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Everything posted by Gamora

  1. Everything about Baby Yoda makes me want to weep openly. Give me a goddamn plush of them now. Awesome episode for sure. I felt so damn uncomfortable when he went off after giving Baby Yoda over, so when he finally went back after seeing the knob (😭) I nearly cheered. Then all the other Mandalorians came to help at the end and all was right with the world. It's killing me to know how it's all going to turn out but the weekly airings are definitely the way to go. Make us wait for it.
  2. Lmao, pretty much. Whenever the baby Yoda is onscreen I'm just sitting there staring at them in their cute perfect glory and not thinking about much else other than how adorable they are. Which is fine by me. I'm ngl, the length of the episodes so far is a bummer, I was expecting at least a normal network TV shows duration, and I'm now adjusting my expectations for the MCU TV shows, that's for sure. I won't say it's not well-done, so at least there's that, but I'm hoping the episodes are a bit longer in later episodes. Just like I said after the first episode I'm definitely very intrigued as to where this is going while not having much of an idea. And damn, the music is good, especially the theme, I find myself humming it for a while after I finish watching the episode. And now I can listen to it in full any time.
  3. Damn. Obviously the timing for the first episode was a once off due to the midnight launch of the app. Oh well, not much of a difference for me.
  4. Glad to see we'll have the episodes available at launch, I never even considered it might be held back so it's good to know that won't be the case. And I'm assuming it's dropping at midnight EST on its airing days right? If so that's perfect for us as it's 6pm. While I'll agree the first episode was a bit slow, that ending is definitely a big hook and I'm looking forward to seeing where it's going. It's great we only have to wait until tomorrow for the next one.
  5. It's listed as Eternals in the official picture from SDCC but Feige said The Eternals when introducing them at D23. So in conclusion, idk.
  6. I'm just thrilled they're doing a third one, I figured the AM trilogy might not happen with the schedule so packed so I'm happy to see it's not being dropped. Before EG I wasn't sure what it could be about but after it I figure Cassie might get into the superhero game like people were speculating once the timeskip happened? Whatever it's about I just hope we have more Ghost, her powers were cool and her having worked for SHIELD was something that could definitely be explored, but idk how likely that is.
  7. Disappointed it's not a female composer tbh. I do like Jackman (even for CW) but I really wanted a woman.
  8. I noticed the same for us as well which I figured was to prevent this and TRoS from cannibalising each other. It's a nice surprise though, it was always a bummer having to wait an extra month for them in previous years.
  9. Guess it depends whose "team" you were on, but as someone who was firmly on the anti-Accords side I had to sit through years of having my favourite characters dragged through the mud, so anything that remotely brings that back is not something I want to happen.
  10. Fingers crossed not too much being that fandom was an absolute garbage fire after CW and I have no desire to go through that again. Ever.
  11. God the Accords were bullshit, I hope they don't come up much in this movie.
  12. Idek how the story's going to go with how Revolutions ended but I saw The Matrix at the cinema last night for a 20th anniversary showing and it was great to see on the big screen again. It reminded me just how fantastic it is and how big of a deal it was when it was first released, so I'm hyped. Makes me want to rewatch the sequels as well now even though they were hit or miss (Agent Smith fight = no, Chateau fight leading into freeway fight = something I've watched a million times) just because I'm on that sweet Matrix high.
  13. I greatly prefer the weekly release format as well and I'm guessing Disney does too since people will pay for it longer to watch live. Since I hate spoilers I'm always having to watch the one dump shows as fast as I can which isn't very fast since I don't have time to marathon shit quickly (for the most part). Plus I feel like I don't absorb it as well when I am able to watch shows in one go, so weekly is perfect for me, too. Bring on the discussion and absorption between episodes!
  14. I'm excited too, I certainly wasn't expecting us to get it this quickly. Do we know yet if they're doing a season dump or if it's weekly releases yet? If the latter I'd just get it for the month that would have the finale since I don't plan on having it as a constant. I guess if we don't know yet we might after D23, fingers crossed.
  15. Finally got around to seeing Iron Man Jr, uh I mean Spider-Man, and all I gotta say is I'm glad I had a free ticket.
  16. I saw it again last week but was so late to it (I thought there'd be 20 mins of ads and trailers... I was wrong) I came in just as the director's credit came up, aka after Arabian Nights has just finished. I've gotta watch it again to make up for that because I love that song. I was pretty mad with myself since I've never been that late to a movie, but it was a 9:30am session and I do want some semblance of a sleep-in on the weekend.
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