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Posts posted by exomassey

  1. 54 minutes ago, The Dark Shape said:

    I'm... genuinely perplexed by people saying it flies by. I nearly fell asleep a number of times, and @Amorphous (yes I'm throwing you under the bus here!) said to me afterward he almost did the same.

    I wanted to ask you if you feel like this film tells a complete whole story within itself?


    I saw someone call it Dune: Part One and I got nervous. 

  2. 5 minutes ago, john2000 said:

    After reading the article again it really doesnt say much now of course there is a chance that it turns out right but for now we havent enough info...the article is very generic too they just give a numbers while at the same time they are saying things like " its too early " or " it could go much higher "

    Yes I agree.


    As someone previously said in the thread, Deadline might give low numbers and then when it over performs their expectations, they can be like ‘Cinemas are back!’.


    However they could be accurate and then this thread will turn to shit lol. 

    • Thanks 1
  3. I LOVED Ben Kingsley and Morris. They should have been in it more. They sort of come in and disappear towards the end. Hopefully they will appear in another project.


    Post credits: Also it was cool to see Cap Marvel and Bruce (Where Prof Hulk go?).  However the Ten rings signal thing went over my head, at least tell us what’s it’s calling out too lol. 

  4. It’s great fun. Good action, hilarious and beautiful visuals.

    I actually thought the CGI was pretty good in the 3rd act (especially with the dragons). The only thing you really notice sometimes is a green screen background. 

    The only real issue I think is exposition. There is a lot of it especially with Leung and Yeoh. It sort of took away from their characters but there such good actors they make it work.


    Simu Liu isn’t a great actor but he does have charisma. I think he will improve as he works more but he struggled to sell the emotional aspects of the film here. The surprise character, his sister, father and Awkwafina steal the movie from him.

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  5. I wouldn’t say it’s Marvel fatigue. They still have a pretty big fanbase.


    However it makes sense that the films would become a bit more front-loaded. Unless it’s a must see event, casual fans are likely to be laid back with new Marvel films.


    I saw Shang Chi just now, I thought it was great fun (to be fair I love anything with Dragons in it). Maybe it will have some good legs, let’s wait and see.


    Also with delta, things are still up in the air a bit so it’s hard to say any movie is performing to their potential at the minute.

    • Like 2
  6. Whether the film turns out good or bad, the reaction to that trailer was phenomenal. It’s one of the most viewed trailer of all time in the first 24 hours.


    Also it’s pretty clear they are hiding a lot of stuff like typical Marvel trailers. The reason they probably chose Alfred Molina to be revealed in the trailer is because he famously talked about being in the movie a few months ago.

  7. 2 minutes ago, ThomasNicole said:

    What turn me off about this trailer is more the visual aspect.


    It just looks... idk ugly. It have this grey pallette all over it which simply doesn´t go along with magic and multiverses. I was shocked that the other ´´timeline´´ have the exact same color grading of ´´our´´timeline, if it wasn´t for the older characters it would look exactly the same.


    It just looks visually uninspired overall, Jon Watts is not a terrible director to deal with characters but his eyes to visuals and action are already pretty bad on the other SM movies, i was hoping that with the experience he get he will be able to pull an interesting look for this movie since it´s so different and have Doctor Strange and his psychedelic tricks, but the trailer didn´t sell me this spectacle, i´m hoping it will be different on the movie itself.

    I get your point.


    However compared to Far from Home and Homecoming, it does seem a good bit brighter. Not saying it’s a good thing but it definitely looks different for some reason.

    • Like 1
  8. James Gunn has been a bit quiet on socials today.


    Honestly this film had such an uphill battle before the pandemic anyway with the bad reception of the first one. Calling it The Suicide Squad in the first place was a big mistake.


    The film is good though and the reception of those who have seen it was really positive so that’s a win.




  9. I thought it was fun. Definitely a James Gunn film. Blood sport and Ratcatcher 2 were great, the film should have focused on them even more imo.


    Harley was fun but her inclusion in this film just felt a bit pointless. Her storyline is completely separate from the team until the end. They could have focused more on the team but instead we got Harleys side adventure.


    One big thing that annoyed me was the death of Polka Dot Man. I thought the character was interesting. They set up back story and everything then he just gets a shit death lol.




    • Like 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, Ms Lady Hawk said:

    Why? Space Jam 2 was PG rated and had a marquee personality in Lebron James. TSS had to overcome its R rating and it didn’t have a huge draw in terms of actors. I don’t think this result is good. It is disappointing, but the sky is not falling. It will do bang up business for HBOMAX and that seems to be the top priority for Warner - at least for the foreseeable future. 

    Ok I agree to an extent.


    However this a DC comic book movie that is getting great reviews. It features big stars like Margot Robbie, Viola Davies and John Cena.


    Also can we really use the r rating as an excuse now that Joker grossed over 1 billion worldwide? 

  11. 5 hours ago, Cap said:

    This feels like you’re reading too much into things. It doesn’t really make a lot of sense to change things right now. I think it would just upset the theater owners, the talent, and the creative team more by doing that. Plus it’s pretty late in the game to change all the advertising. 

    I probably am thinking too much into this. After everything with the Black Widow release, I doubt many at Disney want to upset the heads at Marvel again.


    The lack of news regarding the release of tickets, that is making me think we might get a dual release more than anything.

  12. 3 minutes ago, cax16 said:

    I can’t lie, I’m pretty disappointed with the presales but I’ve been expecting this the last few months and the tracking thread has really kept expectations in check.

    So for me I’m going into the weekend expecting a 20m opening weekend and 50m WW. I’m just excited to see the movie and hope it can help salvage The Suicide Squad brand if that’s possible.

    All I’ve ever wanted is good movies that most people enjoy and this seems like it can be that. Now I just hope for more consistency going forward and more audience trust so the brand can grow. 



    Also even if it opens below expectations, it might have Greatest Showman legs lol. We don’t know yet so don’t worry.


    The only thing on my mind might be how Gunn reacts to a soft opening weekend as he is pushing for people to buy tickets. He will probably think HBO Max screwed him over. 


  13. 3 minutes ago, Johnny Tran said:


    Since the 1st Justice League directed by Whedon,  DC has put out Aquaman, Shazam, Joker,  WW84,  ZSJL and now TSS.  


    Only WW84 had mixed reviews.   What do you mean by "creates good will"? 

    Calm down.


    I just think the DC brand could do even better than it already is. 

    Apart from Aquaman and Joker, I don’t think anything else you listed ( you forget Birds of Prey), really clicked with audiences even though they have gotten strong critical reception.


    • Like 2
  14. The film only has 4 rotten reviews out of 116 so far. That is great stuff. Even some of the tough critics are raving about this film.


    It’s just shocking the review aren’t having much of an impact as I thought so far with pre-sales. However with Delta, HBO Max, piracy and being a sort-of sequel, this film always had an uphill battle.


    Hopefully the film creates good Will needed for the DC brand and WOM will be strong.




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