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Everything posted by RRA

  1. One is a Disney production which utilized its iconic cartoon IP library for marketing/creative purposes. The other is WIR2.
  2. Jesus, imagine if the Internet was around decades ago for WHO FRAMED ROGER RABBIT? "Why are iconic characters like Bugs and Mickey cracking jokes together? How does this add to the story or the CHINATOWN riffing plot's politics?"
  3. Yeah the novelty of that concept is powerful AF. It also helps sell the movie without needing to spoil the plot. Meanwhile A WRINKLE IN TIME tanked and got bad reviews and SOLO despite "Disney Power" is flopping hard. And honestly I wouldn't be shocked if NUTCRACKER later this year eats it too. People aren't zombies. Honestly EMOJI MOVIE disappointed me. Hype online was this was a cinematic war crime and instead I got a mediocre mindless feature. It being up for Razzies was horse feathers.
  4. Oh I know. I'm just saying if Disney wanted to make that movie, its not exactly Mission Impossible.
  5. Think of how Marvel does their team-up movies: What about them as characters, how would they interact with each other? That's part of the potential novelty/charm of such a film using iconic cartoon characters. What would they contribute if say they're together on a team-up adventure? Well look at some of them from recent times: Ice powers (Elsa), magic hair powers (Rapunzel), archery (the BRAVE girl), improvisational knack this side of John McClaine (Mulan), water-control powers (Moana), the smart one* (Belle), etc. A challenge will be doing something with those early Princesses (Snow White, Aurora, etc.) who quite frankly were cyphers. I mean what's their distinct personality traits other than they're nice? Not an impossible hurdle to overcome, but they'll have to flesh them out. *=LOL I know because "she reads books!" but I'm working with what I've got here.
  6. A shame in retrospect considering this movie we couldn’t also have Shuri and Princess Leia.
  7. Teaser poster had a “LubHub” or “LuvHub” or something like that. If there are Rule 34 jokes, God help us all.
  8. Then again how many locals wrote off Ready Player One pre-release because of its fan servicing nature? really liked the first movie. Hope the sequel delivers.
  9. Not really? Nothing at Marvel Reddit was as controversial for CW among fans as IM3 was at the time.
  10. This would make sense if A4 truely divided the MCU fanbase and we got a schism. The closest that’s come was maybe IM3 and that twist which some to this day will complain about. But it’s small minority and most folks (even maybe those annoyed by IM3) have moved on. the day MCU fans go DCEU/SW fandom insane will be a sad as hell day.
  11. This trailer was all about playing that one novelty card and BOY do they play it. Can’t blame them. Helps from having to spoil the plot. Makes you wonder how big of a license to print a Disney Princesses movie would be.
  12. That's the history basically behind SW, Rocky, Avatar, Avengers*, etc. *="But RRA, that was a major comic IP!" Yeah but I mentioned it in reference to it kick-starting the Hollywood hunger for shared universes.
  13. Don't bother with memory. Copy and paste it! That's what Uncle Jim would do. (This brings up a good question: was DIE HARD ableist with that Stevie Wonder line? #KeyboardWarriorBlues)
  14. Because most of the chatter I've come across regarding Thanos' CGI online is rather positive? Hell some (and I aint talking "some at Marvel Reddit") have talked up an Oscar nod for that work. It won't get it, but I thought the detailing was impressive. I guess its a credit to those artists plus the filmmakers that after awhile, I quit thinking of him as a CGI creation.
  15. Oh well, his compensation is getting to play the Joker that was definitive for a generation of fans. (Yeah I'm one of them.)
  16. Or maybe I'm saying AndyK has an awesome singing voice and is an influential pop music virtuoso? Don't be an ableist.
  17. I could see Feige try to have it both ways. Give him his own corner that’s separate from rest of the MCU while putting him in team-up films (hello Secret Wars) because of the novelty “See Wade* with the Avengers!” Selling card. *=PG-13 Though And you know they would make a running joke out of that.
  18. To be fair Civil War the storyline was trash but MCU made that adaptation work anyway. Maybe that's why Mark Millar hated the movie?
  19. Depends on context. Put it another way, say....say Tony Stark doesn't die in Avengers 4. RDJ sticks around in the MCU. But he takes a year or two break before he shows up again where he's been a retired superhero-now-supervisor whatever....and then we find out that Tony is a Skrull sleeper agent, he replaced him after A4. Considering CM is all about introducing the Skrulls into the MCU, I would be surprised if they're not planning on doing a variation of Secret Invasion in Phase 4. (Weirdly nobody is bringing up how this would be MCU playing the "fifth pillar" card again like they did with TWS and Hydra but w/e.) If we add Black Widow and Eternals (one is certain, the other seems possible) as the new Phase 4 franchises, add to that those sequels to stuff introduced in earlier Phases plus any team-up/Avengers joints....yeah they'll have their hands full and can wait until Phase 5 for the Fox stuff.
  20. Superman III was a hit. Lousy sequel, but a hit regardless. Anyway DCEU (or whatever they're calling themselves these days) won't reboot, you can thank WW for that. They'll shrug off those creative duds and move on like the X-Men movies and their infamous continuity issues did. And until King Mickey finally takes over Fox, they were financially having a good run for the most part the last few years.
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