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Posts posted by Gamora

  1. 7 minutes ago, john2000 said:

    does it really matter though ?

    Yes? Because film scoring is extremely male and I'm sure there's women out there who deserve to have a chance to get a big movie like this. If women headlining movies and directing them is important, scoring should be as well.



    A 2018 study by the University of Southern California revealed that for the top 100 fictional films at the box office every year from 2007 to 2017, only 16 female composers were hired, compared with more than 1,200 men.


    Another report, from the Center for the Study of Women in Television and Film, showed that of the top 250 films at the domestic box office in 2018, 94 percent were scored by men.


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  2. 24 minutes ago, TMP said:

    How do Grace Randolph's BS tweets always get so big that they need the trades to disprove them?

    I think it's that she says what people want to be true. So many want to see BW asap they've deluded themselves into thinking Disney would lose a fuckton in revenue just so they can watch the movie. They're thinking about it from their POV and wanting to get their fix and not from a business POV. People are always more willing to believe something that benefits them like this. It's pretty hilarious watching people claim that since there's no new movies out Disney should do this to make us happy, like they care about that more than money. :hahaha:


    Lol @ her doubling down on it while also saying it might not happen. Love that she can never be fully proven wrong with that little bit in there.

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  3. 40 minutes ago, AJG said:

    Online CBM fanboy community shares a lot in common with the online video game fanboy community: they’re filled with kids and mentally ill adults.
    Click on the twitter accounts of people that respond to Randolph posts on twitter. It’s never regular degular people. It’s anonymous accounts making 50+post a day shilling their fave franchise. These people are sheep. They make it easy for people like Randolph to build an audience.

    I didn't take that close a look at it and only had a quick scroll, but I will say that generally modern fandom sets my teeth on edge so I mostly don't participate any more. Forums can be better but twitter is absolutely obnoxious and filled with ridiculous screeching stans so I limit my viewing of that. I suppose all one can do is hope that they eventually grow out of it or find something better to do with their lives. But until Disney release an official statement about it I can see many more clickbait headlines being written about this while there's not much other news coming out and people bored at home jumping all over it.

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  4. If they released BW onto VOD I would be beyond gutted. I'm dying to see it but I don't care if I have to wait until next May for a theatrical release, screw digital. I want to see her solo on the big screen in a sold out cinema, not on my god damn tv by myself.


    That being said I'm not worried because lol Grace Randolph as the "source". I'm also sitting here wondering why people listen to her in the slightest, it's truly baffling. I see some BW fans getting upset and starting petitions for it to be released theatrically and I'm like, honey, don't worry about that shit in the least. But I wouldn't bother engaging with anyone on twitter since they're too set on freaking out over a ridiculous rumour with little logic or reasoning behind it.


    Even though we're on lockdown here I got my copy of Empire in the post from the UK and the cover is just so beautiful I keep staring at it. It fucking sucks we're going to have to wait lord knows how long but obviously what's happening IRL is much more important than a movie. Speaking of BW merch, I got an email saying my order of the Prelude comic has shipped, so at least I can read that when it gets here. :lol:

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  5. There's so many variables right now between when cinemas will open again, what dates could be taken, when filming for upcoming movies can even start up again that I'm just not thinking about it myself. There's too much we don't know and a ton left to be determined as it depends on how long this will drag out. It completely sucks but there's not much else to do but sit and wait.


    I was also thinking about moving BW to August and leaving Eternals in Nov as well, but will cinemas be open again by then? If they move BW to Nov and push everything back, is November even safe? Far too hard to tell at this point so I'll expect the worst while hoping for the best. But claiming a date now even if it has to be moved again may be for the best, and the worst that could happen is they'd have to reschedule it at a later date. 

  6. 30 minutes ago, doublejack said:


    No, I'm not. Re-read my posts.


    I state that it is a fact the May 2020 release date is not happening. I then said possibly BW is released late this year, but more likely it slides into next year. I'm trying to be very realistic about the situation and guesstimating when the film can be released as a thought exercise. My data says many still don't have a grasp on the situation and tend to underestimate the long term impacts.

    Personally I'm preparing myself for it being pushed back a year as well. Who knows if that'll happen since we'll have to see how this all proceeds, but I'm thinking worst case scenario kinda thing. Of course that will push back the entire MCU slate as it seems they play into each other (I thought I'd heard that at least? I stay away from spoilers so I can't say for sure myself, only what I've read), but with everything that's going on right now, I can see it as a possibility. I'd prefer that to releasing it on streaming though, cuz fuck that. I want to see this shit in IMAX not on my TV screen. All we can do is wait though, I can imagine Disney and Marvel are just in a holding pattern now and once it is announced to be pulled from its current release date, I wouldn't be surprised if we don't get a new one for a while.

  7. I'm not watching the trailer but I'd totally be for watching a dude (if Taskmaster is a man) doing all BW's flippy moves. 👍


    I'm having a hard time getting excited about this because of the whole virus thing though, I gotta say, I'm too busy being worried about how it'll play out if the release does go ahead as scheduled. I'd much rather have to wait longer to see it than to have it released and under-perform because people can't go out or just don't want to risk it. 

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  8. 1 minute ago, Valonqar said:

    I'm traumtized every time this thread updates for I expect a delay news any time now. :sadno:

    At this point I'd prefer a delay, no point releasing it when people can't/won't go to the movies.


    2 minutes ago, dudalb said:

    Don't think behind the scenes all the studios are not in panic mode over the virus and drawing up contingency plans now.

    Real problem is even if the theaters are not closed by the government, a lot of people are going avoid crowds whenever possible.

    Very true. It's one thing for theatres to be open but another for people to actually go. Even if some do go to see it, how many would be staying home who would've otherwise gone?

    • Like 2
  9. 7 minutes ago, john2000 said:

    usually the trailers for mcu may movies come in 10-15 of march so as of now its right on time

    Hmm. Seems to be a bit of a mixed bag. Looking at May releases I can see Civil War released one on 11th March but then Vol 2 did one on 2nd March while IW did 17th March and EG 14th March. Meanwhile CM and BP both had trailers well before the 2 month mark. I guess the next 10 days will be telling unless we hear something directly from Marvel.

  10. So with Bond delayed there seems to be a possibility this will be as well. Shouldn't a second trailer have been released by this point? Seems a bit suspicious that we haven't seen it yet, I thought they usually did one 2 months before release. They could maybe be putting the decision off and seeing how this all turns out since there's 57 days to go, but they've got to be at least thinking about it.

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  11. 34 minutes ago, lorddemaxus said:

    They haven't done the week early thing in two years. I doubt they were going to do it for this movie. This might give them incentive to do it now though.

    Eternals is listed in NZ and Aus for 29/10 so it would seem like they were always planning for the earlier international release for this one. 

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