especially on reddit I actually wouldn't mind no trailer today just to be mean and amuse myself. 😄 As for the "plan" thing from Sony, I've had the impression that King Kevin will treat the Sony stuff like he did the Netflix shows where said shows/Sony crap will tell you how connected they are to the MCU mothership while said mothership will ignore them. Except that Young Nathan Drake will show up in Venom vs Kraven or whatever. People have taken King Kevin's words literally about Spidey being able to cross worlds in that stuff, but I just wonder if he meant metaphorically. He wants to keep playing with Spidey, Sony wants to do their little universe to piggy back off the MCU. All that said, I'll admit that even if I didn't care for Venom the movie....Tom Hardy's Eddie Brock actually wouldn't be the worst thing to play in King Kevin's sandbox even if it wasn't from his toybox per say. Imagine him crossing paths with Ant-Man, another San Francisco-based hero. I could see fun being had there. But for love of everything precious, keep Jared Leto away. MCU dodged a bullet when he didn't get Dr. Strange. Don't tempt fate again.
  6. If they were to divest themselves of say DC*, I would be morbidly curious to see how much $ would be offered. *=Let's remember that back in the 1980s, Marvel came close to getting DC which only didn't happen because of Anti-trust worries at a time when the domestic comic book market was alot more valuable than it is now. Quite frankly its a glorified R&D/licensing game for the Big Two these days.
  7. Possible. A good thing about these directors being sought by Marvel and WB is if slick enough, they can play off the corporations against each other and negotiate a good deal.
  8. I’m fine with a black Clark Kent, no different than a Soviet Supes or any other time purposeful juxtaposition is used in (re)interpreting an iconic piece of American pop culture. Whether this actually gets produced or not, that remains to be seen. I’m not that certain considering their lengthy track record of burning money in developing projects which get canned (see recently axed New Gods.)
  9. You make it sound like he’s Michael Bay or something obnoxiously bad. His problem is his direction doesn’t differentiate from the so-called MCU house style detractors like to bring up. Basically if people liked those films, it’s not because of the directing. It’s not like many of those positive HC/FFH reviews cite his auteur style or whatever as a significant factor. Anyway King Kevin clearly seems happy enough with him filling out the checklists to give him another franchise to tackle. His films are fine so far, I’m sure FF will be too.* *=Hate to spoil the future but odds are high that despite his style or lack of, his FF film will be raved if only because I’m assuming it’ll be the first FF movie that the Internet doesn’t hate. Win by default.
  10. I'm reminded of that 70s/80s era of Disney movies pre-Eisner where they indeed were just guessing what people wanted/liked, which produced alot of fascinating films that wouldn't get produced today. "Oh kids like space movies now? Let's do a haunted house film set in space, with an ending where the heroes metaphorically die and go to heaven! No, we're sober. Why are you asking?"
  11. I find the negative reactions stemming from 3 different avenues funneling together fascinating: (1) the expected reactionaries, lets not talk about them again. (2) folks who have a strong opinion of J.J. Abrams, especially after his last movie. If the dude is hoping to achieve the Nerd Trinity of Outrage after Star Trek and Star Wars with D.C.....he might get it. (3) Snyder fans finally recognizing that after 8 years, a MOS solo sequel aint happening.
  12. Exclusive: Big Hero 6 Characters Coming To The MCU - (thedisinsider.com)
  13. A reminder that Fisher's still on-going beef with Johns and Hamada hasn't been resolved, even if certain segments of the DC Comics faithful seem satisfied that Whedon is being run through the ringer, even though he wasn't the dude in charge of the JL retooling. I think dude was done after JL. Dude had a long time rep for being obnoxious, and Hollywood will tolerate that to a point unfortunately if you are a license to print money. When the ATM quits shooting out the bills, they have no trouble kicking you to the curb.
  14. Both, but especially B because ultimately his bosses are the ones who sign his checks. Let's be reminded of that whole James Gunn fiasco. You think King Kevin liked Alan Horn kneejerk firing one of his directors which caused a scheduling nightmare for him that he had to shuffle and which turn allowed Gunn to make a movie for a rival outfit in the meantime? Iger who signs those checks ultimately didn't reverse Horn's bonehead decision until much later, after the Fox buyout was completed. At this rate BW having a soley theatrical release through summer 2021 would really surprise me. Hybrid would make sense, having your cake and eat it too as much as one can these days. (I have a hunch Mickey Mouse's accountants are looking at the recent China box-office numbers and thinking we can't completely sit that out and just have an all out D+ release for BW. I mean King Kevin is many things, but oblivious aint one of them.)
  15. I get King Kevin's reasoning. Just like EON's refusal to play ball and sell NTTD to Netflix or whoever, he doesn't want to devalue a MCU theatrical release. But ultimately he doesn't run Disney. Just imagine what nightmare he/they would be in if instead of a relatively stand-alone-not-major-MCU-continuity-necessary chapter like BW if this was friggin Endgame.
  16. Interesting failure. Doesn't mean it's bad or isn't watchable/lacks merit, but my attention never fully connected to this beyond the passivity of TV. I was hoping this would be a sequel to a decent movie that elevates the franchise ala Dark Knight or Winter Soldier. Instead watching this I was reminded of Iron Man 2 and AOU. You might be doing something wrong here. Still I give this props for trying to do a climax where the hero/villain conflict isn't resolved with a fist fight, Jenkins trying to defy that codified spandex movie formula. I respect that. On the downside, this might explain that underwhelming final CGI fight with Cheetah. Felt like Jenkins trying to appease the studio (and said formula) with "OK here's my concession so you can put this in ads, now let me do what I actually want to do here." 3 out of 5
  17. I thought those movies captured the charm/humor of the TV series, but to each their own. This reminds me that years back there was a pitch to do a Batman'89 stylized comic (like DC published for Batman '66 and the Wonder Woman show) which got rejected. A shame because imagine artists/writers trying to Burton-ize other villains that he didn't get to tackle. Or heck have that Keaton Batman team up with....Reeve's Superman. #LicensetoPrintFunnyBooksMoney
  18. What I find weird whenever people bring up about Donner/Superman for the WW84 discourse is that you can find its tonal descendants thriving....over at the MCU. Not directly trying to ape it as much as an organic evolution of it. Both are messy (and both you can clearly notice got tinkered with considerably in post) but BOP I think was at least decent? It's a good afternoon diversion without feeling too much like a slog (a word that kept going through my mind for WW84, despite some merits.) If I do have to criticize BOP, for a would-be team movie....none of the other women feel as fleshed out as Harley. A good supporting character in these spandex films is that you would want to follow around in their own spin-off or in another franchise. I mean Huntress apparently exists just for one joke (a good one mind you, but still...)
  19. I'm sure the Snyder faithful are just thrilled by Johns sticking around /s
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