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Posts posted by Gamora


    Looks like the school holidays are at least keeping it flat, the first one's first week of release grossed $1,268,528 while this one now has a cume of $1.3M despite a lower opening. I2 is obviously hurting it but at least it's getting a bit of a weekday boost by the holidays.

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  2. I'm curious as to how AMatW is going to do because while it's going to have the benefit of the school holidays going for it since they've just started, it's also having to share the premium screens and just screens in general since I'm noticing it doesn't have as many sessions as other blockbusters. JW is still taking a few as well and there's a fuckton of kids' movies out at the moment with HT3 having also just released and I2 only out a couple of weekends too. 


    Looking at the Event session times I checked Albany and Queen Street for I2 and AMatW and the former has more screenings, *and* it looks like the ones Ant-Man is getting are more Gold Class sessions in Albany, which brings down the number of seats available by quite a lot. And I2 has 3 IMAX screenings while AM only has the later two. Plus there's the $10 special on for I2, HT3, and Show Dogs, so that might sway people away from AM as well.


    Ant-Man's final total (as per your list @aabattery) was $2,813,920 and its opening weekend was $1,049,612, so it'll be interesting to see how it does against that with I2 taking a chunk out of it currently.

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  3. 33 minutes ago, kitik said:

    that mid-credit scene bummed some people out


    big crowdpleaser otherwise


    I really hope Captain Marvel has a much more uplifting post-credits scene.

    I definitely think the Captain Marvel one will be more hopeful and get us in the right mood for the impending defeat of Thanos. B)

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  4. On 6/29/2018 at 11:19 AM, AJG said:


    That sounds like the best Marvel middle finger since Cap in Homecoming.

    Lol it totally is. And at the very end with the "Ant Man and the Wasp Will Return" bit, they slowly had a question mark appear. Bastards!:hahaha:


    Probably my only problem with the film was that the Accords continued to be contrived bullshit and having Scott get chewed out for two hours gets a bit tiresome. It's hard to take seriously when Tony broke them in Civil War and nothing happened, and T'Challa went zooming around South Korea blowing cars up and, again, nothing happened. So basically if you signed the Accords you could continue to do whatever the fuck you wanted, but if you didn't you'd better watch out. 🙄 And then of course in IW they're irrelevant because no one's following them, so like, what was the point (to break the Avengers up, I know. Contrived bullshit, like I said).


    But other than that it was very fun and obviously pretty different in a few ways from the first one since it wasn't a heist. It was cool Luis and the gang still had a way to be in it without being forced and I liked how they came to the rescue at the end and that it solved the issue of their business going under. And Luis! His storytelling bit was so perfect and having them give him the truth serum was inspired, everyone was sitting there like, dude, worst person to give that to and try to get info out of lmao.


    I'm glad Ghost and Foster weren't evil and Foster drew the line at her kidnapping Cassie. I thought she might be more sympathetic due to the origin in the comic not being an outright baddie (afaik?) and it'd be great to see her back and being able to control her powers without them causing her pain and killing her. Scott going to get more healing quantum matter or whatever at the end shows that it's still an ongoing thing and she isn't fully fixed, so maybe she could join the gang in the third one? Pretty please? It can be called Ant-Man, The Wasp, and Ghost. 👍


    Speaking of Scott going back into the Quantum Realm, I now have so many questions about how he's going to get back to the normal world. Talk about bad timing with the finger snap. My friend said the drum-playing ant would save him and while I don't quite think so, that would be pretty amazing. 🤣 And Janet temporarily taking over Scott's body and the way they played it was funny and touching. Janet was great in general as well but doesn't show up until the end so she doesn't have a ton to do. The family stuff was front and centre again though as usual, which is always nice. This time there was Scott and Cassie, Janet, Hank and Hope, and Bill and Ava, so I liked that a lot. It was also good to see Cassie's mother and stepdad (can't remember their names) being on good terms with Scott unlike the last one, at least he had some people in his corner.


    The way they played with the sizes was fun as well, the bit with Scott being shrunk down and Hope having a laugh at his expense was hilarious and the way his regulator was fucking up and making him go huge and child-sized brought some good variety. And thankfully Hope wasn't cranky throughout the whole film like people were worried about. I was so happy to see a lot more of her in this since she really did have an equal role to play and got to kick a lot of ass - probably more than Scott but he got his fair share of moments as well.

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  5. Just saw it a second time and liked it even more than the first viewing. The friend I was with also really enjoyed it and she's a pretty big Star Wars fans (who also loved TLJ). People in general seemed to like it as well there was a decent buzz afterwards afterward and this showing was a lot more full.


    An old dude next to my friend really got into it as well, he leaned forward a few times during the film and after they escaped that tentacle monster he exclaimed out loud that that was tense. So I'm fairly certain he had a good time. :D

    • Like 3
  6. 19 minutes ago, Porthos said:

    I'll Lucasfilm credit for one thing.  They aren't fucking around with this Unified Storytelling bit.


    If I hadn't been spoiled about Darth Maul, I might have said "Holy Shit" loudly in the theater.  As it was, I did hear a couple of gasps.


    I never thought that LFL would have the cajones to put Maul in a feature film without tedious and banal exposition.  And doubly so for Lawrence Kasdan  That they ripped that fucking bandaid right off and dared the audience to accept it was a brave move.  And, for me at least, one that worked 100%.


    Some might bitch that they weren't told how Maul survived.  Maybe that's happened in this thread.  My answer is: It's unimportant to this film.  He's not a central character to the film so answering how he survived in TPM just isn't important to the tale being told.  At worst it's a mystery that folks are supposed to wonder about.  A plot thread to be picked up elsewhere.


    But since the answer is literally one click away on Netflix....

    I was shocked when Maul showed up as well, it was pretty cool. And I like how this seemed like it'd be the first SW movie without a lightsaber in it but then that happened. Can't break the streak. :lol: That's a good point about them not explaining how he's still alive after he died in TPM; I haven't watched whichever cartoon it was that he came back in but I did know about it so I wasn't completely confused about it.


    Regarding L3 I was surprised by what happened with her, if only because she's still alive and kicking in the novel that just came out, Last Shot. I did like how Lando risked his life to save her though, that was a touching moment. And Enfys Nest! She didn't get a lot but I wasn't expecting a ton from her anyway, but the turn her character took was a good one and I can see why the actor was signed for more films (whether or not those actually happen).


    You're right about it not being epic but that that wasn't what they were going for anyway, which is so true and there's nothing wrong with it. Not everything can or should be, so it was a nice change of pace and I appreciated it.

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  7. 25 minutes ago, aabattery said:

    There were so many double crosses in the end, which is right up my alley. Doesn't meet the insanity of the Pirates movies in that regard but a strong showing regardless. 

    I liked that as well and the fact that Han was able to get one up over Beckett. I'm also relieved that Qi'ra didn't die or completely betray Han because I thought that was going to be her ultimate fate. Sure she left Han but she saved him from Vos first. Speaking of which, I'm glad she was the one to kill Vos as well because that was bad ass.

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