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Everything posted by RRA

  1. Maybe it’s simply JW hit the upper limit of its cap and FK is doing what JW was originally tracking to do in the first place before the huge walk up business?
  2. She’s in it but tiny Now now people, be nice to Cmasterclay here. Just because CC didn’t love AQP as much as you doesn’t mean you should get upset by this post.
  3. Condescending rhetorical questions isn’t a wise way to win people over in your argument. But I’ll play along: your pleading in the name of common sense is falling on deaf ears at my post. I called out that person for saying something trite. I’m sorry that...Nah, actually I’m not sorry that hurt feelings. Sometimes you gotta call out stuff for what it is.
  4. You’re talking to a guy banned from replying in the Aquaman thread because he was too critical and that rubbed some fans the wrong way. Try again.
  5. Or maybe it’s a statement about Gunn’s taste in music for better or worse? (dude has a good ear for music. No Scorsese or Kubrick, but not many are in that department.)
  6. This BP backlash was so predictable. Next up, IW. “You know what it did wasn’t really THAT impressive...”
  7. Pfft, I tried to rewatch FOTR a few years back and pacing was too frenetic for its own good. Had to pull that DVD out and watch the extended edition which is the definitive cut anyway.
  8. First off, if you’re pulling the “1/2” story card...you realize then considering this is a serialized shared universe telling the same broad overarching story, IW then is part 18 with A4 being part 19 of you think about it like that. IW is a complete story or chapter as much as TWS or Avengers 1 And so forth and nobody said about those “oh they’re only one chapter.” I mean come on. And second, is this pulling another card the ole “those movies are all the same!” meme? Have a double feature of Black Panther and Thor Ragnarok and tell me those movies are duplicates.
  9. Or to use a recent release as a counterpoint: IW tried to subvert the MCU formula (especially in the 3rd act) and that didn’t seem to split that fanbase at all.
  10. At least huh? What if it does more OS but less domestic than that certain other movie? And to think just 2 years ago Dr Strange finished in the 600s and we considered that good.
  11. Are you kidding me? They ran TV spots at the time selling that cameo! As a local Marvel hack that local DCEU fans despise because I don’t hold back on criticism (true) and think I hate everything they stan (not true) let me tell you: (1) TIH is MCU canon (2) it’s maybe the most generic spandex movie I saw until JUSTICE LEAGUE happened. It’s not good. You can be a fan of something and admit some things about it blow. See Trek fans agreeing generally that “Spock’s Brain” is garbage in so many ways.
  12. Yup and funny how people keep forgetting this. Hell Cap 1 (considered a hit at the time) didn’t even cross 400 million! Boy times have changed. Now if Captain Marvel or Ant-Man 2 only finish in the 600s, people will argue they’re underperforming because recent MCU (super) success has spoiled people.
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