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  1. It's SLIGHTLY better than opening on the same day as Frozen II (which I guess was just a mistake somebody made that got passed around), but either way, it'll be extremely lucky to cross the $10 million mark. O/U Arctic Dogs?
  2. What I'm pretty sure is the first bit of US marketing for this film is now up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JETbfEIKP_o The trailer itself merely says that it's "Coming Soon", which made sense to me because I figured there was no chance they'd debut it at Labor Day at this point. But apparently they new date is November 22nd, the SAME day Frozen 2 comes out. I knew this film would be a bomb, but if that date is accurate, that has to be one of the biggest middle fingers a studio could give to a movie.
  3. I don't envy STX in this situation. This has pretty much nothing going for it. Playmobil doesn't seem to have nearly as big a fanbase (in the US, at least) as Lego, and considering how much The Lego Movie 2 underperformed, I can't see this getting a big audience at all. If they don't just end sending it to Netflix (which I wouldn't rule out), I would say $20M DOM is the ceiling for this.
  4. Has he actually confirmed he planned to see it? After he walked out of Hillary's America, I thought that he might simply say that no amount of views would be worth giving this scumbag any money. Which I can completely understand, but I'm still hoping for him to do a video on it.
  5. The ONLY possible good thing that could come out of this movie is if Brad Jones does a Midnight Screenings of it. I'm sure his inbox is full of messages about it.
  6. I have to be honest, when I heard this movie was announced, and ESPECIALLY after seeing the first trailer, I was very skeptical about this movie. I was kind of looking forward to it on simply the basis that 2D animated movies on the big screen are so rare these days, but I feared the movie would take the worst aspects of the show and turn them up to 11. This feeling was not helped by the overlong fart joke in the first trailer, and the fact that the scene didn't show much use of improved animation either. When the 2nd trailer came out, I honestly felt a lot more hopeful. A few of the jokes made me really laugh, and even the ones that didn't weren't obnoxious. It showed the improved animation off much better, too. I was feeling better about it, but was also worried this would just be a case of good trailer editing. So, after looking at all the good reviews it's getting, I'm feeling much more excited about this thing. It's pretty amazing that most people (including me) thought that this would be this year's Emoji Movie, and now it's getting way better reviews than anyone ever expected.
  7. I live in small town Texas. So looking forward to the local theaters playing this crap for weeks on end, while being lucky if they play BlacKKKlansman for a single week.
  8. This movie actually looks pretty decent. But I think it's going to bomb HARD. I have next to no knowledge of Kipling's actual books, so I can't say how this compares to that. But I will say that to most people, it will probably just look like a rip-off of Disney's remake from a couple years ago. And I KNOW that has been said about it countless times, but finally seeing some footage really makes it sink in. There's just not enough to differentiate the two, despite WB advertising how "dark" it is.
  9. Sgt. Stubby: An American Hero April 23, 2:00 Me and a couple other families Trailers Pope Francis: A Man Of His Word (some murmuring, also at least this fit here better than when I saw it before Sherlock Gnomes) Little Women (Eh, whatever.) The Grinch (somebody laughed at the Grinch getting knocked out by the inflatable snowman) Wreck-It Ralph 2 (everyone went NUTS over the final gag) Smallfoot (no real response) Show Dogs (looks awful) The families seemed to enjoy it enough. There was one big laugh from most of them (when Stubby licks his crotch) and one of the kids laughed at a rat getting hit with a ball. I wasn't really anticipating this movie too much, but I ended up enjoying it. A pretty well done mix of kid-friendly WWI drama and cute dog moments. Worth a watch if you're interested in WWI and aren't immediately turned away by it being handled with "kid gloves". Isle Of Dogs April 25, 4:45 Just me. Not surprised. Even the concession stand employee said it wasn't a popular choice here. Trailers The Grinch (trailer looks ok, but after reading the official synopsis, I'm a bit worried) Fantastic Beasts 2 (looks decent, but I never even saw the first and I'm not even a huge Potter fan, so no real interest) Won't You Be My Neighbor? (Looks very interesting, but there's no way it's playing where I live) Show Dogs ("What trailers should we play before this Island Of Dogs thing?" "I don't know, just play that other talking dog trailer, kids can't tell the difference, right?") Can You Forgive Me? (doesn't seem like something I'd rush out to see, but still seems fairly interesting) The Darkest Minds (no real interest) I LOVED THIS MOVIE. I had been looking forward to it since the first trailer came out, but this exceeded even my highest expectations. GO SEE THIS MOVIE!!!
  10. If that happens, it would be one of the biggest surprises in box office history. Not even Pokemon, Rugrats, or Spongebob had any of their movies get into the top 10 of the year.
  11. I thought it was alright. Nothing ground-breaking, and it seems like it will follow Illumination's "Cute but ultimately disposable" mantra pretty closely. But it could be a lot worse. The original Grinch cartoon is my favorite Christmas special of all time, so I'm not getting my hopes up too high for this, but I'm not writing it off yet either.
  12. Because it sounds like it will focus more on Christopher Robin himself, than Pooh.
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